International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 2024
Water quality is crucial for public health, food security, and ecological balance. In heavily uti... more Water quality is crucial for public health, food security, and ecological balance. In heavily utilized water resources, the risk of microbial contamination, indicated by total and fecal coliforms, increases, posing significant public health and environmental challenges. These coliforms are key indicators used to assess water quality and treatment effectiveness. The objective of this study is to investigate the pathways and impact of total and fecal coliform contamination from wastewater to river systems in Garut Regency, Indonesia, and to assess its implications for clean water resources and agricultural practices. We assessed the levels of total and fecal coliforms in wastewater, well water used for drinking water source, as well as in river water used for agricultural irrigation across different areas of Garut Regency, Indonesia. The laboratory analysis showed that fecal and total coliform levels in the Cigulampeng River in Garut Kota Sub-District surpassed the standards outlined in Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021, Class II, which is intended for irrigation. Additionally, the total coliform levels in well water from Karangpawitan Sub-District exceeded the safe limits for drinking water. In Tarogong Kidul Sub-District, both residential river water and a company's well water were found to be unsuitable for irrigation and drinking, respectively, due to elevated coliform levels.
Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut ... more Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut Regency is surrounded by active mountains with topographic characteristics of the northern part consisting of plateaus and mountains, while the southern part of the surface has a steep steepness and in some areas is unstable. Garut Regency, which is geographically prone to disasters, is the duty of the District Government and the community to protect Garut Regency and the community from disasters. As part of the overall disaster management, the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction stages becomes an important stage. Analysis of environmental impacts of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities is an activity needed to assess the impacts that arise on post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency. The research objective was to analyze the environmental impact of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency on domestic solid waste generation and runoff. The results showed that the activities in post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction amenities in Garut Regency will change the land use, generate the solid waste of 1,07 m 3 /day and runoff of 2,73 m 3 /day. Land use changes can be maintaining by providing the green open space according to the regulation standard, moreover, the possible treatment for solid waste management is through TPS 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle at temporary waste collection site (TPS)) meanwhile runoff management can be managed by providing the proper drainage and infiltration wells.
Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut ... more Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut Regency is surrounded by active mountains with topographic characteristics of the northern part consisting of plateaus and mountains, while the southern part of the surface has a steep steepness and in some areas is unstable. Garut Regency, which is geographically prone to disasters, is the duty of the District Government and the community to protect Garut Regency and the community from disasters. As part of the overall disaster management, the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction stages becomes an important stage. Analysis of environmental impacts of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities is an activity needed to assess the impacts that arise on post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency. The research objective was to analyze the environmental impact of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency on domestic solid waste generation and runoff. The results showed that the activities in post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction amenities in Garut Regency will change the land use, generate the solid waste of 1,07 m 3 /day and runoff of 2,73 m 3 /day. Land use changes can be maintaining by providing the green open space according to the regulation standard, moreover, the possible treatment for solid waste management is through TPS 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle at temporary waste collection site (TPS)) meanwhile runoff management can be managed by providing the proper drainage and infiltration wells.
International Journal of Research and Review, 2024
Bagasse is another by-product of the sugar industry, consisting of the diverse fibrous material l... more Bagasse is another by-product of the sugar industry, consisting of the diverse fibrous material left behind after the sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract the juice. As the demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources increases, sugarcane bagasse has attracted significant attention as a promising raw material for bio-alcohol production. The objective of this study was to explore the feasibility and efficiency of using sugarcane bagasse as a raw material for bio-alcohol production. The utilization of sugarcane bagasse for bio-alcohol production involves several processes, including pretreatment, hydrolysis, fermentation, and distillation. In this study, NaOH solution was used during the pretreatment stage, while H2SO4 solution was employed in the hydrolysis stage. During fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae was added in quantities of 4 grams and 5 grams, with fermentation periods of 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 days. Each treatment was conducted in triplicate. The results indicated that the highest alcohol content was achieved with 5 grams of yeast and a fermentation time of 7 days, yielding bio-alcohol content of 3.08% (v/v). This study plays a role in furthering the development of sustainable and renewable energy innovations.
International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability and Social Science, Jun 4, 2023
An increase in population in Surabaya City may have an impact on the activities of industrial, tr... more An increase in population in Surabaya City may have an impact on the activities of industrial, trade and service centres. One of the most important supporting facilities is the transportation sector. The use of fuel in transportation is the main cause of the impact on air quality. This study aims to evaluate the concentration of carbon monoxide on main roads in Surabaya City and to analyze the effect of vehicles on carbon monoxide on the main roads in the city of Surabaya on covid-19 transition. The research was conducted in the field by directly measuring the concentration of carbon monoxide and the number of vehicles on three main roads in Surabaya. The results of carbon monoxide measurements and the number of vehicles were analyzed using linear regression. This research reveals that, generally, the carbon monoxide concentration has exceeded the air quality standard based on Government Regulation no. 22 of 2021. This result indicates that many people have traveled for various activities in the city after the covid-19 outbreak. In addition, based on the results of the linear regression test, it is known that there is a significant effect of the number of vehicles on the carbon monoxide concentration.
Carbon monoxide is a pollutant that can interfere with human life and the environment. One of the... more Carbon monoxide is a pollutant that can interfere with human life and the environment. One of the sources of carbon monoxide pollutants comes from motor vehicle emissions. Heavy traffic can result in poor air quality. The city of Surabaya is the largest metropolitan city after Jakarta. One of the heavy traffic in the city of Surabaya is the Margorejo Ahmad Yani intersection, this intersection is the link between Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The purpose of this study is to determine the results of carbon monoxide in the field, predict the Gaussian Plume model, and calculate the results of field data validation and model data. Determination of the location of the sampling point is based on SNI 19-7119.6.9, 2005 section 6, so that a total of 6 sampling points can represent the intersection. The average yield of carbon monoxide in the field on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in a row is 14,336 μg/m3, 13,615 μg/m3, 16,881 μg/m3. The distribution distance of the Gaussian model simulation on Saturd...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Food is one of the basic human needs. The availability of restaurants is very essential to suppor... more Food is one of the basic human needs. The availability of restaurants is very essential to support human life. In addition, the existence of restaurants in Garut Regency, which is one of the favourite tourist destinations in West Java, benefits local residents due to the opportunity for working and increasing the original local government revenue. A sustainable restaurant operation should be achieved regarding the impact of restaurant activities on the environment. The objectives of the study were to assess the impact of RM Restaurant on the environment and develop environmental management and monitoring. This research was a descriptive quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative analysis aimed to analyse land use, surface water quality, water usage, and solid waste generation. The descriptive qualitative analysis was performed to come up with suggestions for environmental management and monitoring. This research was conducted in January-March 2022 during the operation o...
International journal of life science and agriculture research, May 31, 2024
Escherichia coli is generally considered a harmless bacterium, but numerous strains are well-know... more Escherichia coli is generally considered a harmless bacterium, but numerous strains are well-known for causing diseases globally and frequently exhibit antibiotic resistance. Therefore, it's crucial to discover new natural products to combat these bacteria. Meanwhile, a significant amount of pineapple (Ananas comosus) peel ends up as waste. This study aims to examine the antibacterial activity of pineapple (Ananas comosus) fruit peel extract against E. coli. The preparation of pineapple (Ananas comosus) peel extract involves grinding, maceration with 96% ethanol, and evaporation. The phytochemical test was conducted to assess the presence of active compounds. Flavonoids were identified using Shinoda's test, tannins with Ferric Chloride, and saponins by detecting foaming development. Antibiotic analysis was carried out following the Kirby-Bauer Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Test Protocol. Disks soaked in Ananas comosus peel extract at concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% were placed on Mueller-Hinton (MH) agar inoculated with an E. coli suspension. One-way ANOVA was employed to analyze differences between treatments. The phytochemical test results revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, and saponins in pineapple peel extract. The highest inhibition zone, measuring 2.231 mm, was observed with 100% Ananas comosus peel extract. Statistical analysis confirmed significant differences between the groups with a significance value of 0.000 (p<0.05). This suggests that pineapple peel extract could be useful in removing E. coli, rather than being discarded as waste. Further research is needed to gain a better understanding of the antibacterial mechanism.
Masalah pencemaran udara merupakan persoalan tahunan yang terus terjadi di setiap kota. Kota Sura... more Masalah pencemaran udara merupakan persoalan tahunan yang terus terjadi di setiap kota. Kota Surabaya adalah salah satu kota dengan jumlah penduduk yang cukup padat sehingga berbanding lurus dengan jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang digunakan. Kendaraan bermotor serta kawasan perindustrian yang berada di Surabaya menyumbang emisi terbesar ke udara sehingga memiliki kualitas udara yang rendah kareana adanya pencemaran tersebut. Kualitas udara berkaitan erat dengan pencemaran, untuk mengetahui tingkat kadar pencemaran udara pengukuran kualitas udara mengacu pada indeks standar parameter pencemaran udara (ISPU). Parameter pemantauan yang digunakan salah satunya adalah Particulate matter 10. PM10 merupakan pencemar primer yang beremisi langsung ke udara yang berdampak serius bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan Bundaran Taman Pelangi Surabaya selama 3 hari dengan selang waktu hari kerja dan hari libur dengan interval waktu pada pagi, siang dan sore hari. Analis...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Geothermal as one of the potential environmental services in conservation areas is increasingly b... more Geothermal as one of the potential environmental services in conservation areas is increasingly being taken into account. According to the Government Regulation No. 25 of 2021 on the Implementation of the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector, geothermal can be used directly or indirectly. The geothermal tourism of Awit Sinar Alam Darajat is an example of the direct utilization of geothermal energy for tourism. This study aims to assess the impact of geothermal tourism on the environment and develop environmental management and monitoring. The analysis was carried out utilizing a qualitative and quantitative methods approach. Data were collected from secondary data and analyzed to develop environmental management and monitoring. The result showed that the environmental impact of geothermal tourism includes the change of land use, the decrease in geothermal quantity and the generation of quality, and solid waste. We recommend environmental management, such as setting the minimum standa...
Karbon monoksida merupakan gas buang hasil pembakaran tidak sempurna yang terjadi di dalam mesin ... more Karbon monoksida merupakan gas buang hasil pembakaran tidak sempurna yang terjadi di dalam mesin kendaraan bermotor. Akumulasi gas karbon monoksida yang memenuhi udara ambien dapat menyebabkan pencemaran udara. Aloha merupakan salah satu kawasan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang memiliki intensitas tinggi terhadap penggunaan kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi pencemaran udara akibat gas karbon monoksida jika ditinjau dari baku mutu yang terdapat dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No 22 Tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi secara langsung di lapangan dengan analisis hasil secara deskriptif. Konsentrasi karbon monoksida pada hari sabtu, minggu, dan senin rata rata telah melebihi baku mutu udara ambien. Nilai konsentrasi karbon monoksida terbesar selama pengukuran sebesar 24.049,1 μg/m³ terjadi saat hari senin, sedangkan nilai terkecil yang didapatkan sebesar 8.016,4 μg/m³ terjadi di semua hari pada beberapa titik sampel diwaktu yang berbeda. Nilai konsentrasi karbon monoksida di Kawasan Aloha Sidoarjo selama pengukuran, rata rata telah melebihi baku mutu udara ambien.
Kota Sidoarjo adalah salah satu kota yang terdapat di Jawa Timur dan kota tersebut termasuk kedal... more Kota Sidoarjo adalah salah satu kota yang terdapat di Jawa Timur dan kota tersebut termasuk kedalam kota yang padat penduduk, khususnya Desa Tambak Cemandi. Padatnya penduduk di Kota Sidoarjo menyebabkan terkumpulnya sampah yang dapat menggenangi aliran Sungai Tambak Cemandi, yang dapat menyebabkan terganggunya ekosistem sungai tersebut. Dikarenakan ada permasalahan tersebut maka diperlukan pemantauan kualitas air salah satunya dengan cara biomonitoring. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kualitas air tercemar Sungai Tambak Cemandi berdasarkan parameter fisika dan kimia, mengetahui struktur komunitas makroinvertebrata yang terdapat di Sungai Tambak Cemandi, mengetahui korelasi struktur komunitas makroinvertebrata dengan kualitas air yang terdapat di Sungai Tambak Cemandi. Penelitian dilakukan di Sungai Tambak Cemandi di Desa Kalanganyar Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Sampling pengambilan air untuk uji parameter fisika kimia dilakukan dengan cara mengambil air di sisi kiri sungai dan kanan sungai, serta pengambilan sampling makroinvertebrata dilakukan di 3 titik. Hasil korelasi yang didapatkan yaitu pada keanekaragaman terdapat korelasi sedangkan pada keseragaman makroinvertebrata tidak terdapat korelasi dengan kualitas air di Sungai Tambak Cemandi.
Kali Jagir is located in Wonokromo District with a total population of 146,785 inhabitants. 24% o... more Kali Jagir is located in Wonokromo District with a total population of 146,785 inhabitants. 24% of land use in the Wonokromo area is a residential area that disposes of domestic waste such as garbage, laundry waste, and other waste into the Surabaya River stream either directly or indirectly. Disposal of domestic waste from residential areas around the Jagir River results in a decrease in water quality, as well as a decrease in the function of the river, and an increase in the pollutant load that will be received by the river. The method used is descriptive quantitative research method. The water sampling point was determined using the purposive sampling method. The data used is primary data from researchers who have conducted quality analysis at three points of Kali Jagir in 2021. Based on the results, the pollution load value of Kali Jagir Surabaya has exceeded the maximum pollution load capacity that can be accepted by water bodies. Total pollution load in Kali Jagir Surabaya based on TSS parameter is 12,360,924.86 kg/day, BOD parameter is 259,169.08 kg/day, and COD parameter is 6,455,103.32 kg/day.Kali Jagir yang berada di Kecamatan Wonokromo dengan jumlah 146,785 jiwa penduduk. 24% penggunaan lahan di Wilayah Wonokromo merupakan daerah pemukiman yang membuang limbah domestik seperti sampah, hasil buangan laundry, dan limbah lainnya ke aliran Kali Surabaya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pembuangan limbah domestik dari daerah pemukiman di sekitar Kali Jagir tersebut mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air, juga penurunan fungsi sungai, dan meningkatnya beban pencemar yang akan diterima sungai. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Titik pengambilan sampel air ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dari peneliti yang telah melakukan analisis kualitas di tigatitik Kali Jagir pada tahun 2021. Berdasarkan hasi lnilai beban pencemaran Kali Jagir Surabaya telah melebihi daya tampung beban pencemaran maksimal yang dapat diterima oleh badan air. Total beban pencemaran pada Kali Jagir Surabaya berdasarkan parameter TSS adalah 12.360.924,86 kg/hari, parameter BOD sebesar 259.169,08 kg/hari, dan parameter COD sebesar 6.455.103,32 kg/hari
This research using a bioremediation treatment process with anaerobic-aerobic system by mixing to... more This research using a bioremediation treatment process with anaerobic-aerobic system by mixing tofu liquid waste and EM4 solution into the reactor. The variation of EM4 solution that will be used in this research is 1/20 of concentration with 1/10 of concentration and detention time. This research was conducted for 8 days. The result showed that EM4 solution was able to reduce BOD, COD, and TSS by usinng variations in concentration and detention time. The most significant decrease in BOD, COD, adn TSS levels occured on the 8 day. BOD levels for the first reactor at a concentration of 1/10 with a removal efficiency of 48,98% and a second reactor with removal efficiency of 48,98%. For the 1/20 concentration the removal efficiency was 37,33% and in second reactor the removal efficiency was 37,34%. COD levels for the first reactor at a concentration of 1/10 with a removal efficiency of 61,82% and a second reacotor with removal efficiency of 62,10%. For the 1/20 concentration the remova...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Indonesia’s energy demand has increased in recent years in line with the increase in economic gro... more Indonesia’s energy demand has increased in recent years in line with the increase in economic growth and population in Indonesia. Most of this energy is derived from non-renewable sources such as oil, natural gas, and coal. These trends will have a significant impact on energy depletion. One solution to overcome this problem is developing alternative energy resources to replace petroleum, such as bio-alcohol. The objective of this study was to analyze the potential of bio-alcohol production from organic waste, that is, banana peel. This research is experimental. Bio-alcohol was obtained through a fermentation process of 3 types of banana peels waste, including Raja banana (Musa acuminata×M. balbisiana) peel, Agung banana (Musa paradisiaca) peel, and Nangka banana (Musa acuminata×M. balbisiana) peel. Fermentation was conducted using variations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae of 1%, 3%, and 5% with a fermentation time of 5 days. All experiments were performed in duplicate. The results sho...
International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 2024
Water quality is crucial for public health, food security, and ecological balance. In heavily uti... more Water quality is crucial for public health, food security, and ecological balance. In heavily utilized water resources, the risk of microbial contamination, indicated by total and fecal coliforms, increases, posing significant public health and environmental challenges. These coliforms are key indicators used to assess water quality and treatment effectiveness. The objective of this study is to investigate the pathways and impact of total and fecal coliform contamination from wastewater to river systems in Garut Regency, Indonesia, and to assess its implications for clean water resources and agricultural practices. We assessed the levels of total and fecal coliforms in wastewater, well water used for drinking water source, as well as in river water used for agricultural irrigation across different areas of Garut Regency, Indonesia. The laboratory analysis showed that fecal and total coliform levels in the Cigulampeng River in Garut Kota Sub-District surpassed the standards outlined in Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021, Class II, which is intended for irrigation. Additionally, the total coliform levels in well water from Karangpawitan Sub-District exceeded the safe limits for drinking water. In Tarogong Kidul Sub-District, both residential river water and a company's well water were found to be unsuitable for irrigation and drinking, respectively, due to elevated coliform levels.
Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut ... more Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut Regency is surrounded by active mountains with topographic characteristics of the northern part consisting of plateaus and mountains, while the southern part of the surface has a steep steepness and in some areas is unstable. Garut Regency, which is geographically prone to disasters, is the duty of the District Government and the community to protect Garut Regency and the community from disasters. As part of the overall disaster management, the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction stages becomes an important stage. Analysis of environmental impacts of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities is an activity needed to assess the impacts that arise on post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency. The research objective was to analyze the environmental impact of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency on domestic solid waste generation and runoff. The results showed that the activities in post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction amenities in Garut Regency will change the land use, generate the solid waste of 1,07 m 3 /day and runoff of 2,73 m 3 /day. Land use changes can be maintaining by providing the green open space according to the regulation standard, moreover, the possible treatment for solid waste management is through TPS 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle at temporary waste collection site (TPS)) meanwhile runoff management can be managed by providing the proper drainage and infiltration wells.
Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut ... more Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut Regency is surrounded by active mountains with topographic characteristics of the northern part consisting of plateaus and mountains, while the southern part of the surface has a steep steepness and in some areas is unstable. Garut Regency, which is geographically prone to disasters, is the duty of the District Government and the community to protect Garut Regency and the community from disasters. As part of the overall disaster management, the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction stages becomes an important stage. Analysis of environmental impacts of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities is an activity needed to assess the impacts that arise on post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency. The research objective was to analyze the environmental impact of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency on domestic solid waste generation and runoff. The results showed that the activities in post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction amenities in Garut Regency will change the land use, generate the solid waste of 1,07 m 3 /day and runoff of 2,73 m 3 /day. Land use changes can be maintaining by providing the green open space according to the regulation standard, moreover, the possible treatment for solid waste management is through TPS 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle at temporary waste collection site (TPS)) meanwhile runoff management can be managed by providing the proper drainage and infiltration wells.
International Journal of Research and Review, 2024
Bagasse is another by-product of the sugar industry, consisting of the diverse fibrous material l... more Bagasse is another by-product of the sugar industry, consisting of the diverse fibrous material left behind after the sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract the juice. As the demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources increases, sugarcane bagasse has attracted significant attention as a promising raw material for bio-alcohol production. The objective of this study was to explore the feasibility and efficiency of using sugarcane bagasse as a raw material for bio-alcohol production. The utilization of sugarcane bagasse for bio-alcohol production involves several processes, including pretreatment, hydrolysis, fermentation, and distillation. In this study, NaOH solution was used during the pretreatment stage, while H2SO4 solution was employed in the hydrolysis stage. During fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae was added in quantities of 4 grams and 5 grams, with fermentation periods of 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 days. Each treatment was conducted in triplicate. The results indicated that the highest alcohol content was achieved with 5 grams of yeast and a fermentation time of 7 days, yielding bio-alcohol content of 3.08% (v/v). This study plays a role in furthering the development of sustainable and renewable energy innovations.
International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability and Social Science, Jun 4, 2023
An increase in population in Surabaya City may have an impact on the activities of industrial, tr... more An increase in population in Surabaya City may have an impact on the activities of industrial, trade and service centres. One of the most important supporting facilities is the transportation sector. The use of fuel in transportation is the main cause of the impact on air quality. This study aims to evaluate the concentration of carbon monoxide on main roads in Surabaya City and to analyze the effect of vehicles on carbon monoxide on the main roads in the city of Surabaya on covid-19 transition. The research was conducted in the field by directly measuring the concentration of carbon monoxide and the number of vehicles on three main roads in Surabaya. The results of carbon monoxide measurements and the number of vehicles were analyzed using linear regression. This research reveals that, generally, the carbon monoxide concentration has exceeded the air quality standard based on Government Regulation no. 22 of 2021. This result indicates that many people have traveled for various activities in the city after the covid-19 outbreak. In addition, based on the results of the linear regression test, it is known that there is a significant effect of the number of vehicles on the carbon monoxide concentration.
Carbon monoxide is a pollutant that can interfere with human life and the environment. One of the... more Carbon monoxide is a pollutant that can interfere with human life and the environment. One of the sources of carbon monoxide pollutants comes from motor vehicle emissions. Heavy traffic can result in poor air quality. The city of Surabaya is the largest metropolitan city after Jakarta. One of the heavy traffic in the city of Surabaya is the Margorejo Ahmad Yani intersection, this intersection is the link between Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The purpose of this study is to determine the results of carbon monoxide in the field, predict the Gaussian Plume model, and calculate the results of field data validation and model data. Determination of the location of the sampling point is based on SNI 19-7119.6.9, 2005 section 6, so that a total of 6 sampling points can represent the intersection. The average yield of carbon monoxide in the field on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in a row is 14,336 μg/m3, 13,615 μg/m3, 16,881 μg/m3. The distribution distance of the Gaussian model simulation on Saturd...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Food is one of the basic human needs. The availability of restaurants is very essential to suppor... more Food is one of the basic human needs. The availability of restaurants is very essential to support human life. In addition, the existence of restaurants in Garut Regency, which is one of the favourite tourist destinations in West Java, benefits local residents due to the opportunity for working and increasing the original local government revenue. A sustainable restaurant operation should be achieved regarding the impact of restaurant activities on the environment. The objectives of the study were to assess the impact of RM Restaurant on the environment and develop environmental management and monitoring. This research was a descriptive quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative analysis aimed to analyse land use, surface water quality, water usage, and solid waste generation. The descriptive qualitative analysis was performed to come up with suggestions for environmental management and monitoring. This research was conducted in January-March 2022 during the operation o...
International journal of life science and agriculture research, May 31, 2024
Escherichia coli is generally considered a harmless bacterium, but numerous strains are well-know... more Escherichia coli is generally considered a harmless bacterium, but numerous strains are well-known for causing diseases globally and frequently exhibit antibiotic resistance. Therefore, it's crucial to discover new natural products to combat these bacteria. Meanwhile, a significant amount of pineapple (Ananas comosus) peel ends up as waste. This study aims to examine the antibacterial activity of pineapple (Ananas comosus) fruit peel extract against E. coli. The preparation of pineapple (Ananas comosus) peel extract involves grinding, maceration with 96% ethanol, and evaporation. The phytochemical test was conducted to assess the presence of active compounds. Flavonoids were identified using Shinoda's test, tannins with Ferric Chloride, and saponins by detecting foaming development. Antibiotic analysis was carried out following the Kirby-Bauer Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Test Protocol. Disks soaked in Ananas comosus peel extract at concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% were placed on Mueller-Hinton (MH) agar inoculated with an E. coli suspension. One-way ANOVA was employed to analyze differences between treatments. The phytochemical test results revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, and saponins in pineapple peel extract. The highest inhibition zone, measuring 2.231 mm, was observed with 100% Ananas comosus peel extract. Statistical analysis confirmed significant differences between the groups with a significance value of 0.000 (p<0.05). This suggests that pineapple peel extract could be useful in removing E. coli, rather than being discarded as waste. Further research is needed to gain a better understanding of the antibacterial mechanism.
Masalah pencemaran udara merupakan persoalan tahunan yang terus terjadi di setiap kota. Kota Sura... more Masalah pencemaran udara merupakan persoalan tahunan yang terus terjadi di setiap kota. Kota Surabaya adalah salah satu kota dengan jumlah penduduk yang cukup padat sehingga berbanding lurus dengan jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang digunakan. Kendaraan bermotor serta kawasan perindustrian yang berada di Surabaya menyumbang emisi terbesar ke udara sehingga memiliki kualitas udara yang rendah kareana adanya pencemaran tersebut. Kualitas udara berkaitan erat dengan pencemaran, untuk mengetahui tingkat kadar pencemaran udara pengukuran kualitas udara mengacu pada indeks standar parameter pencemaran udara (ISPU). Parameter pemantauan yang digunakan salah satunya adalah Particulate matter 10. PM10 merupakan pencemar primer yang beremisi langsung ke udara yang berdampak serius bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan Bundaran Taman Pelangi Surabaya selama 3 hari dengan selang waktu hari kerja dan hari libur dengan interval waktu pada pagi, siang dan sore hari. Analis...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Geothermal as one of the potential environmental services in conservation areas is increasingly b... more Geothermal as one of the potential environmental services in conservation areas is increasingly being taken into account. According to the Government Regulation No. 25 of 2021 on the Implementation of the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector, geothermal can be used directly or indirectly. The geothermal tourism of Awit Sinar Alam Darajat is an example of the direct utilization of geothermal energy for tourism. This study aims to assess the impact of geothermal tourism on the environment and develop environmental management and monitoring. The analysis was carried out utilizing a qualitative and quantitative methods approach. Data were collected from secondary data and analyzed to develop environmental management and monitoring. The result showed that the environmental impact of geothermal tourism includes the change of land use, the decrease in geothermal quantity and the generation of quality, and solid waste. We recommend environmental management, such as setting the minimum standa...
Karbon monoksida merupakan gas buang hasil pembakaran tidak sempurna yang terjadi di dalam mesin ... more Karbon monoksida merupakan gas buang hasil pembakaran tidak sempurna yang terjadi di dalam mesin kendaraan bermotor. Akumulasi gas karbon monoksida yang memenuhi udara ambien dapat menyebabkan pencemaran udara. Aloha merupakan salah satu kawasan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang memiliki intensitas tinggi terhadap penggunaan kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi pencemaran udara akibat gas karbon monoksida jika ditinjau dari baku mutu yang terdapat dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No 22 Tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi secara langsung di lapangan dengan analisis hasil secara deskriptif. Konsentrasi karbon monoksida pada hari sabtu, minggu, dan senin rata rata telah melebihi baku mutu udara ambien. Nilai konsentrasi karbon monoksida terbesar selama pengukuran sebesar 24.049,1 μg/m³ terjadi saat hari senin, sedangkan nilai terkecil yang didapatkan sebesar 8.016,4 μg/m³ terjadi di semua hari pada beberapa titik sampel diwaktu yang berbeda. Nilai konsentrasi karbon monoksida di Kawasan Aloha Sidoarjo selama pengukuran, rata rata telah melebihi baku mutu udara ambien.
Kota Sidoarjo adalah salah satu kota yang terdapat di Jawa Timur dan kota tersebut termasuk kedal... more Kota Sidoarjo adalah salah satu kota yang terdapat di Jawa Timur dan kota tersebut termasuk kedalam kota yang padat penduduk, khususnya Desa Tambak Cemandi. Padatnya penduduk di Kota Sidoarjo menyebabkan terkumpulnya sampah yang dapat menggenangi aliran Sungai Tambak Cemandi, yang dapat menyebabkan terganggunya ekosistem sungai tersebut. Dikarenakan ada permasalahan tersebut maka diperlukan pemantauan kualitas air salah satunya dengan cara biomonitoring. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kualitas air tercemar Sungai Tambak Cemandi berdasarkan parameter fisika dan kimia, mengetahui struktur komunitas makroinvertebrata yang terdapat di Sungai Tambak Cemandi, mengetahui korelasi struktur komunitas makroinvertebrata dengan kualitas air yang terdapat di Sungai Tambak Cemandi. Penelitian dilakukan di Sungai Tambak Cemandi di Desa Kalanganyar Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Sampling pengambilan air untuk uji parameter fisika kimia dilakukan dengan cara mengambil air di sisi kiri sungai dan kanan sungai, serta pengambilan sampling makroinvertebrata dilakukan di 3 titik. Hasil korelasi yang didapatkan yaitu pada keanekaragaman terdapat korelasi sedangkan pada keseragaman makroinvertebrata tidak terdapat korelasi dengan kualitas air di Sungai Tambak Cemandi.
Kali Jagir is located in Wonokromo District with a total population of 146,785 inhabitants. 24% o... more Kali Jagir is located in Wonokromo District with a total population of 146,785 inhabitants. 24% of land use in the Wonokromo area is a residential area that disposes of domestic waste such as garbage, laundry waste, and other waste into the Surabaya River stream either directly or indirectly. Disposal of domestic waste from residential areas around the Jagir River results in a decrease in water quality, as well as a decrease in the function of the river, and an increase in the pollutant load that will be received by the river. The method used is descriptive quantitative research method. The water sampling point was determined using the purposive sampling method. The data used is primary data from researchers who have conducted quality analysis at three points of Kali Jagir in 2021. Based on the results, the pollution load value of Kali Jagir Surabaya has exceeded the maximum pollution load capacity that can be accepted by water bodies. Total pollution load in Kali Jagir Surabaya based on TSS parameter is 12,360,924.86 kg/day, BOD parameter is 259,169.08 kg/day, and COD parameter is 6,455,103.32 kg/day.Kali Jagir yang berada di Kecamatan Wonokromo dengan jumlah 146,785 jiwa penduduk. 24% penggunaan lahan di Wilayah Wonokromo merupakan daerah pemukiman yang membuang limbah domestik seperti sampah, hasil buangan laundry, dan limbah lainnya ke aliran Kali Surabaya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pembuangan limbah domestik dari daerah pemukiman di sekitar Kali Jagir tersebut mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air, juga penurunan fungsi sungai, dan meningkatnya beban pencemar yang akan diterima sungai. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Titik pengambilan sampel air ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dari peneliti yang telah melakukan analisis kualitas di tigatitik Kali Jagir pada tahun 2021. Berdasarkan hasi lnilai beban pencemaran Kali Jagir Surabaya telah melebihi daya tampung beban pencemaran maksimal yang dapat diterima oleh badan air. Total beban pencemaran pada Kali Jagir Surabaya berdasarkan parameter TSS adalah 12.360.924,86 kg/hari, parameter BOD sebesar 259.169,08 kg/hari, dan parameter COD sebesar 6.455.103,32 kg/hari
This research using a bioremediation treatment process with anaerobic-aerobic system by mixing to... more This research using a bioremediation treatment process with anaerobic-aerobic system by mixing tofu liquid waste and EM4 solution into the reactor. The variation of EM4 solution that will be used in this research is 1/20 of concentration with 1/10 of concentration and detention time. This research was conducted for 8 days. The result showed that EM4 solution was able to reduce BOD, COD, and TSS by usinng variations in concentration and detention time. The most significant decrease in BOD, COD, adn TSS levels occured on the 8 day. BOD levels for the first reactor at a concentration of 1/10 with a removal efficiency of 48,98% and a second reactor with removal efficiency of 48,98%. For the 1/20 concentration the removal efficiency was 37,33% and in second reactor the removal efficiency was 37,34%. COD levels for the first reactor at a concentration of 1/10 with a removal efficiency of 61,82% and a second reacotor with removal efficiency of 62,10%. For the 1/20 concentration the remova...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Indonesia’s energy demand has increased in recent years in line with the increase in economic gro... more Indonesia’s energy demand has increased in recent years in line with the increase in economic growth and population in Indonesia. Most of this energy is derived from non-renewable sources such as oil, natural gas, and coal. These trends will have a significant impact on energy depletion. One solution to overcome this problem is developing alternative energy resources to replace petroleum, such as bio-alcohol. The objective of this study was to analyze the potential of bio-alcohol production from organic waste, that is, banana peel. This research is experimental. Bio-alcohol was obtained through a fermentation process of 3 types of banana peels waste, including Raja banana (Musa acuminata×M. balbisiana) peel, Agung banana (Musa paradisiaca) peel, and Nangka banana (Musa acuminata×M. balbisiana) peel. Fermentation was conducted using variations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae of 1%, 3%, and 5% with a fermentation time of 5 days. All experiments were performed in duplicate. The results sho...
Papers by Ida Munfarida