? ?
05 May 2023 @ 04:39 pm

If you cannot see this post, you have been cut from hh_stamping. If I have made an error (your name is on the list here), please let me know so I can add you back! I will be working on moving any removed members' information from the Current Members section of the Directory as time allows (there are a lot of them).
18 January 2021 @ 03:20 pm

If you cannot see this post, you have been cut from hh_stamping. If I have made an error (your name is on the list here), please let me know so I can add you back! I will be working on moving any removed members' information from the Current Members section of the Directory as time allows (there are a lot of them).
Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: Halsey- New Americana
27 September 2016 @ 09:55 am
If you were not active in Term XXXV, you were removed as a member of HiH and thus Stamping as well.

Please see this post for information on how to return.

If you believe you were accidentally cut from hh_stamping, let me know!
26 October 2015 @ 08:06 pm
Member cuts for Term XXXIII have been done! If you can't see this post, you have been cut. If you think you have been wrongfully cut, leave me a comment and I'll add you back. If you've been cut from all of HiH, see this post.
01 February 2015 @ 07:43 pm
If you were not active in Term XXXI, you were removed as a member of HiH and thus Stamping as well.

Please see this post for information on how to return.

If you believe you were accidentally cut from hh_stamping, let me know!
30 September 2014 @ 10:36 am
The member cuts for term xxx have been done! If you can no longer see this post then you have been cut. If you think you have been wrongfully cut comment here and I'll add you back ♥
22 May 2014 @ 12:33 am
Judge, O you members, how dearly I lov'd you!
This was the most unkindest cut of all!!
For when the noble mods made the list,
Necessity, more alluring than excess members
Quite motivat'd me: then slashed my numbers;
And, in your hope for continued membership,
Even if you cannot look upon this post,
Which is now hidden from your view, helpful instructions exist.
O, how helpful those instructions, my would-be members!
Then I, and you, and all of us can return to stamping,
Where awesome self-discoveries settle over us.
26 November 2013 @ 06:27 am
The members cut has been performed.

If you were inactive over the last term, as per HIH rules you have been removed from the community.

If you think you've been removed incorrectly, please let me know!
16 October 2012 @ 08:34 am
If you weren't on the list for last term's active members, you were removed from the community! If you can't see this entry, it means you're no longer a member.

If you don't want to leave us, you can either contact your prefects and rejoin your house or go to platform_934 and get resorted!

If you believe you were accidentally cut, comment here and I'll add you back ASAP!

Also, 3.5 hours to October's stamping queue opening! AHHHHHH.
02 February 2011 @ 11:28 am
Hey! I just finished the member cuts for hh_stamping. The cuts were based on the inactivity list, so... yeah. Anyway, I'd be surprised if I didn't make a mistake, so just rejoin if I accidentally cut you, you'll be accepted asap.