Conference Presentations by Eko Kusratmoko

Changes in land use watershed led to environmental degradation. Estimated loss of soil erosion is... more Changes in land use watershed led to environmental degradation. Estimated loss of soil erosion is often difficult due to some factors such as topography, land use, climate and human activities. This study aims to predict soil erosion hazard and sediment yield using the Soil and Water Assessment Tools (SWAT) hydrological model. The SWAT was chosen because it can simulate the model with limited data. The study area is Komering watershed (806,001 Ha) in South Sumatera Province. There are two factors land management intervention: 1) land with agriculture, and 2) land with cultivation. These factors selected in accordance with the regulations of spatial plan area. Application of the SWAT demonstrated that the model can predict surface runoff, soil erosion loss and sediment yield. The erosion risk for each watershed can be classified and predicted its changes based on the scenarios which arranged. In this paper, we also discussed the relationship between the distribution of erosion risk and watershed's characteristics in a spatial perspective.

Makara seri Sains, 2002
Abstrak Pengamatan hidrologi di kawasan hutan kota Kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok telah dilak... more Abstrak Pengamatan hidrologi di kawasan hutan kota Kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok telah dilakukan selama bulan September 2000-Februari 2001, dalam upaya untuk mengidentifi kasi pengaruh tutupan lahan terhadap pembentukan aliran air. Untuk keperluan itu telah dibangun tujuh stasiun pengamatan yang dikarakteristikkan dengan tutupan lahan yang berbeda. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan, bahwa tutupan vegetasi bawah berupa rumput dan semak pada penggunaan lahan hutan kota di Kampus Universitas Indonesia memainkan peranan penting sebagai faktor pengontrol pembentukan aliran permukaan dan bawah tanah, terutama signifi kan selama kejadian-kejadian hujan konvektif. Proporsi air hujan lolos pada lokasi tersebut, yang menghasilkan aliran permukaan dan bawah tanah, bervariasi antara 5,3-7,2%. Sementara pada lokasi pengamatan tanpa vegetasi bawah dan lapisan seresah dihasilkan angka proporsi aliran sebesar 12,5-18,9%. Tingginya proporsi aliran permukaan pada lokasi bervegetasi bawah selama bulan Desember-Februari diduga akibat meningkatnya kejenuhan dan muka air tanah, yang selanjutnya menghasilkan aliran permukaan yang meluas (widespread saturation overland fl ow). Secara keseluruhan diperlihatkan korelasi positif yang linear antara air hujan lolos dengan volume aliran permukaan pada lokasi tanpa vegetasi bawah dan lapisan seresah. Pengaruh faktor kelembaban tanah terhadap tingginya aliran permukaan yang terjadi terlihat secara nyata pada lokasi dengan vegetasi bawah dan pertanian tanah kering dan ini terutama signifi kan pada kejadian-kejadian dengan air hujan lolos >40 mm. Abstract Hydrological Study on the urban forest in Campus Area of the Indonesia University, Depok during September 2000 – February 2001 hydrological measurement of urban forest in Campus Area of the Indonesia University, Depok were carried out to identify the effect of land cover on the runoff generation processes. Seven observation station which are characteristised by differenced land cover were build to measure overland and sub surface fl ow. The result of data analysis showed that the grass and litter cover in urban forest fl oor played an important role as a control factor of overland fl ow and throughfl ow production, especially signifi cant during the convective rains. During this events the proportion of throughfall on this area which produced overland fl ow, varied between 5,3-7,2%, while on the area without the grass and litter cover, its about 12,5-18,9%. During December–February the overland fl ow was very high. This is probably closely related to the existence of the widespread saturation overland fl ow. Generally it was shown a very close relationship between throughfall and overlandfl ow on the area without the grass and litter cover. The effect of antecedent precipitation index on the overland and throughfl ow production was identifi ed on the location with grass cover and cultivated area and particularly signifi cant on the events with throughfall >40 mm. Keywords: Overland fl ow, saturation overland fl ow, subsurface fl ow, through fall, antecedent precipitation index
Land use changes in a watershed could affect the ecological system, hydrological system and water... more Land use changes in a watershed could affect the ecological system, hydrological system and water quality, meanwhile land use changes study is needed to conduct especially in Komering watershed. Land use is the main factor that determines level of critical land, so the land use changes should correspond with the capability through which degraded land can be controlled. This study aimed to calculate land use/ land cover changes from 2000 to 2016 and generate critical land criterions. The objective of the study was to determine the physical and social factors that influence the degree of criticality land in watershed. Physical and social characteristics were measured including land use changes, solum, slopes, outcrop, and land productivity. This study applied supervised classification-maximum likelihood algorithm in ENVI 5.
Area using Remotely Sensed Data I Jaunzeme, M Kainka, M Reiniks et al. Modelling LULC for the per... more Area using Remotely Sensed Data I Jaunzeme, M Kainka, M Reiniks et al. Modelling LULC for the period 2010-2030 using GIS and Remote sensing: a case study of Tikrit, Iraq

Spatial Information about rice planting season (RPS) in a wide areas, particularly during periods... more Spatial Information about rice planting season (RPS) in a wide areas, particularly during periods of El Nino, is important to support an information about the availability of rice continously. Application of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) technology can support it's information continuously and accurate. In this study, we attempted to identify the rice planting season during El Nino years of 1997, 2006 and 2015 in the Pringsewu district, Lampung and we compared with meteorological drought index. Spatial information of the RPS obtained through Interpretation of multitemporal Landsat data aquired in 1997, 2006 and 2015 using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the humidity index. While standardized precipitation index (SPI) is used as a indicator of meteorological drought. This study has shown that the application of remote sensing and GIS could accurately monitor the rice planting season during the periods of El Nino in 1997, 2006 and 2015. The fallow land dominated during the El Nino years and there were no significant difference between years. While drought information based on SPI values showed different results between years of El Nino events. In this paper we also discussed the relationship between distribution of fallow land and meteorological drought in a spatial perspective.

Spatial Information about rice planting season (RPS) in a wide areas, particularly during periods... more Spatial Information about rice planting season (RPS) in a wide areas, particularly during periods of El Nino, is important to support an information about the availability of rice continously. Application of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) technology can support it's information continuously and accurate. In this study, we attempted to identify the rice planting season during El Nino years of 1997, 2006 and 2015 in the Pringsewu district, Lampung and we compared with meteorological drought index. Spatial information of the RPS obtained through Interpretation of multitemporal Landsat data aquired in 1997, 2006 and 2015 using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the humidity index. While standardized precipitation index (SPI) is used as a indicator of meteorological drought. This study has shown that the application of remote sensing and GIS could accurately monitor the rice planting season during the periods of El Nino in 1997, 2006 and 2015. The fallow land dominated during the El Nino years and there were no significant difference between years. While drought information based on SPI values showed different results between years of El Nino events. In this paper we also discussed the relationship between distribution of fallow land and meteorological drought in a spatial perspective.

Spatial Information about rice planting season (RPS) in a wide areas, particularly during periods... more Spatial Information about rice planting season (RPS) in a wide areas, particularly during periods of El Nino, is important to support an information about the availability of rice continously. Application of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) technology can support it's information continuously and accurate. In this study, we attempted to identify the rice planting season during El Nino years of 1997, 2006 and 2015 in the Pringsewu district, Lampung and we compared with meteorological drought index. Spatial information of the RPS obtained through Interpretation of multitemporal Landsat data aquired in 1997, 2006 and 2015 using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the humidity index. While standardized precipitation index (SPI) is used as a indicator of meteorological drought. This study has shown that the application of remote sensing and GIS could accurately monitor the rice planting season during the periods of El Nino in 1997, 2006 and 2015. The fallow land dominated during the El Nino years and there were no significant difference between years. While drought information based on SPI values showed different results between years of El Nino events. In this paper we also discussed the relationship between distribution of fallow land and meteorological drought in a spatial perspective.
This paper discusses about the availability of water resources in two small watersheds, namely th... more This paper discusses about the availability of water resources in two small watersheds, namely the Sekular and the Semaling watershed in the Dieng highland located in the Central Java, Indonesia. A survey of the water needs (agriculture and domestic purpose), supply situation (source of water, water discharge and water quality) and issues related to water as perceived by local farmers and community leaders was carried out in both watersheds. Our results show that the availability of water resources in the two watersheds at this time is sufficient for domestic and agricultural needs. Unfortunately, a lot of water available in the study areas was not found in good quality.This occurred especially in the water sources in the Sekular watershed. Efforts have been made by people in the two watersheds for water supply sustainability as reviewed in this paper.
Papers by Eko Kusratmoko

Jurnal Geografi Lingkungan Tropik, 2017
Curah hujan merupakan unsur iklim yang sangat bervariasi, baik dalam skala ruang maupun waktu. Va... more Curah hujan merupakan unsur iklim yang sangat bervariasi, baik dalam skala ruang maupun waktu. Variasi curah hujan ini akan berdampak pada penentuan awal masa tanam khususnya tanaman padi. Melalui penghitungan statistik dan pemetaan data spasial, penelitian ini akan mengungkapkan pola awal musim tanam sebagai respon terhadap variabilitas curah hujan di Kabupaten Kebumen selama periode tiga puluh tahun, yaitu tahun 1981 – 2010. Analisis spasial yang diperkuat dengan pendekatan statistik mengungkapkan bahwa wilayah pesisir di Kabupaten Kebumen memiliki variabilitas curah hujan yang tinggi dengan rata-rata curah hujan rendah. Semakin tinggi tempat, variabilitas curah hujannya menurun diikuti rata-rata curah hujan tinggi. Selain itu, awal musim tanam padi dimulai pada wilayah dengan variabilitas curah hujan yang rendah (perbukitan) menuju wilayah variabilitas curah hujan tinggi (pesisir). Pada periode 1981 – 2000, awal musim tanam padi dimulai dari utara dan secara berkala menuju selata...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Komering Watershed has experienced degradation in the quality of environment and ecosystems. This... more Komering Watershed has experienced degradation in the quality of environment and ecosystems. This ecosystem and environmental degradation is due to significant deforestation and land conversion in upstream and central areas. Land conversion which led to erosion in the upstream and sedimentation in the downstream causing changes in river channel. This study aims to analyze the deformation (morphodynamics) of river channel of Komering River in 1990, 1997, 2000, 2010 and 2013. The occurred changes are identified using satellite image interpretation and calculation from sinuosity index based on changes in river channel. Satellite image data are obtained from multitemporal Landsat images to identify changes in the river channel, while sinuosity index is used as an indicator of changes in the river channel. The results of this study showed that during 26 years period (1990-2016), the channel of Komering River changes in eleven locations. There are five locations that indicate tendencies to be straight and six locations show tendencies to get curved. This conclusion is based on the calculation of the sinuosity index value due to changes in land cover.

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017
Sand mining activities in the Komering river, South Sumatera, has been existed around a long time... more Sand mining activities in the Komering river, South Sumatera, has been existed around a long time and continues to grow along with the increase of development that occurred in the district of East Ogan Komering Ulu (East OKU). The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of sand mining activities to environmental conditions of the Komering river. Field studies have been conducted during the period of April-June 2016 for observing the condition of the river channel, water quality measurement and mining activities. Analysis of the results of field studies combined with GIS and Remote sensing analysis was conducted to measure the impact of mining activities both spatially and temporally. The results showed that the sand mining activities on the Komering river have led not only to the degradation of water quality but also damage of the river channel. In this paper, we also discussed the relationship between the distribution of water quality and channel damage with the mining activities in the spatial perspective.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
Land use changes in a watershed could affect the ecological system, hydrological system and water... more Land use changes in a watershed could affect the ecological system, hydrological system and water quality, meanwhile land use changes study is needed to conduct especially in Komering watershed. Land use is the main factor that determines level of critical land, so the land use changes should correspond with the capability through which degraded land can be controlled. This study aimed to calculate land use/ land cover changes from 2000 to 2016 and generate critical land criterions. The objective of the study was to determine the physical and social factors that influence the degree of criticality land in watershed. Physical and social characteristics were measured including land use changes, solum, slopes, outcrop, and land productivity. This study applied supervised classification-maximum likelihood algorithm in ENVI 5.1 imagine to detect land use changes observed in Komering watershed, South Sumatera province, using multispectral satellite data obtained from Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 for the years 2000 to 2016 respectively. Determination of the level of critical land and land use conditions are executed through a spatial approach by utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and statistical analysis. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

ABSTRAK Pendekatan modeling merupakan metode yang banyak digunakan untuk manajemen daerah aliran ... more ABSTRAK Pendekatan modeling merupakan metode yang banyak digunakan untuk manajemen daerah aliran sungai (DAS) dengan lebih baik karena dimungkinkan untuk dilakukan forecasting terhadap dampak-dampak yang mungkin akan terjadi sehubungan dengan aktivitas manusia di DAS tersebut. Model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) secara ekstensif telah umum digunakan untuk mempelajari debit sungai, hasil sedimen, dan muatan nutrien. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Kali Gede, Ci Putat, Kali Caringin, dan Kali Angsana yang tersebar di Kecamatan Bojongsari dan Sawangan, Depok. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil simulasi model SWAT terhadap persebaran konsentrasi nitrat dalam air sungai sehubungan dengan penggunaan lahan dan membuat simulasi persebaran konsentrasi nitrat dengan skenario wilayah permukiman mengalami perluasan sebesar 1,2% per tahun. Validasi hasil simulasi model menggunakan data konsentrasi nitrat hasil pengukuran langsung yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April 20...

The aim of the present research is to examine the effectiveness of rational method widely used in... more The aim of the present research is to examine the effectiveness of rational method widely used in calculating water availability for spatial planning in Indonesia. The rational method is developed mainly for estimating the characteristics of drainage infrastructure instead of estimating water availability. The effectiveness of rational method and Soil-Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method are compared by testing their performance in estimating water availability in the Upper Cisadane river basin in West Java, Indonesia. The results shows that calibrated SCS-CN model performs better than Rational model with R2 and NSE of 0,62 and 0,37. Result of model validation yields R2 = 0,73 and NSE = 0,52. The result suggests that SCS-CN performs better than the rational model in simulating the character of water catchment area and is suitable for model of choice in water availability estimation. Keywords : Bogor City, Regional Spatial Planning, Water availability, Water Balance, Wat...

ABSTRAK Tanah longsor sering terjadi di Desa Cibanteng yang dapat memperhatikan bukan hanya desa ... more ABSTRAK Tanah longsor sering terjadi di Desa Cibanteng yang dapat memperhatikan bukan hanya desa tetapi manusianya. Sebagai desa yang rawan longsor, Desa Cibanteng dicirikan oleh wilayah padat penduduk yang tersebar pada lereng-lereng yang berpotensi mengalami longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik ruang wilayah yang memiliki tingkat kerawanan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah sehingga dapat diketahui sebaran permukiman yang berada di masing-masing tingkat kerawanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan pengumpulan data dari beberapa instansi. Data yang terkumpul diolah menggunakan Ms. Excel dan ArcGIS 10.1 dengan metode pengharkatan, pembobotan, dan overlay untuk menghasilkan peta wilayah rawan tanah longsor. Parameter yang digunakan antara lain lereng, penggunaan lahan, dan riwayat longsor, serta peta karakteristik permukiman. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu masih adanya permukiman yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan hidup penduduk di D...

PREFERRED SITE SELECTION USING GIS AND AHP: CASE STUDY IN BANGKA ISLAND NPP SITE. Industrial grow... more PREFERRED SITE SELECTION USING GIS AND AHP: CASE STUDY IN BANGKA ISLAND NPP SITE. Industrial growth affects the increasing demand for electricity in various places, this also occurs on the island of Bangka. So far, electricity supply has only been obtained from fossil fuel power plants with inadequate capacity, unstable flow and depending on fuel supplies from outside the island. For this reason, it is necessary to build a Nuclear Power Plant (PLTN) which is believed to be reliable and able to overcome these problems. In order to prepare a safe and economical nuclear power plant site, influential parameters such as population density, cooling system, land clearing, cut and fill, and granite for the foundation have been analyzed. The novelty of this analysis lies in 2 methods which gradually used before come up with a final decision, namely spatial analysis and pairwise comparison using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), respectively. The sco...

Theoretical and Applied Climatology
The water resources of Bintan Island depend much on rainfall since the impervious granitic baseme... more The water resources of Bintan Island depend much on rainfall since the impervious granitic basement that bears a low water storage capacity dominates the geology of Bintan Island. Water demand in Bintan is increasing due to both population and economic growth. This paper aims to determine the spatial and temporal rainfall variability over Bintan Island using the daily corrected-CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data) version two (v2.0) dataset to a ground-based observation dataset (Kijang station) using quantile-base bias correction for period 1 January 1981–31 August 2018. For the analysis process, we used monthly corrected-CHIRPS, NINO 3.4 anomaly index, the DMI (dipole mode index), zonal and meridional wind, and specific humidity from January 1981 to December 2017. Semi-annual, annual, and interannual variations influence monthly rainfall amounts over the island. Two peaks representing equatorial and monsoonal patterns characterize the temporal variability of rainfall. Spatially, the southern part of the island receives more rainfall than the northern part especially in MAM and SON related to the more convergence of moisture. The effects of interannual variation, ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) and IOD (Indian Ocean dipole), vary with season. ENSO contributes more to rainfall variability than IOD during the period of study.
Conference Presentations by Eko Kusratmoko
Papers by Eko Kusratmoko