Papers by Dr. Binama Maxime
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Cavitation is one of the most challenging fluid flow abnormalities leading to detrimental effects... more Cavitation is one of the most challenging fluid flow abnormalities leading to detrimental effects on both the centrifugal pump flow behaviors and physical characteristics. Centrifugal pumps’ most low pressure zones are the first cavitation victims, where cavitation manifests itself in form of pitting on the pump internal solid walls, accompanied by noise and vibration, all leading to the pump hydraulic performance degradation. In the present article, a general description of centrifugal pump performance and related parameters is presented. Based on the literature survey, some light were shed on fundamental cavitation features; where different aspects relating to cavitation in centrifugal pumps were briefly discussed.

Solar Energy, 2021
Abstract The Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) technology has attracted many researchers and scholars in... more Abstract The Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) technology has attracted many researchers and scholars in order to increase the level of renewable energy utilization minimizing the issues caused by climate change especially the global warming which has the main roots on the greenhouse emissions produced by nonrenewable energy utilization. A PVT module is a combination of photovoltaic (PV) technology and solar thermal (ST) technology that receives and converts solar radiation into electrical and thermal energy at the same time leaving less greenhouse emissions. Even though the PVT technology seems simple in some designs and has low utilization cost, the inadequate performance and initial costs of PVT modules can slowdown their market. Based on research work outcomes and analysis, the design components of PVT modules have a strong influence on the performance. Analyzing the performance impacts of different main components of PVT module is very important not only for researchers but also for manufacturers because it points out both weaknesses and strengths for further improvements and invention of the technology to meet the market requirements. In this paper we deeply investigated the performance of PVT modules and the performance influence of each of the main components of PVT module by making a comprehensive review, finding analysis, summarizing and presenting the outcomes.

Proceeding of Second Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, 2017
Energy plays a key role in human daily activities, thus crucially serving in people's dev... more Energy plays a key role in human daily activities, thus crucially serving in people's development, be it social or economic. In line with the current worldwide renewable energy resources promotion, Pumped Storage Hydropower-based Electricity generation has been a widely adopted practice, where Reversible Pump Turbines (RPT) present many advantages over other formally used electro-mechanical devices. However, investigations have shown that reversible pump turbines operations are associated with different flow instabilities, where induced pressure fluctuations can cause structural vibrations and possible machine performance degradation. This article reviews the already accomplished studies and their findings on RPT flow stability, its development mechanism, and influencing parameters, where some light were shed on remaining gaps for further investigations.
International Journal of Engineering Science

International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2015
Centrifugal pumps are generally used in pumping systems like water supply, sewage, and so forth. ... more Centrifugal pumps are generally used in pumping systems like water supply, sewage, and so forth. Depending on the system working conditions, centrifugal pumps can be victim to different pump failures, cavitation among others. Recent researches have been mostly oriented to the contribution of different pump parameters, be it geometrical or working parameters, to the pump performance under non-cavitating conditions. This study on the other side, intends to numerically study the contribution of the same parameters to the cavitation performance in centrifugal impellers. A numerical study was carried out with a CFD commercial code ANSYS Fluent14.5 on three impellers with different blades numbers (three, six, and nine blades) at different speeds (2120 rpm, 2560 rpm, and 3000rpm) under cavitating conditions. The pump transient flow behaviors and related fluid mass transfer were studied, where Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations were solved through the realizable k-Ɛ turbulence model and the Pressure Implicit with splitting of Operators (PISO) algorithm together with Schnerr and Sauer cavitation model, with water at 25 degree Celsius as the working fluid. Cavitation zones within the inter-blades flow fields constantly increased in size with both the increase in impeller blades number and rotational speed, with a thorough gradual pump head drop, leading to an almost complete inter-blades flow blockage at higher values. Low static pressure zones were merely found at each blade's suction side and gradually got wider with both parameters increase. Both parameters showed a very big effect on pump cavitation dynamics.
... tot de verlichting de bron uitdrukkelijk te vermelden bij het aanhalen van resultaten uit dez... more ... tot de verlichting de bron uitdrukkelijk te vermelden bij het aanhalen van resultaten uit deze scriptie. 6-6-2006 Merckx Hannes Page 4. ii ... dr. ir. Peter Troch voor zijn begeleiding, de snelle antwoorden op mijn vragen en de tijd die hij daar voor uitstrekte. Ook bedankt aan IR. ...

Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics deals with the fundamental physical processes of bubble dynamics a... more Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics deals with the fundamental physical processes of bubble dynamics and the phenomenon of cavitation. It is ideal for graduate students and research engineers and scientists, and a basic knowledge of fluid flow and heat transfer is assumed. The analytical methods presented are developed from basic principles. The book begins with a chapter on nucleation and describes both the theory and observations in flowing and non-flowing systems. Three chapters provide a systematic treatment of the dynamics and growth, collapse, or oscillation of individual bubbles in otherwise quiescent fluids. The following chapters summarise the motion of bubbles in liquids, describe some of the phenomena that occur in homogeneous bubbly flows, with emphasis on cloud cavitation, and summarise some of the experimental observations of cavitating flows. The last chapter provides a review of free streamline methods used to treat separated cavity flows with large attached cavities.

Energy is unarguably the key factor for today's economic and social development within nations. E... more Energy is unarguably the key factor for today's economic and social development within nations. Electricity as one of many energy forms is a critical input to developing countries in the struggle to the national self-satisfaction in all domains. Rural electricity supply involved institutions have recently recommended the pump as turbine (PAT)-based micro hydropower plant (MHP) schemes for remote off-grid electrification, mostly from their economic advantages. However, from different published research findings, PAT-based MHP is not only simple and economically feasible, but has presented bottlenecks in the move to its full understanding. Moreover, compared to other clean energy technologies, PAT technology has not found much literature in academic published researches, thus contributing to its limited understanding within the community. Therefore, the PAT literature availability is one way to level up its understanding, which can be helpful to academic and professional communities. In the present study, a literature review on the two most challenging PAT aspects, namely pump-turbine selection and performance prediction, is presented; where a summary about energy sources history leading to the actual MHP global
Cavitation Effects in Centrifugal Pumps - A Review, May 5, 2016
Cavitation is one of the most challenging fluid flow abnormalities leading to detrimental effects... more Cavitation is one of the most challenging fluid flow abnormalities leading to detrimental effects on both the centrifugal pump flow behaviors and physical characteristics. Centrifugal pumps' most low pressure zones are the first cavitation victims, where cavitation manifests itself in form of pitting on the pump internal solid walls, accompanied by noise and vibration, all leading to the pump hydraulic performance degradation. In the present article, a general description of centrifugal pump performance and related parameters is presented. Based on the literature survey, some light were shed on fundamental cavitation features; where different aspects relating to cavitation in centrifugal pumps were briefly discussed.

The purpose of this series is to focus on subjects in which fluid mechanics plays a fundamental r... more The purpose of this series is to focus on subjects in which fluid mechanics plays a fundamental role. As well as the more traditional applications of aeronautics, hydraulics, heat and mass transfer etc., books will be published dealing with topics which are currently in a state of rapid development, such as turbulence, suspensions and multiphase fluids, super and hypersonic flows and numerical modeling techniques. It is a widely held view that it is the interdisciplinary subjects that will receive intense scientific attention, bringing them to the forefront of technological advancement. Fluids have the ability to transport matter and its properties as well as to transmit force, therefore fluid mechanics is a subject that is particularly open to cross fertilization with other sciences and disciplines of engineering. The subject of fluid mechanics will be highly relevant in domains such as chemical, metallurgical, biological and ecological engineering. This series is particularly open to such new multidisciplinary domains. The median level of presentation is the first year graduate student. Some texts are monographs defining the current state of a field; others are accessible to final year undergraduates; but essentially the emphasis is on readability and clarity.

Non-Newtonian fl ow and rheology are subjects which are essentially interdisciplinary in their na... more Non-Newtonian fl ow and rheology are subjects which are essentially interdisciplinary in their nature and which are also wide in their areas of application. Indeed non-Newtonian fl uid behaviour is encountered in almost all the chemical and allied processing industries. The factors which determine the rheological characteristics of a material are highly complex, and their full understanding necessitates a contribution from physicists, chemists and applied mathematicians, amongst others, few of whom may have regarded the subject as central to their disciplines. Furthermore, the areas of application are also extremely broad and diverse, and require an important input from engineers with a wide range of backgrounds, though chemical and process engineers, by virtue of their role in the handling and processing of complex materials (such as foams, slurries, emulsions, polymer melts and solutions, etc.), have a dominant interest. Furthermore, the subject is of interest both to highly theoretical mathematicians and scientists and to practising engineers with very different cultural backgrounds.
turbulent flow in our everyday surroundings, whether it be smoke from a chimney, water in a water... more turbulent flow in our everyday surroundings, whether it be smoke from a chimney, water in a waterfall. In observing a waterfall, we immediately see that the flow is unsteady , irregular, seemingly random and chaotic, and surely the motion of every eddy or droplet is unpredictable .
Papers by Dr. Binama Maxime
already accomplished studies and their findings on RPT flow stability, its development mechanism, and influencing parameters, where some light were shed on remaining gaps for further investigations.