Advances in Fluid Mechanics XI, 2016
In spite of the fact that it is the most imperative and crucial industry, oil production is still... more In spite of the fact that it is the most imperative and crucial industry, oil production is still facing problems which represent challenges to producers and operators. This paper presents brief highlights on CFD simulations of some problems associated with oil/water and oil/gas flows carried out by a specialized research team in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. Three particular problems have been modelled, simulated and analysed. The first problem is on oil/water mixture flow in the production zone in the downhole; the second is on separation of the oil/water by hydrocyclone separator in the downhole; while the third problem is on the two phase oil/gas flowing in a pipe and the resulted slug flow. For each case, the layout of the procedure of the model setup is explained, and the numerical procedure is outlined in terms of the software used, the mesh generation and its independency criteria. For each case, the validation procedure has been mentioned and in the last part of each case, some samples of results are presented and briefly discussed.

Experimental investigation and verification of innovated three line loop for multi-phase flows. J... more Experimental investigation and verification of innovated three line loop for multi-phase flows. Jan 2016 5 Yew Jia-Wei UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Experimental and numerical investigation of the top plate influence on the performance of Solar Vortex Engine Jan 2016 6 Yeap Jia Ming UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Numerical simulation and analysis of 3-D flow field over high lift clean and loaded airfoil Jan 2016 7 Yit Man Heng UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Experimental Investigation of Roof Top Solar Chimney for natural ventilation Jan 2015 8 Teow Jing Min UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. CFD study on energy promoter insertion for drag reduction in oil pipelines Jan 2015 9 Weltson Dius UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Experimental evaluation of novel invented wind turbine for solar chimney power plant Jan 2015 Tang Mei Huong UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. CFD simulation of various types of solid particles in oil pipe flow to evaluate the pressure losses Jan 2015 Ho Chit Siong UTP Co-SV Bachelor of Eng. Modelling and Simulation of Oil and Gas Production Tubing Dynamic Characteristics due to Fluid Dynamic Load Jan 2015 Muhammad Fahmi bin Abdullah UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Experimental evaluation of mixed flow wind turbines. Sept 2015 Muhamad Firdaus Bin Zanal Abidin UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Design upgrade and experimental evaluation of "wind energy convertor kit". Sept 2015 Han Boon Tan UTP CoSV Bachelor of Eng. CFD comparative study of 3-D compressible flow over seamless and canard aerodynamic flying bodies Sept 2015 Muhammad Zafirul Hakim UTP Co SV Bachelor of Eng. Purification of water using freeze desalination technique Jan 2015 Kam Chong Ping UTP Co-SV Bachelor of Eng. Experimental and numerical investigation on the enhancement of natural up drafting in a chimney Sept 2015 Kabilan A/L Muthusamy UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Water leakage in UTP from Taps to CO2 emission May 2014 ATHIYATUL SHAKIRAH ABD GHANI UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. Experimental investigation and economic analysis by thermal control of solar water heater May 2014 Muhammad Imran Bin Jajauddin UTP Main SV CFD simulation of 3D flow field over clean and loaded wing May 2014 Vivian Lim UTP Main Bachelor of Eng. CFD simulation of solid particles in oil pipe flow to evaluate the pressure losses.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2010
The system was developed for the magnetization measurement in the vertical single-turn coil (V-ST... more The system was developed for the magnetization measurement in the vertical single-turn coil (V-STC) system at ISSP, which can generate magnetic fields over 100 T in a semi-destructive manner. We have adjusted the electromagnetic induction method to our V-STC. The new system was applied to the manganite with the perovskite-type structure Bi 1/2 Ca 1/2 MnO 3. The total magnetization process was obtained up to 105 T in excellent quality comparable to those obtained by the nondestructive long pulse magnet.

International Journal of Energy Production and Management, 2021
In spite of high solar radiation being an advantage for the performance of solar photovoltaic (PV... more In spite of high solar radiation being an advantage for the performance of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, the caused high surface temperature of the panel surface reduces their efficiency, as well as lifetime span due to cyclic thermal stresses. PV panels are deteriorating due to two setbacks from a harsh climate: shallow temperatures during the night leading to condensation and overheating during the day leading to reduced efficiency. The present paper discusses and resolves the two setbacks in the PV performance by cooling the panel during the day and heating the panel during the night using water circulation in a ground embedded heat exchanger. Experimental and numerical methods were used to carry out the investigation on the influence of the proposed technique on the PV performance. Following the experiments, a computational model has been developed to simulate the experimental setup. Two PV modules have been tested simultaneously in outdoor environment; one is bare and the second is integrated with ground heat exchanger. Results revealed that the integrated heat exchanger has managed to reduce the PV surface temperature by around 8 o C during the daytime and rise the PV surface temperature by around 3 o C more than the due temperature, at which condensation takes place during the night time. The developed technique has proved to be highly efficient as a PV thermal control method.
Sustaining thermal power plant production in low water supply regions

Solar water heater has been widely used in domestic and industrial sectors to harvest the availab... more Solar water heater has been widely used in domestic and industrial sectors to harvest the available solar radiation daily to produce hot water. Computational analysis on performance of solar water heater has been trending up to offset the higher cost of experimental measurement. A 3D computational fluids dynamics (CFD) model was developed and validate with experimental results. The average hot water temperature simulated at 1.00PM until 5.00PM variesfrom 49.0 o C to 54.9 o C, while average PCM temperature varies from 53.0 o C to 64.8 o C. The CFD models developed shows a good agreement of 6.7% and 7.1% simulation error for hot water temperature and PCM temperature respectively. The simulation model developed can be used as a prediction tool for solar energy research and to reduce cost on development of experimental test rig for solar collector experiment. INTRODUCTION A solar integrated collector water heating is a combination of collector and storage in a single unit. The collector...

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016
Upon the basic idea of the updraft solar heating, the solar chimney was proposed and implemented ... more Upon the basic idea of the updraft solar heating, the solar chimney was proposed and implemented as a model and a prototype by many research and industrial bodies. Although the system efficiency is below 2%, but it is a promising technology to harness and convert the solar energy to electric power through three basic components; namely: solar collector, tower or chimney, and wind turbine-generator unit. The low efficiency, the bulk size and the high dependency on the solar irradiation are the major issues experienced in the solar chimney power plants. Since the implementation of the first prototype in Manzenares, numerous attempts have been reported to enhance the performance of the system. The present paper is compiling most of the reported attempts to enhance the performance of the solar chimney power plant. The conclusion drawn is that the system performance can be enhanced considerably via integration with another source of thermal energy, or by using efficient solar thermal energy storages. This paper provides a platform to the researchers in the field to understand and get detailed literature on the enhancing technologies of the solar chimney power plant current updates.

Management of Hazardous Wastes, 2016
This chapter reviews the status of hazardous waste management in Malaysia. It highlights the sour... more This chapter reviews the status of hazardous waste management in Malaysia. It highlights the sources of the hazardous waste, government policies on waste generation and management, the involvement of the stakeholders, and the various management procedures adopted in Malaysia. Currently, the manufacturing sector is the major contributor in hazardous waste generated in Malaysia. Other sectors that contribute include household, agriculture, medical, and other industrial sectors. Malaysian government's resolve on human health protection and safeguarding the environment prompted various acts, regulations, and orders such as the popular Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974. The regulations made pursuant to the Environmental Quality Act have continuously improved to address the issues on the definition and classifications of hazardous waste and the management process in Malaysia. The management of hazardous waste in Malaysia is effectively growing as a result of continuous review of the regulations and enforcement of the acts. The stakeholders in the industries have also been active in keeping to the EQA regulations to keep the environment safe as much as possible.

WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 2016
The behaviour of artificially generated vortex by solar utilization is not well understood, as it... more The behaviour of artificially generated vortex by solar utilization is not well understood, as it is compressible, turbulent and 3-D. The present paper is aimed to simulate and analyse a new solar updraft power system, named vortex generation engine (VGE) to provide basic understanding of the artificial vortex. The main focus is on the effect of the upper plate diameter on the vortex structure. The simulation was carried out by CFD using ANSYS FLUENT 15. The modelled engine has 1.0 m outer diameter, 0.6 m height and 8 slots on the circumferential of the VGE for the air flow from the solar collector zone to the engine zone. The numerical procedure was validation by comparing the predicted temperature results with experimental measurements. The results have demonstrated that the upper hole of the VGE has considerable effect on the vortex generation. When the diameter of the upper hole increased from 0.3 m to 0.9 m, the strength of the generated vortex decreased. The visualization through CFD simulation illustrates that a flow circulation exists at many regions in the engine body, which reduce the system performance. As the technique is new, there is a lot of room for further investigation and improvement of the design parameters of the proposed engine.

Heat Transfer XIV: Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and its Applications, 2016
Industrial superheaters in petrochemical plants possess leakages due to failure in many areas. Th... more Industrial superheaters in petrochemical plants possess leakages due to failure in many areas. This paper presents the results of investigations into identifying the failure causes. The investigations were carried out by simulating the heating process of a superheater. The simulation was carried out numerically using ANSYS mechanical commercial software. The simulation results indicated that the superheater tubes were subjected to direct radiation heat transfer as well as flame violence. The leakage spots were formed due to cracks in the material mainly at the joint points between the tubes and the header. It was also realized that the welding at the connection areas of the pipes and the header had weakened the material and formed low thermal resistance spots which could not stand the 510°C temperature and consequently, it had either melted or cracked.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
This paper presents and discusses results from an experimental investigation of three models of w... more This paper presents and discusses results from an experimental investigation of three models of wind S-rotors. Models 1 is modified from conventional Savonius rotor with a single stage and zero offsets zero overlaps; model 2 is three blade single stage wind rotor; and model 3 is double stage conventional Savonius rotor. The three models were designed, fabricated and characterized in terms of their coefficient of performance and dynamic torque coefficient. A special open wind simulator was designed for the test. The optimum parameters for the models were based on previous studies. The results showed that the model 1, model 2 and model 3 has the maximum power coefficient of 0.26, 0.17, and 0.21 at the correspondence tip speed ratio (TSR) of 0.42, 0.39 and 0.46, respectively. Model 1 is further optimized in terms of the aspect ratio resulting in improved power coefficient by 24%. The maximum dynamic torque coefficient of model 1, model 2 and model 3 was found as 0.81, 0.56 and 0.67 at the correspondence minimum TSR of 0.28, 0.21 and 0.17, respectively. It was noted that the all three models have high torque coefficient because the models were tested at higher applied torque on the rotors.

WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 2013
Wind has been reported to have adverse effect on the performance of traditional solar chimney pow... more Wind has been reported to have adverse effect on the performance of traditional solar chimney power plants but no reference has been made on the wind effect on inclined solar chimneys. An experimental investigation on the effects of ambient wind speed and wind direction on the performance of a south facing inclined solar chimney power plant model is reported in this paper. The effect of ambient wind speed and direction on the system performance was analyzed and the results showed that for the south facing collector, wind speed and directions have strong effects on the plant performance. The wind speed was found to have considerable influence on the convective heat loss through the cover and the walls to the ambient. Considering the wind direction, it was found that the system performance was favoured when the wind direction is from south moving north while the performance is impaired when the wind direction is from east or west. The results also showed some performance degradation when the wind is from the north. The findings also revealed that the walls of the air flow channel of the system resist the wind from sweeping the hot air generated in the system out to the ambient. Based on the findings, the use of inlet guide vanes as wind breakers at the collector inlet of traditional solar chimney power plant can reduce the losses associated to the wind effect inside the collector. The wind breakers will channel the natural energy of the wind into the system and enhance the system performance.

In this study, mathematical and experimental models were implemented for circular solar air colle... more In this study, mathematical and experimental models were implemented for circular solar air collector. Modeling methodology with conservation equations of continuity, momentum and energy were presented, and model solution is obtained by utilizing a developed code in MATLAB program. An experimental model of concentric circles with outer and inner diameters of 8.8 m and 1.0, respectively, was designed and fabricated in order to perform measurements for the thermal and flow processes in the system. The canopy was inclined by 8.5 o . The results showed that, at same solar irradiation, the temperatures of air flow, canopy and ground are increasing by decreasing the radius. When the canopy slope increases, air flow temperature decreases and canopy temperature increases for a constant solar radiation. When the solar radiation increases, air flow, canopy and ground temperatures increases for the same collector radius. The validations of the model predictive and therefore comparisons with re...

Convection heat transfer can be enhanced by imposed turbulence in the annular flow of a double pi... more Convection heat transfer can be enhanced by imposed turbulence in the annular flow of a double pipe heat exchanger. This paper presents and discusses the results obtained from experimental measurement by the installation of turbulence promoters, having rib configuration, on the inner surface of the cold flow annulus of a counter flow double-pipe heat exchanger. The promoters have been selected with rib’s height to hydraulic diameter, e/Dh equal to 0.107 and two pitch to height ratios, p/e equal to 10 and 15. The annular cold flow was investigated within Reynolds number range of 2000 to 20000. The measured data enabled us to estimate the friction factor, Reynolds number and Stanton number of each case in order to analyse the performance enhancement of the double pipe heat exchanger. The results showed that enhancement in the heat transfer, in terms of the Stanton number, was combined with a small penalty in the pressure drop, which was due to an increase in the friction factor values...

The sustainable transportation of liquid fuels in a piping system can be interrupted due to slug ... more The sustainable transportation of liquid fuels in a piping system can be interrupted due to slug flow, which causes the severe unsteady loading on pipelines. A feature that is particularly affected by this problem is the oil transportation pipeline, where gas is often combined with the produced oil. In order to fully understand the behavior of such flows, it is imperative to simulate the effective zones along the span of the pipelines. This will allow the designer of the piping system to estimate the required pumping power through the evaluation of the pressure drop in the slug oil/gas flow. This paper reports the oil/gas flow phenomena in a horizontal pipe with a large diameter of 0.16 m, with 3-dimensional, transient, incompressible fluids, utilizing STAR-CCM+ commercial software. The volume of fluid (VOF) model was adopted to track the interface between the two phases. The operational conditions for the cases studied were extracted for the slug zone from the Baker chart. The slug...

Numerical analysis of transient laminar three-dimensional buoyancy-driven convection in an inclin... more Numerical analysis of transient laminar three-dimensional buoyancy-driven convection in an inclined three-dimensional trapezoidal air-filled enclosure was investigated in this paper. The right and left sidewalls of the enclosure are kept at constant cold temperatures. The bottom wall is maintained at a constant hot temperature , while the top wall is considered adiabatic. Numerical investigation is performed for Rayleigh numbers varied as 10 3 ≤ Ra ≤ 10 5 , while the trapezoidal enclosure inclination angle is varied as 0° ≤ ≤ 180°. Prandtl number is considered constant at Pr = 0.71. Flow and thermal fields are presented in both two and three-dimensional pattern. Also, both local and average Nusselt numbers are calculated and discussed. The results show that when the Rayleigh number increases, the flow patterns are changed especially in three-dimensional results and the flow circulation increases. The minimum average Nusselt number inside the trapezoidal cavity corresponds to the h...

Thermal energy transfer in the atmosphere occurs from a high temperature zone to a low one by mea... more Thermal energy transfer in the atmosphere occurs from a high temperature zone to a low one by means of convective vortices where mechanical energy is produced. There are two ways of driving vertical flow in the core of a vortex: (1) by the direct action of buoyancy acting on hot air and (2) by producing a vertical pressure gradient along the axis of a vortex because of core development involving the lateral spread of the vortex with height. In particular, it indicates that the intensity of convective vortices depends on the depth of the convec-tive layer via thermodynamic efficiency, the enthalpy perturbation across them, and the existence of sources of vorticity. The atmospheric vortex engine (AVE) is a device for producing an artificial vortex. The operation of AVE is based on the fact that the atmosphere is heated from the bottom and cooled at the top. By artificial vortex generation, it is aimed to eliminate the physical solar updraft tower and reduce the capital cost of solar c...

The use of a liquid-liquid hydrocyclone in the downhole is one the few environmentally friendly w... more The use of a liquid-liquid hydrocyclone in the downhole is one the few environmentally friendly ways by which water production can be limited, while at the same time ensure maximum recovery. The understanding of the fluid flow behaviours that bring about better separation and performance is therefore important and should not be underestimated. This work, through numerical simulation, studied the effects that the tangential inlet(s) and the height of the upper cylindrical section of a liquid-liquid hydrocyclone have on its hydrodynamics. The results showed that the single inlet hydrocyclones unlike the twin inlet types are more prone to producing asymmetrical reversal flow which meanders along the axis of the hydrocyclone. This can affect the efficiency of separation if the particles are not well segregated. The single inlet 30 mm upper cylindrical length (UCL) hydrocyclone produced the highest velocity fields that could ensure better fluid swirling and rotation, and the greatest upw...

Fluid-Structure Intraction computer simulation technique is used to study effect of vibration due... more Fluid-Structure Intraction computer simulation technique is used to study effect of vibration due to blood flow on bileaflet mechanical heart valves structure including the deflection connection in the pin of the valve. This technique is used is to predict the deformation of the bileaflet mechanical heart valve structure, which occurs due to the heart beats. Five heartbeat models were used in this study which is 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120 BPM at variable leaflet angles of 25o, 63o and 85o. To determine the deformation, the equivalent (von-Mises) stress at the connection pin of a bileaflet mechanical heart valve were calculated and compared with the equivalent (von-Mises) stress of the connection pin in the literature. It was found when the heartbeat increased from 80 BPM to 120 BPM, 62 % increase in von-Mises stress values were recorded at the valve connection pin at a fully closed angle of 25°. The increase in heartbeat periodically for the lifetime may weaken the valve’s connecting...

2019 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), 2019
Photovoltaic (PV) panels in arid zones have the advantage of achieving high solar energy yields. ... more Photovoltaic (PV) panels in arid zones have the advantage of achieving high solar energy yields. However, there are two main problems that might compromise this advantage. First, the PV panel's electrical efficiency is strongly reduced by an increased daytime cell temperature. Second, during the night, the module surface temperature might undercut the dew point temperature. This results in water vapor condensation on the surface of the modules and, in combination with dust-loaded winds, mud formation on the panels. In the present study, a PVThermal (PV/T) hybrid system combined with an Underground Heat Storage system is being proposed to increase the efficiency of PV arrays especially in desert areas. During the day, the PV panel will be actively cooled, thus improving its electrical efficiency. During the night, it will be heated well above the dew point, thus preventing condensation. The results will show that the proposed system is able to resolve the two problems mentioned a...
To investigate the FSI due to slug flow, this study aimed to simulate and analyze the slug flow domain and the structural domain, experimentally and numerically. An experimental setup had been designed and constructed consisting of a two-phase flow loop, and sophisticated data acquisition systems to measure and characterize both the fluid flow domain and the structural domain. The test section was made of a horizontal pipe of an 8 m length made from transparent acrylic with a 74 mm internal diameter. A high speed video system was used in order to obtain the image sequence of the slug flow with different selected phases of superficial velocities (air: of 0.698 m/s to 3.49 m/s; water: 0.65 m/s to 1.233 m/s). The vibrations were measured at various slug flow rates of air and water.
For the numerical FSI, two models were developed. The first simulated the slug flow domain by the Volume of Fluid technique using STAR-CCM+ software. The second simulated the vibration induced in the pipe due to the slug flow by the Finite Element technique using ABAQUS.
The experimentally measured and numerically predicted characteristics were the slug lengths and frequencies in the flow domain, and the displacements and vibration frequencies in the structure.
The results showed that the slug flow characteristics were highly dependent on the water and air superficial velocities. For a given water superficial velocity, the water slug lengths increased as the air superficial velocity increased. Whereas, at a constant air superficial velocity, it decreased by increasing the water superficial velocities. It was found that for all test cases the water slug lengths ranged within 3.5-15 times the pipe diameter. While, when the water superficial velocity increased by 1.0 m/s, the slug frequency increased by nearly 1.88 slug/s.
The contributions of the slug flow on the vibration response of the pipe were also investigated. It was observed that the increased in air superficial velocities from 0.698 m/s to 2.792 m/s caused an increase in the maximum displacements and frequencies of the pipe by 43% and 5%, respectively. On the other hand, the average of the maximum displacements was increased by 64% when the water superficial velocities increased from 0.65 m/s to 1.0 m/s. Meanwhile, the average of the pipe frequencies decreases by 9%.
The numerical procedure was validated by comparing the simulation predicted results with the experimental measurement results. It was found that at a fixed air superficial velocity and increasing water superficial velocities, the average difference of the slug frequencies, slug lengths and pipe maximum displacements between the simulation and the experimental results were within 1.45%, 7.03% and 20.3%, respectively, While, for the fixed water superficial velocity and increasing air superficial velocities, the mean differences in slug frequencies, slug lengths and pipe maximum displacements were within 0.37%, 10.38% and 21.88%, respectively.