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Hip Craftster

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[10 May 2012|01:31pm]

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NDM15327 white skull earring one-piece $5 
NDM15328 blue skull earring one-piece $5
NDM15329 red skull earring one-piece $5
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[06 Mar 2012|03:52pm]
Jewelry by Danielle Christine: Click on the photo to see more!! 

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[01 Jan 2012|12:42pm]


♥ Custom orders and enquires are always welcome ♥

♥ Thanks for your support ♥
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[09 Oct 2011|01:38pm]


♥ Custom orders and enquires are always welcome ♥

♥ Thanks for your support ♥

25% off at Brilliant Aether [23 Aug 2011|05:47pm]


It's a whopping 25% off everything at Brilliant Aether... but only until the 24th August! Simply type BABBAGE into the voucher code box in your shopping cart and 25% will automatically be deducted from your purchase price. The shop will be closing for the holidays at sales end, so don't delay!
Check Brilliant Aether's Facebook page for news on availability, and keep up with my latest creations, spontaneous giveaways and secret specials...

Brilliant Aether
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Free Givaway at Brilliant Aether! [14 Jul 2011|06:34pm]

Brilliant Aether

Make an order worth £30 and over at Brilliant Aether from now 'til the end of July and you'll receive a beautiful rose necklace free! You don't need to do anything at all, the rose necklace will be added automatically if your order is eligible. Giveaway subject to availability - check Brilliant Aether's Facebook page for news on availability
, and keep up with my latest creations, spontaneous giveaways and secret specials...

Brilliant Aether
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[29 Jun 2011|03:21pm]


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[26 Jun 2011|03:54pm]


♥ Custom orders and enquires are always welcome ♥

♥ Thanks for your support ♥
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New Pretties at Brilliant Aether! [24 Jun 2011|04:46pm]


New jewellery! Plus Steampunk TARDIS necklace has been restocked - hurrah! Available only at Brilliant Aether

Also... check out the Brilliant Aether Facebook page to keep up with my latest creations, spontaneous giveaways and secret specials...

Brilliant Aether
2 comments|post comment

25% off all Alice In Wonderland themed jewellery at Brilliant Aether [05 May 2011|03:47pm]

25% off alice in wonderland jewellery at Brilliant Aether

There's a whopping 25% off all Alice In Wonderland inspired jewellery at Brilliant Aether from now 'til Sunday May 8th. Just type voucher code WHITERABBIT into the voucher code box in your shopping cart and don't forget to click to validate! To see the whole collection check out our Alice In Wonderland
theme page

Don't forget to like the Brilliant Aether Facebook Page to keep up with my latest creations, spontaneous giveaways and secret specials - you'll here about it all there first...
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SoGentlyBefore.Etsy.Com [19 Apr 2011|02:54pm]


SGB collage
Handspun yarns & Carded Fibers for Your Crafting Pleasure!
(click image to see the shop!)

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[04 Apr 2011|08:04pm]


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[15 Jan 2011|03:49pm]


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[11 Dec 2010|08:18pm]


♥ Custom orders and enquires are always welcome ♥

♥ Thanks for your support ♥
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[09 Dec 2010|06:13pm]


It's 15% off all purchases at Brilliant Aether until the end of the year, just type "BRILLIANT" into the voucher code box in the shopping cart.

Don't miss out - the holiday last postage date from the UK to the USA and Canada is 10th December!

Like the Brilliant Aether Facebook page to keep up with my latest creations, spontaneous giveaways and secret specials...

Brilliant Aether
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20% off sale at MoiraCoon's Shinies [03 Dec 2010|05:33pm]


Take 20% off all items in BOTH my Etsy and ArtFire shops through Monday, December 6th with coupon code LJDEC2010

Interested in my work, but can’t justify spending money on yourself during the holidays? In my ArtFire shop, you can add my pieces to your Amazon Wish List by clicking the “Add To Amazon Wish List” link along the left side of each item screen to let friends and family know what you’re wishing for!

[27 Oct 2010|02:16pm]


All t-shirts only $9.00 until Halloween!

Printed on American Apparel and Alternative Apparel shirts.

Click to go to Etsy.

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[10 Oct 2010|05:00pm]


♥ Custom orders and enquires are always welcome ♥

♥ Free Gifts with Every Purchase ♥
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[30 Sep 2010|06:07pm]

alice in wonderland themed jewellery at

Come and join the tea party at Brilliant Aether! For Alice in Wonderland themed Jewellery, just click on the pic...
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[29 Sep 2010|04:43pm]


New plugs up to 1/2" (12mm) and new deco contact cases!!

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