? ?
Journal created:
on 31 July 2001 (#282078)
on 24 October 2010
American Hi-Fi Fans
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This is the first (and only?) community for fans of the rock&roll band American Hi-Fi. Membership is open, to join click here.

Please do not post spam or promote bands and other communities. It will be deleted.

Frequently Asked Questions
American Hi-Fi Fanlisting
American Hi-Fi Lyrics Archive
ac/dc, afro ken, ahf, american hi-fi, another perfect day, astronomy club, back in black, baseball, beautiful disaster, beer, berklee, black satellite, blue day, blur, bmx girl, bob rock, boston, boston rock, brian nolan, bud light, buffalo tom, built for speed, butch walker, campfire girls, cheap trick, chicago, concerts, crimson and clover, david sedaris, deceiver, dokken, doves, drew parsons, elo, elvis costello, eve 6, everclear, fig dish, flavor of the weak, foo fighters, freaks and geeks, golf, greg mckenna, happy, hearts on parade, heavy metal parking lot, hell yeah!, hi-fi, hi-fi killer, highs and lows, hockey, hum, i'm a fool, jamie arentzen, japan, jason sutter, joe jackson, kay hanley, kiss, krispy kreme, led zeppelin, letters to cleo, los angeles, maverick records, maybe won't do, mc lars, message in a bottle, michael eisenstein, microwave bacon, motley crue, mullets, my bloody valentine, my only enemy, myspace, nick launay, nina gordon, nothing left to lose, oasis, our lady peace, phantom planet, pixies, radio radio, red sox, redd kross, rise, rock and roll, rush, safer on the outside, samm levine, save me, scar, scott riebling, seperation anxiety, sky heroes, sloan, something real, sonic youth, squeeze, squirrels, sr-71, stacy jones, superchunk, superdrag, surrender, surround, sutter, teenage alien nation, teenage fanclub, the art of losing, the breakup song, the breeders, the clash, the donnas, the dude, the gold rush, the jam, the lemonheads, the movielife, the police, the posies, the ramones, the rolling stones, the who, this is the sound, tracy bonham, tsar, usa mike, val emmich, vertigo, veruca salt, video games, wall of sound, warped tour, we can't be friends, weezer, what about today, wilco, xtc, you've got a friend
