प्लगइन टैग: export
blueera – OBERON Export orders
(0कुल दर)Export orders from Woocommerce to XML file format for OBERON.
Custom Fields Snapshots
(0कुल दर)Create backups of your Advanced Custom Fields data for easy migration, version control, and restoration.
Post Meta View and Export
(0कुल दर)This plugin adds possibility to view and export post metadata for superadmins.
Coupon Exporter for WooCommerce
(1कुल दर)Export WooCommerce coupons to a CSV file easily and efficiently.
Easy Export
(2कुल दर)The purpose of Easy Export plugin is to export the data from the database into a CSV & PDF files and also print out spreadsheets.
Customer Export CSV for Woo
(1कुल दर)Export WooCommerce customers to CSV with advanced filtering options and field selection.
PDF Zip Downloader for Gravity Forms
(1कुल दर)Generates a ZIP file that includes a PDF and the attachments from a Gravity Forms entry.
MIPL WP Export – Export Posts, Users, Categories to CSV
(0कुल दर)Export posts, pages, custom post types, users, categories, and taxonomies to a CSV file.
BPOTech Export Specific Post
(0कुल दर)A simple export plugin, used to export one or more posts to XML flexibly
Export Anything – Custom Posts, Products, Custom Fields, Users
(0कुल दर)The Export Anything plugin allows you to export data from your WordPress site, including WordPress posts, WooCommerce products, orders, and custom pos …
Media CSV Export (with filters)
(0कुल दर)Exports WordPress media files to a CSV file with filters by type, user, and date.
(0कुल दर)The Export Products by Status plugin allows users to export product status data from their WooCommerce store.