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Mathematics Practice is reported. The paper gives an overview of issues within this project that relate to the EIMI-study. School-industry partnerships enable the study of pupils and student teachers participating in an educational... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematical ModellingStudent-Teacher RelationshipsLearning Process
As the pupils move between school and commercial workplace, they meet different norms as to what can be acceptable ways of working with mathematics. This paper explores how different norms for working with scaling in school and in... more
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      Realistic Mathematics EducationSociomathematical Norms
Abstract: This paper explores the mathematics learning taking place when a class of 8th grade students in Norway cooperated with a carpenter in a construction company. Working with mathematics in different practices, such as school and... more
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      Mathematics EducationCritical Thinking
The case study to which this paper refers focuses on 8th grade pupils' conversation in a mathematics learning situation related to a building company. The paper illustrates how school and company, having different goals for the use of... more
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The case study to which this paper refers focuses on 8th grade pupils' conversation in a mathematics learning situation related to a building company. The paper illustrates how school and company, having different goals for the use of... more
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The study presented in this paper focuses on primary school teachers engaging with the Body Mass Index (BMI) as part of a university course. The BMI is seen as an example of prescriptive modelling where mathematics is used to keep track... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematics Education
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      DocumentationMathematics EducationCurriculum and Pedagogy
This chapter concerns how three teachers in lower secondary school include climate change in school mathematics. Data was collected over a one-year period, where the teachers organised several teaching activities such as fieldwork,... more
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      Climate ChangeMathematics EducationUncertaintyExhibition
En avhandling blir ikke til i ensomhet. Den blir til i dialog med andre. Takk til alle som har vaert med i dialoger fram til resultatet! Noen må nevnes spesielt. Takk til elevene, laereren og byggefirmaet som slapp meg inn slik at jeg... more
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      SociologyBakhtin dialogismBoundary objectsRealistic Mathematics Education
Dette kapittelet presenterer og drøfter demokrati og medborgerskap i skolen i et tverrfaglig perspektiv. I vår tilnaerming står danningsperspektivet sentralt, og i første halvdel av kapittelet drøfter vi, med utgangspunkt i dannings-og... more
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In this paper, we investigate how preservice teachers (PTs) express their awareness about language diversity in mathematics classrooms. We use "language as resource" and "language as a problem" as theoretical constructs. The data is taken... more
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      Computer SciencePedagogyNegotiation
Preservice teachers' evaluations on school students' mathematical argumentation are rarely the focus of mathematics education research. Yet, understanding how they evaluate the quality of their future students' mathematical argumentation... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceMathematics EducationArgumentation Theory
In this paper, interviews with teachers and preservice teachers are analysed to understand their views about using digital tools in mathematics classrooms, connected to language-diverse students': communication; potential for learning;... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematics Education
Mathematics teacher education is often described in terms of the mathematical content and pedagogy that teachers need. However, recent calls for equity in mathematics education demand a broadening of this view. In this article, we... more
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      Philosophy of EducationMathematics EducationPedagogyMathematics Teacher Education