Welcome to the hidden realm, where members share their tips and secrets for creating an enchanting otherkin home.
Whether you are a faerie, an elf or just like to live like one, everyone is encouraged to post pictures of fantastic finds and of their own faerie or elven homes.
This community is all about your personal realms. So if you're working on a project or your room or house already has that otherworldly charm, please share photos with us. Tell us how you did something. We're all here to learn from each other.
We're here to discuss topics ranging from discount store finds and pillow making to the best shimmering faerie wall paint and how to craft a sheer bed canopy.
Please limit community discussion to things relating to the home or garden.
If you are interested in discussing faerie fashion or costuming, please check out these three wonderful communities: faeriefashion, lotrcostumes and costumes.