Tideman (2018): 'Just because one has attended a special class does not mean that one isn't capab... more Tideman (2018): 'Just because one has attended a special class does not mean that one isn't capable': the experiences of becoming and being not involved in traditional occupations for young people with intellectual disability, Nordic Social Work Research,
I Sverige trädde Lagen om valfrihet (LOV) i kraft 1 januari 2009 och 2010 blev det obligatoriskt ... more I Sverige trädde Lagen om valfrihet (LOV) i kraft 1 januari 2009 och 2010 blev det obligatoriskt för landstingen/regionerna att införa valfrihetssystem inom hälso-och sjukvårdens primärvård. Valfrihetssystemet innebär att vårdgivare (offentliga och privata) har rätt att etablera sig inom primärvården med offentlig ersättning och att medborgarna har rätt att välja vårdgivare. Syftet är att vårdgivarna ska konkurrera om medborgarna vilket ska leda dels till ökat individuellt inflytande, dels till ökad kvalitet och effektivt inom välfärdssektorn. I denna artikel avrapporteras en kunskapsöversikt på temat valfrihetssystem inom primärvården och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Insamling av material har skett genom sökningar i databaser (28st), granskning av rapporter och utvärderingar (22st) och kontakter med forskare på området (9st). Slutsatsen av översikten är att tematiken valfrihetssystem inom primärvården och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning är outforskad.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jul 29, 2015
BACKGROUND: Individuals with disabilities are often far removed from the labour market and resear... more BACKGROUND: Individuals with disabilities are often far removed from the labour market and research shows that employers' negative attitudes toward persons with disabilities create a barrier to attaining employment. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate Swedish employers' experiences and attitudes toward hiring persons with various disabilities. METHODS: A vignette method with accompanying questions was used. A total of 212 employers, who were actively seeking to hire, were recruited via an online employment site and participated in the study. RESULTS: The results indicated that there is some interest for employers to hire persons with disabilities and that this depended on the type of disability a person has. Other results demonstrated that previous experience of employing persons with disabilities was linked to greater interest in hiring, that employers had greater interest to hire than they thought other employers had, and that openness about the disability was deemed as an important factor in the hiring process. CONCLUSION: The novelty of this study is its use of a vignette design to investigate employers' attitudes in Sweden. Moreover, the results are much in line with international research. This contributes to knowledge and development of increasing employment for persons with disabilities.
Aim: Ideologically propelled by the Normalization Principle the Swedish policy and service system... more Aim: Ideologically propelled by the Normalization Principle the Swedish policy and service system for people with intellectual disability has since the 1960 undergone drastic changes like deinstitutionalization and decentralisation of services to the local municipalities. The aim of this paper focusing the post-normalization disability policy and practice is to present a research-based examination of the current situation for people with intellectual disability in Sweden.Method: Meta-analysis of current Swedish research in the field of intellectual disability.Findings: This paper highlights the right-based law as well as the current trends and challenges faced by people with intellectual disability. The paradox of increased self-advocacy movement at the same time as the categorization of children and youth as intellectual disabled is increasing is discussed as well as the discrepancies in service provision and the increasing number of private service providers.Conclusions: People with intellectual disability in Sweden face a number of challenges in a considerably transformed welfare system. Comparisons of similarities and differences in for example the self-advocacy movement or the marketization between the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Swedish rights-based legislation should be useful for knowledge and development in both countries.
Aim: The Swedish educational system consists of parallel types of schools. Besides regular compul... more Aim: The Swedish educational system consists of parallel types of schools. Besides regular compulsory school and upper secondary school another type of school exists in Sweden, referred to as “sars ...
Aim: In recent years an increased number of adults with intellectual disability in Sweden have be... more Aim: In recent years an increased number of adults with intellectual disability in Sweden have been organized in self-advocacy groups since they no longer accept the perceived subordinate role as a disabled person in society. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the importance of being a member in a self-advocacy group and what impact it had on the members' daily life, relationships, self-determination and identity.Method: An interpretative approach was used to analyze data from interviews with 26 participants in four different groups. The semi-structured interviews were supplemented with eight interviews conducted with support workers, focus-group interviews, observations during meetings and document reviews.Findings: The findings suggest that the participants' engagement in a self-advocacy group is meaningful in several but varies ways. An improved life-situation consisting of strengthened control in every-day life and increased self-confidence are of great importance, but equally important is the perceived possibility to help others and make a difference in their lives. Self-advocacy is primarily understood in terms of achieved independence and social connections within the group, but also as influencing outsiders' attitudes.Conclusions: The self-advocacy movements indicate a significant change in society and are important for the target group as well as for shaping future support and treatment.
During later years it has become more common that young adults with intellectual disability organ... more During later years it has become more common that young adults with intellectual disability organize themselves. Together they try to increase the power over their own lives and at the same time in ...
The current situation for people with intellectual disability in Sweden - a role model or a warni... more The current situation for people with intellectual disability in Sweden - a role model or a warning example?
Keele Research Repository (Keele University), Jul 1, 2016
Aim: to explore why people with intellectual disabilities (ID) do not access the UK bowel cancer ... more Aim: to explore why people with intellectual disabilities (ID) do not access the UK bowel cancer screening programme and to stablish principles of good practice. We held focus group to consult with six people with ID (4 men, 2 women), an advocate and two specialist nurses from a local hospital NHS Trust to explore the issues. Data was collected using flip charts and drawings, and thematically analyzed. Results: Whilst the primary aim of the co-production meeting was to learn from, persons with ID about accessing bowel cancer screening, reciprocal learning was evident. People had a thirst for knowledge around cancer generally and bowel cancer specifically, and whilst they had a number of professionals to address their health questions, they fully maximized this opportunity. Coproduction can ensure that research is 'fit-for-purpose'. Conclusions: Co-production is the essence of developing good processes and can be the focus of research; it helped to identify barriers to bowel cancer screening and highlighted a number of principles of good practice.
Efter(sar)gymnasial sysselsattning for unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsattning - betyde... more Efter(sar)gymnasial sysselsattning for unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsattning - betydelsen av foraldrars utbildningsniva och fodelseland.
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, May 20, 2016
Knowledge about people with intellectual disability (ID) and their connections to the labor marke... more Knowledge about people with intellectual disability (ID) and their connections to the labor market is scarce. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the entry into and representation in the Swedish labor market for people with ID, discussed with a special focus on the gender perspective. This study included 2,745 individuals (30% women and 70% men) who graduated from Swedish upper secondary schools for pupils with intellectual disability (USSID) in the 2000s, and who were defined as employees in 2011. Graduation data from 2001 to 2011 were analyzed in relation to employment data from 2011 and adjusted for gender, graduation year, and educational program. Results show that men who attended a national USSID program and graduated between 2001 and 2006 were the most likely group to have a job. The authors conclude that the gender differences in the Swedish labor market are more clearly pronounced among women and men with ID in relation to employment rate, wage levels, and professions than in the general population. Education, welfare‐services, and interventions specifically targeted to meet the needs of people with ID have to develop in more gender‐sensitive ways.
Tideman (2018): 'Just because one has attended a special class does not mean that one isn't capab... more Tideman (2018): 'Just because one has attended a special class does not mean that one isn't capable': the experiences of becoming and being not involved in traditional occupations for young people with intellectual disability, Nordic Social Work Research,
I Sverige trädde Lagen om valfrihet (LOV) i kraft 1 januari 2009 och 2010 blev det obligatoriskt ... more I Sverige trädde Lagen om valfrihet (LOV) i kraft 1 januari 2009 och 2010 blev det obligatoriskt för landstingen/regionerna att införa valfrihetssystem inom hälso-och sjukvårdens primärvård. Valfrihetssystemet innebär att vårdgivare (offentliga och privata) har rätt att etablera sig inom primärvården med offentlig ersättning och att medborgarna har rätt att välja vårdgivare. Syftet är att vårdgivarna ska konkurrera om medborgarna vilket ska leda dels till ökat individuellt inflytande, dels till ökad kvalitet och effektivt inom välfärdssektorn. I denna artikel avrapporteras en kunskapsöversikt på temat valfrihetssystem inom primärvården och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Insamling av material har skett genom sökningar i databaser (28st), granskning av rapporter och utvärderingar (22st) och kontakter med forskare på området (9st). Slutsatsen av översikten är att tematiken valfrihetssystem inom primärvården och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning är outforskad.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jul 29, 2015
BACKGROUND: Individuals with disabilities are often far removed from the labour market and resear... more BACKGROUND: Individuals with disabilities are often far removed from the labour market and research shows that employers' negative attitudes toward persons with disabilities create a barrier to attaining employment. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate Swedish employers' experiences and attitudes toward hiring persons with various disabilities. METHODS: A vignette method with accompanying questions was used. A total of 212 employers, who were actively seeking to hire, were recruited via an online employment site and participated in the study. RESULTS: The results indicated that there is some interest for employers to hire persons with disabilities and that this depended on the type of disability a person has. Other results demonstrated that previous experience of employing persons with disabilities was linked to greater interest in hiring, that employers had greater interest to hire than they thought other employers had, and that openness about the disability was deemed as an important factor in the hiring process. CONCLUSION: The novelty of this study is its use of a vignette design to investigate employers' attitudes in Sweden. Moreover, the results are much in line with international research. This contributes to knowledge and development of increasing employment for persons with disabilities.
Aim: Ideologically propelled by the Normalization Principle the Swedish policy and service system... more Aim: Ideologically propelled by the Normalization Principle the Swedish policy and service system for people with intellectual disability has since the 1960 undergone drastic changes like deinstitutionalization and decentralisation of services to the local municipalities. The aim of this paper focusing the post-normalization disability policy and practice is to present a research-based examination of the current situation for people with intellectual disability in Sweden.Method: Meta-analysis of current Swedish research in the field of intellectual disability.Findings: This paper highlights the right-based law as well as the current trends and challenges faced by people with intellectual disability. The paradox of increased self-advocacy movement at the same time as the categorization of children and youth as intellectual disabled is increasing is discussed as well as the discrepancies in service provision and the increasing number of private service providers.Conclusions: People with intellectual disability in Sweden face a number of challenges in a considerably transformed welfare system. Comparisons of similarities and differences in for example the self-advocacy movement or the marketization between the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Swedish rights-based legislation should be useful for knowledge and development in both countries.
Aim: The Swedish educational system consists of parallel types of schools. Besides regular compul... more Aim: The Swedish educational system consists of parallel types of schools. Besides regular compulsory school and upper secondary school another type of school exists in Sweden, referred to as “sars ...
Aim: In recent years an increased number of adults with intellectual disability in Sweden have be... more Aim: In recent years an increased number of adults with intellectual disability in Sweden have been organized in self-advocacy groups since they no longer accept the perceived subordinate role as a disabled person in society. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the importance of being a member in a self-advocacy group and what impact it had on the members' daily life, relationships, self-determination and identity.Method: An interpretative approach was used to analyze data from interviews with 26 participants in four different groups. The semi-structured interviews were supplemented with eight interviews conducted with support workers, focus-group interviews, observations during meetings and document reviews.Findings: The findings suggest that the participants' engagement in a self-advocacy group is meaningful in several but varies ways. An improved life-situation consisting of strengthened control in every-day life and increased self-confidence are of great importance, but equally important is the perceived possibility to help others and make a difference in their lives. Self-advocacy is primarily understood in terms of achieved independence and social connections within the group, but also as influencing outsiders' attitudes.Conclusions: The self-advocacy movements indicate a significant change in society and are important for the target group as well as for shaping future support and treatment.
During later years it has become more common that young adults with intellectual disability organ... more During later years it has become more common that young adults with intellectual disability organize themselves. Together they try to increase the power over their own lives and at the same time in ...
The current situation for people with intellectual disability in Sweden - a role model or a warni... more The current situation for people with intellectual disability in Sweden - a role model or a warning example?
Keele Research Repository (Keele University), Jul 1, 2016
Aim: to explore why people with intellectual disabilities (ID) do not access the UK bowel cancer ... more Aim: to explore why people with intellectual disabilities (ID) do not access the UK bowel cancer screening programme and to stablish principles of good practice. We held focus group to consult with six people with ID (4 men, 2 women), an advocate and two specialist nurses from a local hospital NHS Trust to explore the issues. Data was collected using flip charts and drawings, and thematically analyzed. Results: Whilst the primary aim of the co-production meeting was to learn from, persons with ID about accessing bowel cancer screening, reciprocal learning was evident. People had a thirst for knowledge around cancer generally and bowel cancer specifically, and whilst they had a number of professionals to address their health questions, they fully maximized this opportunity. Coproduction can ensure that research is 'fit-for-purpose'. Conclusions: Co-production is the essence of developing good processes and can be the focus of research; it helped to identify barriers to bowel cancer screening and highlighted a number of principles of good practice.
Efter(sar)gymnasial sysselsattning for unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsattning - betyde... more Efter(sar)gymnasial sysselsattning for unga vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsattning - betydelsen av foraldrars utbildningsniva och fodelseland.
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, May 20, 2016
Knowledge about people with intellectual disability (ID) and their connections to the labor marke... more Knowledge about people with intellectual disability (ID) and their connections to the labor market is scarce. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the entry into and representation in the Swedish labor market for people with ID, discussed with a special focus on the gender perspective. This study included 2,745 individuals (30% women and 70% men) who graduated from Swedish upper secondary schools for pupils with intellectual disability (USSID) in the 2000s, and who were defined as employees in 2011. Graduation data from 2001 to 2011 were analyzed in relation to employment data from 2011 and adjusted for gender, graduation year, and educational program. Results show that men who attended a national USSID program and graduated between 2001 and 2006 were the most likely group to have a job. The authors conclude that the gender differences in the Swedish labor market are more clearly pronounced among women and men with ID in relation to employment rate, wage levels, and professions than in the general population. Education, welfare‐services, and interventions specifically targeted to meet the needs of people with ID have to develop in more gender‐sensitive ways.
Papers by Magnus Tideman