Papers by Jonas Linderoth
Routledge eBooks, Nov 29, 2022
Representing Conflicts in Games
![Research paper thumbnail of Lärarens återkomst : från förvirring till upprättelse [ljudbok]](
Forfattare: Jonas Linderoth Inlasare: Jonas Linderoth I debattboken Lararens aterkomst ger pedago... more Forfattare: Jonas Linderoth Inlasare: Jonas Linderoth I debattboken Lararens aterkomst ger pedagogikprofessorn och spelforskaren Jonas Linderoth upprattelse till den svenska lararkaren. De larare som tror pa att undervisa har under lang tid demoniserats av politiker, skolforskare, fackforbund och lararutbildare. Detta menar forfattaren ar en av orsakerna till Sveriges lararbrist och en delforklaring till svensk skolas stora problem. Ideer om att elever lar sig bast nar de soker kunskap pa egen hand, att man inte bor dela in skolan i olika amnen och att all kunskap endast ar konstruktioner har skadat lararyrkets sjalva karna. Denna konstruktivistiskt inspirerade pedagogik berovar elever ratten till en god utbildning. Linderoth visar pa skadeverkningarna inom svensk skola pa flera nivaer: fran grundskolan till lararutbildningen. Lararens aterkomst ar en debattbok som introducerar ett alternativt perspektiv pa larande, samt gor en mycket kritisk genomlysning av skolans digitalisering. ...

Conference of the Digital Games Research Association, 2011
This study was done as a part of a larger research project where the interest was on exploring if... more This study was done as a part of a larger research project where the interest was on exploring if and how gameplay design could give informative principles to the design of educational activities. The researchers conducted a series of studies trying to map game mechanics that had the special quality of being inclusive, i.e., playable by a diverse group of players. This specific study focused on designing a cooperative board game with the goal of implementing anonymity as a game mechanic. Inspired by the gameplay design patterns methodology (Björk & Holopainen 2005a; 2005b;, mechanics from existing cooperative board games were extracted and analyzed in order to inform the design process. The results from prototyping and play testing indicated that it is possible to implement anonymous actions in cooperative board games and that this mechanic made rather unique forms of gameplay possible. These design patterns can be further developed in order to address inclusive educational practices.

International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 2009
A common argument about computer games and learning is that the commitment gamers have might be t... more A common argument about computer games and learning is that the commitment gamers have might be transformed and used in educational practices. In order to unpack gamers' commitment, the present study investigates collaboration in a Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). It investigates gamers' practices in order to expose their everyday gaming activities and knowledge domains. Drawing on detailed descriptions of team gaming practices, the paper highlights that gamers' of MMORPGs are hands-on experts in handling a game interface. Their expertise is about skilled stances tied to gaming structures. Also, gamers are members in certain communities and adhere to both community specific epistemologies and to generic ones. These gaming stances are from certain educational approaches difficult to make-sense of, while gamers' commitments in other perspectives become means for learning. Lastly, in relation to MMORPGs and education, a neglected issue concerns social pressure in gaming communities, resulting in various forms of participation.
Games often generate controversy on the basis of their inclusion of themes that are perceived to ... more Games often generate controversy on the basis of their inclusion of themes that are perceived to be unsuitable. These ‘limits’ seem to be established in relation to special properties of the game form. In particular, the ludification of themes that are placed into games and the properties that the theme then gains from the game system, seem to engender fear that topics will therefore be treated less seriously than is generally considered appropriate. Using Goffman’s frame analysis and the case study of depictions of Nazism in World War II games, these ideas are explored, as are the frames that are frequently invoked in order to negotiate these controversies.

The Dark Side of Game Play, 2015
Part I: Introduction 1. Dark Play: The Aesthetics of Controversial Playfulness Torill Elvira Mort... more Part I: Introduction 1. Dark Play: The Aesthetics of Controversial Playfulness Torill Elvira Mortensen and Jonas Linderoth Part II: Discourses of Dark Play 2. Analyzing Game Controversies: A Historical Approach to Moral Panics and Digital Games Faltin Karlsen 3. Of Heroes and Henchmen: The Conventions of Killing Generic Expendables in Digital Games Rene Glas 4. Don't Forget to Die: A Software Update is Available for the Death Drive Emily Flynn-Jones Part III: Dark Play or Darkly Played? 5. Killing Digital Children: Design, Discourse and Player Agency Bjorn Sjoblom 6. Little Evils: Subversive Uses of Children's Games Frans Mayra 7. Darkly Playing Others Miguel Sicart Part IV: Dark Play and Situated Meaning 8. Three Defences for the Fourteen-Inch Barbed Penis: Darkly Playing with Morals, Ethics and Sexual Violence Ashley ML Brown 9. Exploring the Limits of Play: A Case Study of Representations of Nazism in Games Adam Chapman and Jonas Linderoth 10. Keeping the Balance: Morals at the Dark Side Torill Elvira Mortensen 11. Fabricated Innocence: On How People Can be Lured into Feel Bad Games Staffan Bjork Part V: Designing for Dark Play 12. Massively Multiplayer Dark Play Treacherous Play in EVE Online Marcus Carter 13. Dark Play in Dishonored Kristine Jorgensen 14. Sonic Descents: Musical Dark Play in Survival and Psychological Horror Isabella van Elferen 15. Boosting, Glitching and Modding Call of Duty: Assertive Dark Play Manifestations, Communities, Pleasures and Organic Resilience Alan Meades
Trawling down memory lane, recalling the games that we used to play in childhood can be a bitters... more Trawling down memory lane, recalling the games that we used to play in childhood can be a bittersweet experience. For some of us memo-ries of careless joy and happy days are blended with episodes of being excluded from play activities, chosen last to a team or leaving a game
SwePub titelinformation: In here I am pretty Onlinerollspel, stigma och identitet.
This paper criticizes the argument that video games by their nature are good learning environment... more This paper criticizes the argument that video games by their nature are good learning environments. By applying the ecological approach to perception and learning to examples of game play, the paper shows that games can be designed so that players are able to see and utilize affordances without developing skills. Compared to other practices, gaming demands less learning of the practitioner since progress can be built into the system. Contrary to the arguments put forth by James Paul Gee in his book What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy, this paper comes to the conclusion that good games do not necessarily imply good learning.
SwePub titelinformation: Bland gnomer och nattalver.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 2009
By comparing the designs in the games World in Conflict and Medieval II this article shows how a ... more By comparing the designs in the games World in Conflict and Medieval II this article shows how a specific way of designing games has implications for the discussion on games and learning. Games that are designed so that the players acquire new interaction ...

Human IT: Journal for Information Technology Studies as a Human Science, 2009
The first computer game in the world was developed in 1958 when the engineer Willy Higinbotham co... more The first computer game in the world was developed in 1958 when the engineer Willy Higinbotham converted an oscilloscope into a sort of pinball game called Tennis for two. Computer games did not become an industry until the mid-seventies and it took until the first game consoles in the eighties before a computer game culture started to take its form. As artefacts, computer games have a very short history. In descriptions of mankind's socio-cultural development specific technologies that made the development take a "leap" forward are often mentioned. Technological landmarks such as cave paintings, cuneiform, hieroglyphs, the printing press, photography, moving images and information technology are said to be of great importance for historical development. The importance of computer games might well be underestimated when drawing these timelines. The first computer games changes the conditions for media radically; for the first time in history we can interact with a scre...
Vad kan man lara sig av att spela datorspel? Den som spelar finner nog fragan tamligen ointressan... more Vad kan man lara sig av att spela datorspel? Den som spelar finner nog fragan tamligen ointressant. For spelaren ar vitsen med spelandet inte att lara sig nagot. Meningsfulla fragor ar istallet: Va ...
The question of what constitutes a game as a social object is famously problematic. The alleged i... more The question of what constitutes a game as a social object is famously problematic. The alleged impossibility of formulating a complete analytical definition for what constitutes a game is perhaps the most evident symptom of that difficulty. One expression of this problem that has been entirely overlooked by academia is the scholarly practice of referencing games. This paper addresses game referencing as a practice that is implicated withand constitutive forthe ways in which we conceptualize and assign cultural value to games. Focusing on the conceptual framing of games, on game authorship, and on the historical dimensions of both, we will discuss referencing games as an act that is inevitably political. On these premises, we will provide foundational guidelines for thinking about one’s decisions concerning referencing and about the meaning and relevance of those decisions.
In this paper we report an ethnographic study of Pick Up Groups (PUGs) in the game Left 4 Dead 2.... more In this paper we report an ethnographic study of Pick Up Groups (PUGs) in the game Left 4 Dead 2. Our aim with the study is to contribute with a deeper understanding of how these new social arenas are constituted by its’ participants and the role game design plays in structuring these encounters. As a deliberate attempt to go beyond the discussion in the game studies field about formalism versus play studies, we use both concepts from micro-sociology as well as concepts from the field of game design as our analytical framework. Our results shows that the dynamics of a PUG can be understood in relation to how players uphold and negotiate the boundary between the their in-game-identity based on their gaming skill and a other social relations outside of the game context.
Jonas Linderoth Associate Professor. Department of Education, Communication and Learning, Univers... more Jonas Linderoth Associate Professor. Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. [email protected] English abstract This empirical case study explores how the design of educational software co-determines students’ reasoning when solving mathematical problems. The results indicate that the students’ awareness of the design process behind the software became a resource for them when solving the task. The student’s actions were guided by their understanding of the intentions of the designers, i.e. by listening to the ‘voice’ of the absent designers.
Papers by Jonas Linderoth