home alone on a school night (izlightwood) wrote in hh_stamping,
home alone on a school night

Member Cuts

Hey! I just finished the member cuts for hh_stamping. The cuts were based on the inactivity list, so... yeah. Anyway, I'd be surprised if I didn't make a mistake, so just rejoin if I accidentally cut you, you'll be accepted asap.
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  • Members Cut

    A MEMBER CUT HAS BEEN FINISHED! If you cannot see this post, you have been cut from hh_stamping. If I have made an error (your name…

  • Member Cut

    A MEMBER CUT HAS BEEN FINISHED! If you cannot see this post, you have been cut from hh_stamping. If I have made an error (your name…

  • Term XXXV Members Cut

    If you were not active in Term XXXV, you were removed as a member of HiH and thus Stamping as well. Please see this post for information on how to…

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