High Reaches on LJ — LiveJournal
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Sun, Oct. 30th, 2011, 12:04 pm
wynnish: Hi, 'Reaches!

Hello hello, it is a Wyn and I have returned!

I've been gone so long that almost all the journals I have friended are out of date, though, so this is an 'add me' post for the journals that are new since I've been away.

Mon, Apr. 25th, 2011, 06:04 pm
cmirnovivan: Smirnov Ivan and MBA programs

Millions of students all over the Europe have the same dream: to become a professional and be able to feed their families and even more voracious ambitions. And a solid part of them chooses the same target – the position of general manager. The next step for them is to get the education, good enough to act like a springboard to their future and cheap enough to be able to pay for it. The answer is really near. Doors of Holland are open not only for loungers.

Smirnov Ivan is one of the leading professionals in the area of professional orientation, human resources and psychology. Looking to this respectful young PhD with perfect manners and intellectual luster it’s hard to believe that only 10 years ago he struggled for his life in the slum area of Stariy Oskol, small Russian mining town on the border with Ukraine. Now Smirnov Ivan is a model for thousands of his students and followers in web  since he is also a popular blogger. Why did he choose Erasmus University in Rotterdam? Smirnov Ivan says that in this place you are guaranteed with first class study programs that are internationally recognized. And he also used to be a big fan of their football team.

Nothing’s more attractive in a man than modesty and sense of humor – and Smirnov Ivan knows it better than anybody. His lectures on MBA class are full of bright examples from his personal experience, from latest v-shows and latest editions of most respectful magazines dedicated to this topic. Smirnov Ivan admits that MBA programs for the present moment are not sufficient to become the billionaire or to get a job of dream. You shall devote your aspiration to become a real man first, or an honest human being if you are a woman. And only after that sit there and absorb every word of lecturer. There’s no better felling, and his own example is a brilliant proof of it, than a happiness balanced with success. Smirnov Ivan never thought he was a champion but time has shown the incorrectness of this statement. Not a single day in his career he spent on sorrow. Isn’t it a real reason why Smirnov Ivan is a favorite MBA lecturer of mine too?

Fri, Jan. 13th, 2006, 12:48 pm
gdeon: HRW's Next Search Cycle

Greetings, 'Reachians!

To cut right to the chase, another Search Cycle is upon us soon, bringing much discussion to the Staff table. A suggestion has been brought forth to skip this cycle, that we might put such a large effort into a large plot arc rather than another Search. This is with the idea we would resume Search at our next cycle, beginning in October.

However, nothing is written in stone just yet. We'd really like to hear what all of you think about this. If you would like to comment, please click on "Post a new comment".

Hopefully, anonymous commenting will be allowed in the near future. Until then, a LiveJournal account is necessary. Alternatively, please feel free on Harper's Tale to '@send gid' with your comments, and I will be happy to post them for you. Just let me know whether you'd like the comment to be anonymous or if it should include your name. I will keep all comments confidential.

The deadline to comment on this post is Friday, January 20, 2006, at 5:00 p.m. MOOtime. At that time, HRW Staff will vote on the issue, and an announcement will be made a few days after that.

If you have any questions on this, please feel free to page a staff member, listed on Harper's Tale at the bottom of 'cwho/@cwho for High Reaches'.


Wed, Apr. 6th, 2005, 01:58 pm
jeshala: (no subject)

I think Jesha should be listed as an interest of this community. Think of the children!

Wed, Feb. 9th, 2005, 04:57 pm
sharpwords: More on the High Reaches Pages

I've pretty much done most of the updates based on suggestions and bugs in

I've made more than a few cosmetic changes, and sorted the personality, trivia and gallery pages by initial letter, which I'm pretty happy with (and expanded my coding skills while doing it).

I've also added in a guestbook.

More comments and suggestions are very welcome! Looks like I'll be opening the pages ahead of schedule, anyway.

Tue, Feb. 8th, 2005, 03:03 pm
sharpwords: Help wanted

If anyone's got a few spare moments, could you beta-test the new HRW webpages?

Email any problems to [email protected], @send me on HT, or post comments!

Cheers, Donny.

Tue, Aug. 31st, 2004, 02:38 pm
nepheliad: (no subject)

It seems to be random observation week on my friends list at least, so I'll just contentedly point out that I have a cousin named Lissa who is most commonly called Lis.

And as I told synte back before X'ian was even created, like a year ago, that she married a guy named Axel.

Just now I realize this is kind of weird.

Wed, Aug. 4th, 2004, 04:09 pm
sharpwords: Stuff needed for HRW webpages

I'm on the hunt for logs of stuff going on around High Reaches Weyr, particularly for things to do with the current New Head(wo)man TP (and if anyone has any gossip posts saved, I'd be eternally grateful). Old logs are great though! (I need to edit some of my own.)
I'm quite happy to hunt down logs myself if you point me in the right direction - char websites & LJs and anywhere else, or you can email me (+finger Donis on-game).
All I ask is that the logs are dated, at least to the month.

Also, if anyone has any artwork of characters and dragons they'd be happy to have displayed on the HRW webpages, again, point me in the right direction. I need the permission of the person who created it, plus a name and year for copyright reasons.

The HRW webpages ( should be back up by this coming Sunday, August 8th, in their new PHPed glory.

Thu, Jul. 29th, 2004, 03:53 am
lyea: Awright.

Lauria, here. I'm actually under the profile bio but I wasn't a member of the community until just now. Wacky. I know I joined at least once upon a time. Or maybe not. But here I am!

Wed, Jun. 9th, 2004, 09:45 pm
bubtrfly: Zanabanana has arrived!

Yeah, so apparently I've missed out on all the action... so I spose now I can keep better track of my fellow weyr peoples.. since they're usually off in their own little worlds anyway. So Zana be here! See ya'll


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