Papers by Evy Septiana Rachman

Child support is an obligation that arises because of the marriage bond. A father is obliged to m... more Child support is an obligation that arises because of the marriage bond. A father is obliged to meet the needs of the child's life until adulthood, even if there is a divorce. However, at the Sukadana Religious Court, this did not happen, there were still many fathers who neglected to provide for their children after the divorce decision was made. This is what becomes interesting for further research using the empirical legal approach method, data collection methods using interviews and documentation. This study will analyze the perspective of the sociology of law and draw conclusions using inductive and deductive thinking frameworks. The results of this study indicate that there are still children whose livelihood rights are not fulfilled in accordance with what has been stipulated in the decision of the Sukadana Religious Court. The father only carries out his obligations a few times in providing a support for the child and the amount given is not in accordance with what is stipulated in the court decision. This happens due to two factors: internal factors and external factors. So that this causes the ineffectiveness of implementing laws and regulations related to children's livelihoods.

In the field of counseling and psychology, the cross-cultural approach is seen as a fourth force ... more In the field of counseling and psychology, the cross-cultural approach is seen as a fourth force after the psychodynamic, behavioral and humanistic approaches. Many authors who write about cross-cultural counseling are often from their own minority populations, interpreting them differently as the diversity and cultural differences.In cross-cultural counseling, the relationship between the counselor and the counselee is involved. However, the relationship that occurs in counseling is a relationship in a human situation, meaning that both the counselor and the client are human beings with their own characteristics, both personality characteristics and the characteristics of the values, morals and culture each carries.respectively.Thus the counseling relationship is not simple.Counselors must be aware of the differences in characteristics (personal, values, morals, culture) between themselves and their clients, and respect the uniqueness of their clients.These differences, however, will affect the counseling process.This is where the need for cross-cultural counseling, namely counseling that accommodates cultural differences between counselor and client.Counseling with cross-cultural insight is effective in eliminating the possibility of counselor behavior that uses its own culture (counselor encapsulation) as a reference in the counseling process.

This research is a research that puts forward the interpretation of a film produced by MD Picture... more This research is a research that puts forward the interpretation of a film produced by MD Pictures, MD Entertainment with the title Heaven that is not Missed. Furthermore, this research activity uses a qualitative method with Roland Barthes' semiotic theory as the blade of analysis. Analysis of the data in this study is to use Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, which is to analyze every scene in the film Heaven that is Not Missed for interpretation and know its connotative and denotative meanings. The result of this research is that the film Heaven that is not missed about polygamy is that you have to learn to accept and be patient, because when someone is sincere and patient, the mind in someone can think clearly and can find a way out, but if we are burned by anger and recklessly take decision, we might even fall deeper and regret what we did later. The film Heaven that is not missed is actually a Da'wah film that is packaged in an interesting way to attract mad'u (audience). In the world of da'wah, preaching using the media is now a new alternative to convey the message of da'wah, but the delivery of da'wah messages must also be read carefully who is mad'u or the audience who will see it, because the film Heaven that is Not Missed becomes a religious film when the viewer sees it. a Muslim, but whether it is interpreted the same when the person watching is a non-Muslim, it does not rule out that the film depicts that Islam is unfair in treating women

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam
In the field of counseling and psychology, the cross-cultural approach is seen as a fourth force ... more In the field of counseling and psychology, the cross-cultural approach is seen as a fourth force after the psychodynamic, behavioral and humanistic approaches. Many authors who write about cross-cultural counseling are often from their own minority populations, interpreting them differently as the diversity and cultural differences. In cross-cultural counseling, the relationship between the counselor and the counselee is involved. However, the relationship that occurs in counseling is a relationship in a human situation, meaning that both the counselor and the client are human beings with their own characteristics, both personality characteristics and the characteristics of the values, morals and culture each carries. respectively. Thus the counseling relationship is not simple. Counselors must be aware of the differences in characteristics (personal, values, morals, culture) between themselves and their clients, and respect the uniqueness of their clients. These differences, howeve...

Education in Indonesia in the capacity of formal education tends to be more oriented towards hard... more Education in Indonesia in the capacity of formal education tends to be more oriented towards hard skill-based education, namely technical-based skills where the education is more oriented towards developing IQ (intelligence quotient), but this education is lacking in developing soft skills-based abilities contained in the EQ. (emotional intelligence), and spiritual intelligence (SQ). Along with the times, education that is only based on hard skills is no longer relevant to be used, therefore, learning must now be based on the development of soft skills (social interaction). This is important in shaping the character of the nation's children. Soft skills education is based on mentality so that the younger generation can adapt to the realities of life. The role of soft skills for the younger generation is very important because with soft skills that enable the younger generation to become individuals who are diligent, honest, not easy to give up, able to manage emotions well, inno...

Corona Virus Disease or known as Covid 19 is a disease outbreak that has a profound impact on the... more Corona Virus Disease or known as Covid 19 is a disease outbreak that has a profound impact on the lives of people around the world. No exception in Indonesia, all sectors of life such as education are a challenge that must be faced wisely. Educational institutions are required to be able to adapt to Covid 19 so that they are able to carry out educational functions so that they can continue to run optimally. However, in the implementation process, various kinds of obstacles were encountered, one of which was related to ethics in communicating between lecturers and students, which often caused miscommunication. The online learning process that is expected to be able to form good character and personality in accordance with educational goals is not able to be carried out optimally. If this is allowed to continue, it will lead to the failure of the purpose of education in shaping the character and personality of a generation that has good morals in accordance with Islamic teachings on h...

JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Reformasi hukum pidana di Indonesia dimulai dengan disusunnya dan dibahasnya RUU KUHP tahun 2000.... more Reformasi hukum pidana di Indonesia dimulai dengan disusunnya dan dibahasnya RUU KUHP tahun 2000. Dalam Rancangan Undang-undang (RUU) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) diwacanakan akan merubah definisi pemerkosaan menjadi persetubuhan yang dilakukan di luar kehendak salah satu pihak. Hal ini memungkinkan bagi suami yang tidak berkehendak bersetubuh dengan istri dapat melaporkan istrinya ke aparat yang berwajib. Marital Rape di Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai kekerasan domestik atau kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Pada Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP), marital Rape diatur didalam pasal 351 dan 352 tentang penganiyayaan, namun secara rinci kekerasan domestik dan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga diatur didalam UU No. 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT). prinsip mu'asyara bil ma'ruf (memperlakukan secara patut) yang menekankan konsep kesetaraan menjadi landasan dalam hubungan suami istri. Jadi jelas bahwa pemaksaan hubungan seksual oleh isteri tidak diperbolehkan. Apa yang dikemukakan al-Qur'an memang tidak mencakup seluruh persoalan kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Meski demikian, sebagai sebuah kitab suci, banyaknya ayat yang berbicara mengenai kekerasan terhadap perempuan sudah cukup menjadi bukti bahwa Islam sangat memberikan perhatian terhadap upaya penghapusan kekerasan terhadap perempuan.
Papers by Evy Septiana Rachman