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American Hi-Fi Fans

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[12 Apr 2006|11:56am]

[ mood | amused ]

Got this in my mailbox!:

Hey everyone!

Sorry that we have been away for a while, but we're coming back with a vengence!
We have a new song coming out on The Sound of Superman soundtrack.
The song is called,"The Rescue", and will be the first single off the soundtrack!

You can check the song out at

Hope you enjoy it, we're just so happy to have something new for you all!
Thanks for hanging in there with us, we'll be sure and keep you posted with any information on the new single!

It's a great single, go check it out!

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[30 Nov 2005|11:41pm]
American Hi-Fi - Quiz!
Click here to take the test.
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Hi-Fi Withdrawl [19 Sep 2005|10:39am]

[ mood | amused ]

Name: Jenni
Age: 23
Location: Michigan

Favorite Hi-Fi member: All of the above, and Dennis
Favorite The Art of Losing song: Nothing Left to Lose
Favorite American Hi-Fi song: Blue Day:)
Favorite Hearts on Parade song: Something Real
Favorite line in a Hi-Fi song: "One more thing before you go, would you please give me my records back. My Bloody Valentine, The Pixies, Cheap Trick and Back in Black. You can keep the dog we bought, but you can't go near the Stadard Bar. Don't hang around, don't call my friends, THEY WON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" :)
# of Hi-Fi shows attended: At least 9:)!

Anything else you want to add: I heart Hi-Fi:) My best friend and I drag people everywhere for them, it fun! Can't wait till they're back on tour:)

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[16 Aug 2005|07:11pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

Hello all, My Name is Aaron, and I'm new to this community. I've liked American Hi-Fi for about 8 months now, and continue to enjoy them more day by day. I guess that about sums it up.

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[10 Aug 2005|03:41pm]

goodbye maverick. the hi-fi are without a label again.

jamie made a little post on the message board today:
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one pissed off american hi-fi fan [19 Jul 2005|01:07am]

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icons [10 Jun 2005|07:37pm]

does anyone know where i might find some AHF icons?
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[04 Jun 2005|03:32am]

i saw american hi-fi for a dollar last night in lansing, michigan, at the temple club. there were probably 100 people. i was slightly disappointed with the show, but they looked like they were all havin a fun time, which made the show more enjoyable.
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Summer Tour... [25 May 2005|10:21pm]

[ mood | content ]

Don't forget about the boy's newest round of tour dates!

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Intro post/request [03 May 2005|01:28pm]

[ mood | curious ]

hey, I'm Jason. I like American Hi-Fi.

Does anyone have the acoustic version of "Geeks Get the Girl" from iTunes that they could send to me? Long story short, I bought the cd and didn't get the acoustic version...


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[11 Apr 2005|01:28pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Name: MJ
Age: 19
Location: New York

Favorite Hi-Fi member: Oh lord. I love them all.
Favorite American Hi-Fi song: Either Surround or Wall of Sound.
Favorite The Art of Losing song: Rise or Breakup Song.
Favorite Hearts on Parade song: We Can't Be Friends or Separation Anxiety.
Favorite line in a Hi-Fi song: "One two fuck you don't tell me what to do. I don't wanna be like you ."
# of Hi-Fi shows attended: I think I'm up to 7.

Anything else you want to add:

The guys are the sweetest to their fans ever.

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[11 Apr 2005|12:37pm]

[ mood | giddy ]

Name: Katie J[ones] <--- I wish
Age: 20
Location: Jerzee

Favorite Hi-Fi member: hehe, Stacy. he's beautiful
Favorite The Art of Losing song: Art of Losing
Favorite American Hi-Fi song: duno
Favorite Hearts on Parade song: Hell Yeah! or Something Real
Favorite line in a Hi-Fi song: "I've been so down and dusted. I'm in too deep; I'm busted. But you come to me, you make me feel so real. Then you say, 'We're gonna find a way. Rising off the sun, this life has just begun. We're gonna fly away. Say goodbye to yesterday. Now we know who we are, feelin like a superstar. We're gonna find a way.'" - So Real (I think) off the HOP EP (a B-side)
# of Hi-Fi shows attended: urm... 4?

Anything else you want to add:

I <3 Stacy.

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[11 Apr 2005|12:20pm]

[ mood | giddy ]

I got my copy of Hearts on Parade this weekend and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!

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[05 Apr 2005|11:11pm]

[ mood | blank ]

American Hi-Fi will be on Last Call with Carson Daily on NBC, 1:36am Thursday (Wednesday night).

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[17 Feb 2005|06:10pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Name: Jennifer
Age: 21
Location: Lansing, MI

Favorite Hi-Fi member: -laughs- No way.
Favorite The Art of Losing song: Save Me
Favorite American Hi-Fi song: Blue Day
Favorite Hearts on Parade song: Tie with Something Real and Geeks.
Favorite line in a Hi-Fi song: Keeping it together when it's all been shattered.
# of Hi-Fi shows attended: Hm... 8ish?

Anything else you want to add:
My best friend and I joined the Hi-Fi Bandwagon right after Flavor of the Weak came out and we've been addicts ever since. Been to concerts in places as far as London, Ontario and Clemson, South Carolina.

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[05 Feb 2005|12:21am]

Hey everyone, allow me to introduce myself. My name's Amanda, I'm new to this community, definitely not to American Hi-Fi. They've been my favorite band since I got the CD, shortly after "Flavor of the Weak" was released. They're the reason I'm into music.

Name: Amanda
Age: 15
Location: Warren, Michigan

Favorite Hi-Fi member: How could I pick just one?
Favorite The Art of Losing song: Hmmm... I'm going with Nothing Left to Lose and This is the Sound.
Favorite American Hi-Fi song: I'm a Fool is #1, but some close calls are Safer on the Outside, Blue Day, and Scar.
Favorite Hearts on Parade song: Maybe Won't Do, We Can't Be Friends, Hell Yeah
Favorite line in a Hi-Fi song: The whole song of "Nothing Left to Lose". It's so effing funny, I laugh singing to it.
# of Hi-Fi shows attended: 2

Anything else you want to add: I always feel like a loser around the band, the first time I met them I was so giddy and retarded, so they remembered me the second time. Me and my best friend are the only people I know in love with American Hi-Fi.
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Bowery Ballroom this Monday [02 Dec 2004|11:13am]

I have an extra ticket if anyone needs one. Email me at [email protected] or find me on AIM startariot119.

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yeahhhh! [21 Nov 2004|09:22pm]

[ mood | determined ]

hey everyone. i'm new here...and I love american hi-fi!

i did an interview  with Drew from American Hi-Fi (dahhh who else?) for my website...check it out plz!

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[05 Nov 2004|06:49pm]

Hey guys

Hearts On Parade will be released on March 1, 2005. You can now preview 2 brand new songs from Hearts On Parade on the street team page. to join go to

Suzie Q
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in case you haven't heard... [28 Oct 2004|06:27pm]

they got signed to maverick records. and "geeks get the girls" is the theme song to some new ashton kutcher show.
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