Hicks From The Sticks
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Life in the Sticks

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found photo - Norway [01 Dec 2009|10:18pm]


After:Collapse )

[13 Dec 2006|09:06am]

hello everyone. fairly quiet community - there must be more of us out there! anyways, i am a wanderer, but am here for now.

i have a question for you's - i of course am on dial up. is anyone here on satellite high speed? my mom just went on it but is paying $400 for equipment & $60/mos. that's a little steep for me (though i am stupid and am paying telus $25/mos for crap).

i did get an offer in the mail from xplornet, they're prices are about the same, they have several packages that they offer. and they do offer a few different contract terms to avoid the equipment costs.

anyone have any thoughts?

x-posted to alberta

Happy Thanksgiving Day! [08 Oct 2006|11:37pm]

[ mood | happy ]

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Christmas [26 Dec 2005|12:21am]

[ mood | blissful ]

Merry Christmas y'all. I've shared my Thanksgiving tradition and now I thought I'd share our new Christmas activity in our hick family:
That, folks, is my dad in his very sexy outfit riding the family quad pulling a selection of kids and grandkids on a "sled". This so-called-sled is actually the hood of a car. Yup. I'd say that qualifies us as hicks.

[06 Aug 2005|02:31am]
*whispers* Hellooo intarwebby people in sticks...

Hi! I'm in Banff. Anyone else wanna play videogames with me in Banff? It's so lonely. Everyone here just plays the game but not the games. ;)

[29 Mar 2005|07:52pm]

[ mood | happy ]

hey im new and i used to live in three hills and trochu but i totally live in alberta, canada at heart. i live in the u.s now and they are totally uptight and not as much fun as us canadians. well im out

Anyone headed to Portland, OR? [24 Mar 2005|02:19pm]


I have this large custom made desk that I would like to try to get from Medicine Hat to Portland, OR. My boyfriend and his dad made it when he was in high school, and although we have visited many times since then, he have not had the room to bring it back with us. It is rather large.

I would be willing to pay someone for transporting it. I am also looking into having a moving company move it for me, but I am sure that will get very expensive. (Any advice or suggestions for moving companies?)

Is anyone planning to come to Portland? Would anyone like to plan a trip to Portland? You could possibly stay at our house for a couple days! It is a beautiful city!


PS. This is crossposted in any Alberta community that I could find.
PPS. If you know Ryan, or his family, please don't tell him, I am trying to make this a surprise. : )

Gratuitous promo-ing [21 Feb 2005|03:35pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Ladies and Gents:

The unprecedented has happened.

fort_mcmurray has a community.

WHY it took anyone so long to make one is beyond me. I don't live there anymore but hey, it had to happen. So, if you're living there, thinking of living there, or have lived there in the past and want to remember WHY you don't live there anymore...join us :)


[16 Feb 2005|12:25pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Yo kiddies. I'm Jackie. I'm 22. I'm from NYC. If this is out of place, please let me know... but I'm going to Alberta in a month for 2 weeks. Specifically the Banff area (and 1-2 hours in any direction). But being that I'm not native, I really haven't a clue on where to go.. and guidebooks give you crap and touristy things. I want some local info. Anybody got any?

The Weather [31 Jan 2005|06:53pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

I am loving that weather today! Mm-mmmmm. So nice!

Wouldn't it be grand if spring started now?

My introductory post [31 Jan 2005|05:31pm]

okay. not going to be an extremely interesting post. we can tell this right off.

im albertan. i LOVE being albertan. i like living in my small ass town. and.... uhh...

im sorry i really dont have much to say right now about anything.

all im concerned about is the weather.

as long as i dont have to worry about there being a -51 windchill again anytime soon ill be damn happy.

Hicks and animal care [21 Jan 2005|07:45pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

My parents are doing one of the things that people in my industry hate:
My parents have 3 sexually mature male cats. They are not vaccinating the cats. They are not neutering the cats. They barely feed the cats, and when they do it is the worst cat food they can buy. They are not deworming the cats. They are not identifying the cats in any way. My Dad said, "If they roam, they roam. If they stick around until summer, then we'll neuter them," which is totally backwards! You neuter them and then they won't roam. I can just see the population of stray cats on the rise as we speak. And being as NONE of them are vaccinated, its going to keep increasing until a disease like panleukopenia wipes out the entire population, including these three sweethearts. Arrrgh!

Hicks [23 Nov 2004|05:14pm]

[ mood | amused ]

My brother recently reminded me of some very hick-ish things about my family. In case there is any competition for the mosty hick-y:
Our family thought that liquor from a box was fine wine.
Our family would have a table of alcohol out, unattended, for everyone to help themselves at parties.
At a family party my brother, a child, became compeltely intoxicated on the fine wine from a box.

Out-hick that!

Home, Home on the (Shooting) Range [16 Oct 2004|10:59am]

[ mood | amused ]

So y'all have heard of our family tradition and I just thought I'd let you know how it went. We had a blast. I have to admit I'm not very good, but nobody can be sure how not-good I am. There were six plates lined up on the stand, and I was shooting at the biggest every time. Pretty soon, it was the only one left and everyone was targeting it. After a very long time, my mom finaly piped up "I bet that's the Melmac plate". I took out the binoculars and could see that the plate had at least eight holes in it, but was not breaking apart. After that, I would look through the binoculars after each shot.
Frustratingly funny.

I'm a hick! [07 Oct 2004|10:12pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Soooo looking forward to Thanksgiving Sunday! Get to shoot dishes after dinner! Yippee!

[08 Sep 2004|11:21pm]

[ mood | amused ]

What's the hickiest thing about you?

[05 Sep 2004|09:43pm]

[ mood | content ]

Wow, that's very crazy.

I'm Robyn. I live in a town. I don't really qualify as a hick I don't think but I am posting here... doesn't really make sense but it's fun and I am from Alberta so that has to count for something right?

[05 Sep 2004|07:38pm]

[ mood | challenging! ]

Hey, I'm Cyn and I can out-hick any o' y'all.

My family shoots at dishes after thanksgiving dinner.

Beat that!


HELLO! [22 Aug 2004|11:31am]

Hi, I'm Tlouey (aka Sara) and I live in a little hick down NorthWest of Ponoka, AB, Canada. I am currently 17, I just graduated from High School in June, and I like horses, drumming, art, photography, cars and music of many kinds. I hope to attend CATO in Kelowna, BC next year to become an Animation Artist and maybe one day even have my own cartoon series! I am the founder of this community.

I created it one day because I thought that Alberta needed it's own little carefree - fun (informal) community on Livejournal where Alberta-unique people could get to know each other and post stuff Alberta related... because if you're not from Alberta, you'll never truly understand an Albertan! (or something) Heh, anyhow, I really don't have any preset expectations for this community... so lets just see if anyone joins and where it goes!

THE Alberta LJ Community -- the more formal approach

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