Bug 472823 - support SHA-256 HTTP Digest auth r=necko-reviewers,dragana
authorGlenn Strauss <gstrauss@gluelogic.com>
Thu, 12 Aug 2021 12:39:19 +0000
changeset 588663 7a4994734e00950bffd6fe82838b47e35efeaa93
parent 588662 2ed80a7a7b6c8ea8cd4707e8cfcd372ce35a7474
child 588664 090b4ff09c668e2ffdd209c725fc63c5ea3d0f37
push id38699
push user[email protected]
push dateThu, 12 Aug 2021 16:01:16 +0000
treeherdermozilla-central@e92759eacf36 [default view] [failures only]
perfherder[talos] [build metrics] [platform microbench] (compared to previous push)
reviewersnecko-reviewers, dragana
bugs472823, 281851, 669675
first release with
nightly linux32
nightly linux64
nightly mac
nightly win32
nightly win64
last release without
nightly linux32
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Bug 472823 - support SHA-256 HTTP Digest auth r=necko-reviewers,dragana fixes: Bug 472823 SHA 256 Digest Authentication Original patch by Teun van Eijsden Tests added by Vit Hampl <[email protected]> Original patch updated and tests fixed by gstrauss fixes: Bug 281851 CVE-2005-2395 Wrong scheme used when server offers both Basic and Digest auth fixes: Bug 669675 failure to skip unknown HTTP authentication schemes in WWW-Authenticate Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D106241
--- a/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannelAuthProvider.cpp
+++ b/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannelAuthProvider.cpp
@@ -497,16 +497,204 @@ nsresult nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::Prep
   return NS_OK;
 nsresult nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::GetCredentials(const char* challenges,
                                                    bool proxyAuth,
                                                    nsCString& creds) {
+  // separate challenges by type
+  const char* p = challenges;  // ptr
+  const char* s = nullptr;     // challenge start (saved position)
+  const char* b = nullptr;     // challenge begin (once end is reached)
+  const char* e = nullptr;     // end of challenge end  (updated each token)
+  size_t n;
+  struct {
+    const char* p;
+    const char* eol;
+  } authpref[16]; /*(4 per auth type)*/
+  memset(authpref, 0, sizeof(authpref));
+  do {
+    // get the challenge string (see nsHttpHeaderArray)
+    while (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p) || *p == ',') ++p;
+    const char* const t = p;  // token start
+    while (!nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p) && *p != ',' && *p != '=' && *p) ++p;
+    const char* const te = p;             // token end
+    while (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p)) ++p;  // BWS if followed by '='
+    if (*p == '=') {
+      do {
+        ++p;
+      } while (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p));  // BWS
+      if (*p == '"') {  // parse over quoted-string (not strict)
+        do {
+          ++p;
+        } while (*p && *p != '"' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' &&
+                 (*p != '\\' || *++p != '\0'));
+        if (*p == '"') ++p;
+        // else unterminated quoted-string; missing '"' before end of line
+      }  // not strict: includes non-WS chars after quoted-string
+      while (!nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p) && *p != ',' && *p) ++p;
+      e = p;
+      if (!*p) b = s;
+    } else if (te != t || !*t) {
+      b = s;
+      s = t;
+      if (!b) n = te - t;
+    }
+    if (b) {
+      // reached end of a challenge
+      int i = -1; /* preference order: 0 .. 3 */
+      switch (n) {
+        case 9:
+          if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(b, "negotiate", 9) == 0) i = 0;
+          break;
+        case 4:
+          if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(b, "ntlm", 4) == 0) i = 1;
+          break;
+        case 6:
+          if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(b, "digest", 6) == 0) i = 2;
+          break;
+        case 5:
+          if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(b, "basic", 5) == 0) i = 3;
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+      if (i != -1) {
+        // save challenge
+        i <<= 2; /* support up to 4 challenges per auth type */
+        int j = 0;
+        while (j < 4 && authpref[i + j].p) ++j;
+        if (j < 4) {
+          authpref[i + j].p = b;
+          authpref[i + j].eol = e;
+        }
+      }
+      if (b != s) {
+        if (!*s) {
+          break;
+        }
+        e = te;
+        n = te - s;
+      } else {
+        s = nullptr;
+      }
+      b = nullptr;
+    }
+  } while (*p);
+  if (authpref[(2 << 2) + 1].p) {
+    // more than one Digest challenge (i=2); parse and choose the strongest
+    uint16_t algo_pref = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4 && authpref[(2 << 2) + i].p; ++i) {
+      nsAutoCString challenge;
+      challenge.Assign(authpref[(2 << 2) + i].p,
+                       authpref[(2 << 2) + i].eol - authpref[(2 << 2) + i].p);
+#if 0  // nsHttpDigestAuth::ParseChallenge is a non-static, protected member
+      nsAutoCString realm, domain, nonce, opaque;
+      bool stale;
+      uint16_t algorithm, qop;
+      nsresult rv = nsHttpDigestAuth::ParseChallenge(challenge, realm, domain,
+                                                     nonce, opaque, &stale,
+                                                     &algorithm, &qop);
+      if (NS_FAILED(rv))
+        continue;
+      uint16_t cmp = 0;
+      switch (algorithm) {
+        case ALGO_SHA256_SESS:
+          cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS;
+          break;
+        case ALGO_SHA256:
+          cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS|ALGO_SHA256;
+          break;
+        case ALGO_MD5_SESS:
+          cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS|ALGO_SHA256|ALGO_MD5_SESS;
+          break;
+        case ALGO_MD5:
+          cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS|ALGO_SHA256|ALGO_MD5_SESS|ALGO_MD5;
+          break;
+        default:
+          continue;
+      }
+      const char* p = authpref[(2 << 2) + i].p + 6;  // +6 for "Digest"
+      const char* const end = authpref[(2 << 2) + i].eol;
+      uint16_t algorithm = 0;
+      uint16_t cmp = 0;
+      do {
+        while (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p) || *p == ',') ++p;
+        const char* const t = p;  // token start
+        while (!nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p) && *p != ',' && *p != '=' && *p) ++p;
+        const char* const te = p;             // token end
+        while (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p)) ++p;  // BWS if followed by '='
+        const char* v = nullptr;
+        if (*p == '=') {
+          do {
+            ++p;
+          } while (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p));  // BWS
+          v = p;
+          if (*p == '"') {  // parse over quoted-string (not strict)
+            do {
+              ++p;
+            } while (*p && *p != '"' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n' &&
+                     (*p != '\\' || *++p != '\0'));
+            if (*p == '"') ++p;
+            // else unterminated quoted-string; missing '"' before end of line
+          }  // not strict: includes non-WS chars after quoted-string
+          while (!nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*p) && *p != ',' && *p) ++p;
+        }
+        if (!v) continue;
+        if (te - t != 9 || nsCRT::strncasecmp(t, "algorithm", 9) != 0) continue;
+        cmp = 0;
+        switch (p - v) {
+          case 3:
+            if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(v, "MD5", 3) == 0) {
+              algorithm = ALGO_MD5;
+              cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS | ALGO_SHA256 | ALGO_MD5_SESS | ALGO_MD5;
+            }
+            break;
+          case 8:
+            if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(v, "MD5-sess", 8) == 0) {
+              algorithm = ALGO_MD5_SESS;
+              cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS | ALGO_SHA256 | ALGO_MD5_SESS;
+            }
+            break;
+          case 7:
+            if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(v, "SHA-256", 7) == 0) {
+              algorithm = ALGO_SHA256;
+              cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS | ALGO_SHA256;
+            }
+            break;
+          case 12:
+            if (nsCRT::strncasecmp(v, "SHA-256-sess", 12) == 0) {
+              algorithm = ALGO_SHA256_SESS;
+              cmp = ALGO_SHA256_SESS;
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+      } while (p < end);
+      if (!cmp || (algo_pref & cmp)) continue;
+      algo_pref = algorithm;
+      // overwrite first Digest slot in authpref[] since only one is tried below
+      if (i) {
+        authpref[2 << 2].p = authpref[(2 << 2) + i].p;
+        authpref[2 << 2].eol = authpref[(2 << 2) + i].eol;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpAuthenticator> auth;
   nsAutoCString challenge;
   nsCString authType;  // force heap allocation to enable string sharing since
                        // we'll be assigning this value into mAuthType.
   // set informations that depend on whether we're authenticating against a
   // proxy or a webserver
@@ -520,25 +708,24 @@ nsresult nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::GetC
     currentContinuationState = &mAuthContinuationState;
     currentAuthType = &mAuthType;
   nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   bool gotCreds = false;
   // figure out which challenge we can handle and which authenticator to use.
-  for (const char* eol = challenges - 1; eol;) {
-    const char* p = eol + 1;
+  for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(authpref) / sizeof(*authpref)); ++i) {
+    if (authpref[i].p == nullptr) continue;
     // get the challenge string (LF separated -- see nsHttpHeaderArray)
-    if ((eol = strchr(p, '\n')) != nullptr) {
-      challenge.Assign(p, eol - p);
-    } else {
-      challenge.Assign(p);
-    }
+    if (authpref[i].eol != nullptr)
+      challenge.Assign(authpref[i].p, authpref[i].eol - authpref[i].p);
+    else
+      challenge.Assign(authpref[i].p);
     rv = GetAuthenticator(challenge.get(), authType, getter_AddRefs(auth));
     if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
       // if we've already selected an auth type from a previous challenge
       // received while processing this channel, then skip others until
       // we find a challenge corresponding to the previously tried auth
       // type.
@@ -568,17 +755,19 @@ nsresult nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::GetC
       if (rv == NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) {
         // authentication prompt has been invoked and result is
         // expected asynchronously, save current challenge being
         // processed and all remaining challenges to use later in
         // OnAuthAvailable and now immediately return
         mCurrentChallenge = challenge;
-        mRemainingChallenges = eol ? eol + 1 : nullptr;
+        // imperfect; does not save server-side preference ordering.
+        // instead, continues with remaining string as provided by client
+        mRemainingChallenges = authpref[i].eol ? authpref[i].eol + 1 : nullptr;
         return rv;
       // reset the auth type and continuation state
--- a/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpDigestAuth.cpp
+++ b/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpDigestAuth.cpp
@@ -18,16 +18,20 @@
 #include "nsIURI.h"
 #include "nsString.h"
 #include "nsEscape.h"
 #include "nsNetCID.h"
 #include "nsCRT.h"
 #include "nsICryptoHash.h"
 #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
+#define DigestLength(algorithm)                                            \
+  (((algorithm) & (ALGO_SHA256 | ALGO_SHA256_SESS)) ? SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH \
+                                                    : MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH)
 namespace mozilla {
 namespace net {
 StaticRefPtr<nsHttpDigestAuth> nsHttpDigestAuth::gSingleton;
 already_AddRefed<nsIHttpAuthenticator> nsHttpDigestAuth::GetOrCreate() {
   nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpAuthenticator> authenticator;
   if (gSingleton) {
@@ -46,40 +50,48 @@ already_AddRefed<nsIHttpAuthenticator> n
 NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsHttpDigestAuth, nsIHttpAuthenticator)
 // nsHttpDigestAuth <protected>
-nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::MD5Hash(const char* buf, uint32_t len) {
+nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::DigestHash(const char* buf, uint32_t len,
+                                      uint16_t algorithm) {
   nsresult rv;
   // Cache a reference to the nsICryptoHash instance since we'll be calling
   // this function frequently.
   if (!mVerifier) {
     mVerifier = do_CreateInstance(NS_CRYPTO_HASH_CONTRACTID, &rv);
     if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
       LOG(("nsHttpDigestAuth: no crypto hash!\n"));
       return rv;
-  rv = mVerifier->Init(nsICryptoHash::MD5);
+  uint32_t dlen;
+  if (algorithm & (ALGO_SHA256 | ALGO_SHA256_SESS)) {
+    rv = mVerifier->Init(nsICryptoHash::SHA256);
+    dlen = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+  } else {
+    rv = mVerifier->Init(nsICryptoHash::MD5);
+    dlen = MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+  }
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
   rv = mVerifier->Update((unsigned char*)buf, len);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
   nsAutoCString hashString;
   rv = mVerifier->Finish(false, hashString);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-  NS_ENSURE_STATE(hashString.Length() == sizeof(mHashBuf));
+  NS_ENSURE_STATE(hashString.Length() == dlen);
   memcpy(mHashBuf, hashString.get(), hashString.Length());
   return rv;
 nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::GetMethodAndPath(
     nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel* authChannel, bool isProxyAuth,
     nsCString& httpMethod, nsCString& path) {
@@ -144,16 +156,24 @@ nsHttpDigestAuth::ChallengeReceived(nsIH
                                     nsISupports** continuationState,
                                     bool* result) {
   nsAutoCString realm, domain, nonce, opaque;
   bool stale;
   uint16_t algorithm, qop;
   nsresult rv = ParseChallenge(challenge, realm, domain, nonce, opaque, &stale,
                                &algorithm, &qop);
+  if (!(algorithm &
+        (ALGO_MD5 | ALGO_MD5_SESS | ALGO_SHA256 | ALGO_SHA256_SESS))) {
+    // they asked for an algorithm that we do not support yet (like SHA-512/256)
+    NS_WARNING("unsupported algorithm requested by Digest authentication");
+  }
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
   // if the challenge has the "stale" flag set, then the user identity is not
   // necessarily invalid.  by returning FALSE here we can suppress username
   // and password prompting that usually accompanies a 401/407 challenge.
   *result = !stale;
   // clear any existing nonce_count since we have a new challenge.
@@ -214,20 +234,21 @@ nsHttpDigestAuth::GenerateCredentials(
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
         ("nsHttpDigestAuth::GenerateCredentials [ParseChallenge failed "
          "rv=%" PRIx32 "]\n",
     return rv;
-  char ha1_digest[EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1];
-  char ha2_digest[EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1];
-  char response_digest[EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1];
-  char upload_data_digest[EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1];
+  const uint32_t dhexlen = 2 * DigestLength(algorithm) + 1;
+  char ha1_digest[dhexlen];
+  char ha2_digest[dhexlen];
+  char response_digest[dhexlen];
+  char upload_data_digest[dhexlen];
   if (qop & QOP_AUTH_INT) {
     // we do not support auth-int "quality of protection" currently
     qop &= ~QOP_AUTH_INT;
         "no support for Digest authentication with data integrity quality of "
@@ -253,17 +274,18 @@ nsHttpDigestAuth::GenerateCredentials(
         nsNetwerkMD5Digest(upload_buffer, upload_buffer_length);
         ExpandToHex(digest, upload_data_digest);
-  if (!(algorithm & ALGO_MD5 || algorithm & ALGO_MD5_SESS)) {
+  if (!(algorithm &
+        (ALGO_MD5 | ALGO_MD5_SESS | ALGO_SHA256 | ALGO_SHA256_SESS))) {
     // they asked only for algorithms that we do not support
     NS_WARNING("unsupported algorithm requested by Digest authentication");
   // the following are for increasing security.  see RFC 2617 for more
   // information.
@@ -304,21 +326,22 @@ nsHttpDigestAuth::GenerateCredentials(
   // calculate credentials
   NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 cUser(username), cPass(password);
   rv = CalculateHA1(cUser, cPass, realm, algorithm, nonce, cnonce, ha1_digest);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-  rv = CalculateHA2(httpMethod, path, qop, upload_data_digest, ha2_digest);
+  rv = CalculateHA2(httpMethod, path, algorithm, qop, upload_data_digest,
+                    ha2_digest);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-  rv = CalculateResponse(ha1_digest, ha2_digest, nonce, qop, nonce_count,
-                         cnonce, response_digest);
+  rv = CalculateResponse(ha1_digest, ha2_digest, algorithm, nonce, qop,
+                         nonce_count, cnonce, response_digest);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
   // Values that need to match the quoted-string production from RFC 2616:
   //    username
   //    realm
   //    nonce
@@ -341,16 +364,20 @@ nsHttpDigestAuth::GenerateCredentials(
   authString.AppendLiteral(", uri=\"");
   authString += path;
   if (algorithm & ALGO_SPECIFIED) {
     authString.AppendLiteral("\", algorithm=");
     if (algorithm & ALGO_MD5_SESS) {
+    } else if (algorithm & ALGO_SHA256) {
+      authString.AppendLiteral("SHA-256");
+    } else if (algorithm & ALGO_SHA256_SESS) {
+      authString.AppendLiteral("SHA-256-sess");
     } else {
   } else {
     authString += '\"';
   authString.AppendLiteral(", response=\"");
   authString += response_digest;
@@ -386,149 +413,154 @@ nsHttpDigestAuth::GetAuthFlags(uint32_t*
   // NOTE: digest auth credentials must be uniquely computed for each request,
   //       so we do not set the REUSABLE_CREDENTIALS flag.
   return NS_OK;
 nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::CalculateResponse(
-    const char* ha1_digest, const char* ha2_digest, const nsCString& nonce,
-    uint16_t qop, const char* nonce_count, const nsCString& cnonce,
-    char* result) {
-  uint32_t len = 2 * EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH + nonce.Length() + 2;
+    const char* ha1_digest, const char* ha2_digest, uint16_t algorithm,
+    const nsCString& nonce, uint16_t qop, const char* nonce_count,
+    const nsCString& cnonce, char* result) {
+  const uint32_t dhexlen = 2 * DigestLength(algorithm);
+  uint32_t len = 2 * dhexlen + nonce.Length() + 2;
   if (qop & QOP_AUTH || qop & QOP_AUTH_INT) {
     len += cnonce.Length() + NONCE_COUNT_LENGTH + 3;
     if (qop & QOP_AUTH_INT) {
       len += 8;  // length of "auth-int"
     } else {
       len += 4;  // length of "auth"
   nsAutoCString contents;
-  contents.Append(ha1_digest, EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+  contents.Append(ha1_digest, dhexlen);
   if (qop & QOP_AUTH || qop & QOP_AUTH_INT) {
     contents.Append(nonce_count, NONCE_COUNT_LENGTH);
     if (qop & QOP_AUTH_INT) {
     } else {
-  contents.Append(ha2_digest, EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+  contents.Append(ha2_digest, dhexlen);
-  nsresult rv = MD5Hash(contents.get(), contents.Length());
-  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, result);
+  nsresult rv = DigestHash(contents.get(), contents.Length(), algorithm);
+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, result, algorithm);
   return rv;
-nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::ExpandToHex(const char* digest, char* result) {
+nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::ExpandToHex(const char* digest, char* result,
+                                       uint16_t algorithm) {
   int16_t index, value;
+  const int16_t dlen = DigestLength(algorithm);
-  for (index = 0; index < DIGEST_LENGTH; index++) {
+  for (index = 0; index < dlen; index++) {
     value = (digest[index] >> 4) & 0xf;
     if (value < 10) {
       result[index * 2] = value + '0';
     } else {
       result[index * 2] = value - 10 + 'a';
     value = digest[index] & 0xf;
     if (value < 10) {
       result[(index * 2) + 1] = value + '0';
     } else {
       result[(index * 2) + 1] = value - 10 + 'a';
+  result[2 * dlen] = 0;
   return NS_OK;
 nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::CalculateHA1(const nsCString& username,
                                         const nsCString& password,
                                         const nsCString& realm,
                                         uint16_t algorithm,
                                         const nsCString& nonce,
                                         const nsCString& cnonce, char* result) {
+  const int16_t dhexlen = 2 * DigestLength(algorithm);
   int16_t len = username.Length() + password.Length() + realm.Length() + 2;
-  if (algorithm & ALGO_MD5_SESS) {
-    int16_t exlen =
-        EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH + nonce.Length() + cnonce.Length() + 2;
+  if (algorithm & (ALGO_MD5_SESS | ALGO_SHA256_SESS)) {
+    int16_t exlen = dhexlen + nonce.Length() + cnonce.Length() + 2;
     if (exlen > len) len = exlen;
   nsAutoCString contents;
   nsresult rv;
-  rv = MD5Hash(contents.get(), contents.Length());
+  rv = DigestHash(contents.get(), contents.Length(), algorithm);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-  if (algorithm & ALGO_MD5_SESS) {
-    char part1[EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1];
-    rv = ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, part1);
+  if (algorithm & (ALGO_MD5_SESS | ALGO_SHA256_SESS)) {
+    char part1[dhexlen + 1];
+    rv = ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, part1, algorithm);
-    contents.Assign(part1, EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    contents.Assign(part1, dhexlen);
-    rv = MD5Hash(contents.get(), contents.Length());
+    rv = DigestHash(contents.get(), contents.Length(), algorithm);
     if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-  return ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, result);
+  return ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, result, algorithm);
 nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::CalculateHA2(const nsCString& method,
-                                        const nsCString& path, uint16_t qop,
+                                        const nsCString& path,
+                                        uint16_t algorithm, uint16_t qop,
                                         const char* bodyDigest, char* result) {
   uint16_t methodLen = method.Length();
   uint32_t pathLen = path.Length();
   uint32_t len = methodLen + pathLen + 1;
+  const uint32_t dhexlen = 2 * DigestLength(algorithm);
   if (qop & QOP_AUTH_INT) {
+    len += dhexlen + 1;
   nsAutoCString contents;
   if (qop & QOP_AUTH_INT) {
-    contents.Append(bodyDigest, EXPANDED_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    contents.Append(bodyDigest, dhexlen);
-  nsresult rv = MD5Hash(contents.get(), contents.Length());
-  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, result);
+  nsresult rv = DigestHash(contents.get(), contents.Length(), algorithm);
+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = ExpandToHex(mHashBuf, result, algorithm);
   return rv;
 nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::ParseChallenge(const char* challenge,
                                           nsACString& realm, nsACString& domain,
                                           nsACString& nonce, nsACString& opaque,
                                           bool* stale, uint16_t* algorithm,
                                           uint16_t* qop) {
@@ -601,16 +633,23 @@ nsresult nsHttpDigestAuth::ParseChalleng
       // we want to clear the default, so we use = not |= here
       *algorithm = ALGO_SPECIFIED;
       if (valueLength == 3 &&
           nsCRT::strncasecmp(challenge + valueStart, "MD5", 3) == 0) {
         *algorithm |= ALGO_MD5;
       } else if (valueLength == 8 && nsCRT::strncasecmp(challenge + valueStart,
                                                         "MD5-sess", 8) == 0) {
         *algorithm |= ALGO_MD5_SESS;
+      } else if (valueLength == 7 && nsCRT::strncasecmp(challenge + valueStart,
+                                                        "SHA-256", 7) == 0) {
+        *algorithm |= ALGO_SHA256;
+      } else if (valueLength == 12 &&
+                 nsCRT::strncasecmp(challenge + valueStart, "SHA-256-sess",
+                                    12) == 0) {
+        *algorithm |= ALGO_SHA256_SESS;
     } else if (nameLength == 3 &&
                nsCRT::strncasecmp(challenge + nameStart, "qop", 3) == 0) {
       int32_t ipos = valueStart;
       while (ipos < valueStart + valueLength) {
         while (
             ipos < valueStart + valueLength &&
             (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(challenge[ipos]) || challenge[ipos] == ',')) {
--- a/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpDigestAuth.h
+++ b/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpDigestAuth.h
@@ -15,22 +15,28 @@
 #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
 namespace mozilla {
 namespace net {
 #define ALGO_SPECIFIED 0x01
 #define ALGO_MD5 0x02
 #define ALGO_MD5_SESS 0x04
+#define ALGO_SHA256 0x08
+#define ALGO_SHA256_SESS 0x10
 #define QOP_AUTH 0x01
 #define QOP_AUTH_INT 0x02
-#define DIGEST_LENGTH 16
+#  define MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 16
+#  define SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH 32
 // nsHttpDigestAuth
 class nsHttpDigestAuth final : public nsIHttpAuthenticator {
@@ -38,56 +44,56 @@ class nsHttpDigestAuth final : public ns
   nsHttpDigestAuth() = default;
   static already_AddRefed<nsIHttpAuthenticator> GetOrCreate();
   ~nsHttpDigestAuth() = default;
-  [[nodiscard]] nsresult ExpandToHex(const char* digest, char* result);
+  [[nodiscard]] nsresult ExpandToHex(const char* digest, char* result,
+                                     uint16_t algorithm);
-  [[nodiscard]] nsresult CalculateResponse(const char* ha1_digest,
-                                           const char* ha2_digest,
-                                           const nsCString& nonce, uint16_t qop,
-                                           const char* nonce_count,
-                                           const nsCString& cnonce,
-                                           char* result);
+  [[nodiscard]] nsresult CalculateResponse(
+      const char* ha1_digest, const char* ha2_digest, uint16_t algorithm,
+      const nsCString& nonce, uint16_t qop, const char* nonce_count,
+      const nsCString& cnonce, char* result);
   [[nodiscard]] nsresult CalculateHA1(const nsCString& username,
                                       const nsCString& password,
                                       const nsCString& realm,
                                       uint16_t algorithm,
                                       const nsCString& nonce,
                                       const nsCString& cnonce, char* result);
   [[nodiscard]] nsresult CalculateHA2(const nsCString& http_method,
                                       const nsCString& http_uri_path,
-                                      uint16_t qop, const char* bodyDigest,
-                                      char* result);
+                                      uint16_t algorithm, uint16_t qop,
+                                      const char* body_digest, char* result);
   [[nodiscard]] nsresult ParseChallenge(const char* challenge,
                                         nsACString& realm, nsACString& domain,
                                         nsACString& nonce, nsACString& opaque,
                                         bool* stale, uint16_t* algorithm,
                                         uint16_t* qop);
   // result is in mHashBuf
-  [[nodiscard]] nsresult MD5Hash(const char* buf, uint32_t len);
+  [[nodiscard]] nsresult DigestHash(const char* buf, uint32_t len,
+                                    uint16_t algorithm);
   [[nodiscard]] nsresult GetMethodAndPath(nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel*, bool,
                                           nsCString&, nsCString&);
   // append the quoted version of value to aHeaderLine
   [[nodiscard]] nsresult AppendQuotedString(const nsACString& value,
                                             nsACString& aHeaderLine);
   nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash> mVerifier;
-  char mHashBuf[DIGEST_LENGTH]{0};
+  char mHashBuf[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]{0};
   static StaticRefPtr<nsHttpDigestAuth> gSingleton;
 }  // namespace net
 }  // namespace mozilla
 #endif  // nsHttpDigestAuth_h__
--- a/netwerk/test/unit/test_authentication.js
+++ b/netwerk/test/unit/test_authentication.js
@@ -302,17 +302,23 @@ var tests = [
-  test_digest,
+  test_digest_md5,
+  test_digest_md5sess,
+  test_digest_sha256,
+  test_digest_sha256sess,
+  test_digest_sha256_md5,
+  test_digest_md5_sha256,
+  test_digest_md5_sha256_oneline,
 var current_test = 0;
@@ -338,17 +344,26 @@ function moveToNextTest() {
 function run_test() {
   httpserv = new HttpServer();
   httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth", authHandler);
   httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/ntlm/simple", authNtlmSimple);
   httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/realm", authRealm);
   httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/non_ascii", authNonascii);
-  httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/digest", authDigest);
+  httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/digest_md5", authDigestMD5);
+  httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/digest_md5sess", authDigestMD5sess);
+  httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/digest_sha256", authDigestSHA256);
+  httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/digest_sha256sess", authDigestSHA256sess);
+  httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/digest_sha256_md5", authDigestSHA256_MD5);
+  httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/digest_md5_sha256", authDigestMD5_SHA256);
+  httpserv.registerPathHandler(
+    "/auth/digest_md5_sha256_oneline",
+    authDigestMD5_SHA256_oneline
+  );
   httpserv.registerPathHandler("/auth/short_digest", authShortDigest);
   httpserv.registerPathHandler("/largeRealm", largeRealm);
   httpserv.registerPathHandler("/largeDomain", largeDomain);
@@ -483,37 +498,97 @@ function test_nonascii_xhr() {
 function test_digest_noauth() {
-  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest", URL);
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_md5", URL);
   //chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(FLAG_RETURN_FALSE, 2);
   listener.expectedCode = 401; // Unauthorized
-function test_digest() {
-  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest", URL);
+function test_digest_md5() {
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_md5", URL);
+  chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(0, 2);
+  listener.expectedCode = 200; // OK
+  chan.asyncOpen(listener);
+  do_test_pending();
+function test_digest_md5sess() {
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_md5sess", URL);
+  chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(0, 2);
+  listener.expectedCode = 200; // OK
+  chan.asyncOpen(listener);
+  do_test_pending();
+function test_digest_sha256() {
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_sha256", URL);
+  chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(0, 2);
+  listener.expectedCode = 200; // OK
+  chan.asyncOpen(listener);
+  do_test_pending();
+function test_digest_sha256sess() {
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_sha256sess", URL);
+  chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(0, 2);
+  listener.expectedCode = 200; // OK
+  chan.asyncOpen(listener);
+  do_test_pending();
+function test_digest_sha256_md5() {
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_sha256_md5", URL);
+  chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(0, 2);
+  listener.expectedCode = 200; // OK
+  chan.asyncOpen(listener);
+  do_test_pending();
+function test_digest_md5_sha256() {
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_md5_sha256", URL);
+  chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(0, 2);
+  listener.expectedCode = 200; // OK
+  chan.asyncOpen(listener);
+  do_test_pending();
+function test_digest_md5_sha256_oneline() {
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_md5_sha256_oneline", URL);
   chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(0, 2);
   listener.expectedCode = 200; // OK
 function test_digest_bogus_user() {
-  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest", URL);
+  var chan = makeChan(URL + "/auth/digest_md5", URL);
   chan.notificationCallbacks = new Requestor(FLAG_BOGUS_USER, 2);
   listener.expectedCode = 401; // unauthorized
 // Test header "WWW-Authenticate: Digest" - bug 1338876.
@@ -617,80 +692,237 @@ function bytesFromString(str) {
   return data;
 // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte
 function toHexString(charCode) {
   return ("0" + charCode.toString(16)).slice(-2);
-function H(str) {
+function HMD5(str) {
   var data = bytesFromString(str);
   var ch = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsICryptoHash);
   ch.update(data, data.length);
   var hash = ch.finish(false);
   return Array.from(hash, (c, i) => toHexString(hash.charCodeAt(i))).join("");
+function HSHA256(str) {
+  var data = bytesFromString(str);
+  var ch = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsICryptoHash);
+  ch.init(Ci.nsICryptoHash.SHA256);
+  ch.update(data, data.length);
+  var hash = ch.finish(false);
+  return Array.from(hash, (c, i) => toHexString(hash.charCodeAt(i))).join("");
 // Digest handler
 // /auth/digest
-function authDigest(metadata, response) {
+function authDigestMD5_helper(metadata, response, test_name) {
   var nonce = "6f93719059cf8d568005727f3250e798";
   var opaque = "1234opaque1234";
-  var cnonceRE = /cnonce="(\w+)"/;
-  var responseRE = /response="(\w+)"/;
-  var usernameRE = /username="(\w+)"/;
-  var authenticate =
-    'Digest realm="secret", domain="/",  qop=auth,' +
-    'algorithm=MD5, nonce="' +
-    nonce +
-    '" opaque="' +
-    opaque +
-    '"';
   var body;
+  var send_401 = 0;
   // check creds if we have them
   if (metadata.hasHeader("Authorization")) {
+    var cnonceRE = /cnonce="(\w+)"/;
+    var responseRE = /response="(\w+)"/;
+    var usernameRE = /username="(\w+)"/;
+    var algorithmRE = /algorithm=([\w-]+)/;
     var auth = metadata.getHeader("Authorization");
     var cnonce = auth.match(cnonceRE)[1];
     var clientDigest = auth.match(responseRE)[1];
     var username = auth.match(usernameRE)[1];
+    var algorithm = auth.match(algorithmRE)[1];
     var nc = "00000001";
     if (username != "guest") {
       response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 400, "bad request");
       body = "should never get here";
+    } else if (
+      algorithm != null &&
+      algorithm != "MD5" &&
+      algorithm != "MD5-sess"
+    ) {
+      response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 400, "bad request");
+      body = "Algorithm must be same as provided in WWW-Authenticate header";
     } else {
       // see RFC2617 for the description of this calculation
       var A1 = "guest:secret:guest";
-      var A2 = "GET:/auth/digest";
-      var noncebits = [nonce, nc, cnonce, "auth", H(A2)].join(":");
-      var digest = H([H(A1), noncebits].join(":"));
+      if (algorithm == "MD5-sess") {
+        A1 = [HMD5(A1), nonce, cnonce].join(":");
+      }
+      var A2 = "GET:/auth/" + test_name;
+      var noncebits = [nonce, nc, cnonce, "auth", HMD5(A2)].join(":");
+      var digest = HMD5([HMD5(A1), noncebits].join(":"));
       if (clientDigest == digest) {
         response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK, authorized");
         body = "success";
       } else {
-        response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 401, "Unauthorized");
-        response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate, false);
+        send_401 = 1;
         body = "auth failed";
   } else {
     // no header, send one
-    response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 401, "Unauthorized");
-    response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate, false);
+    send_401 = 1;
     body = "failed, no header";
+  if (send_401) {
+    var authenticate_md5 =
+      'Digest realm="secret", domain="/",  qop=auth,' +
+      'algorithm=MD5, nonce="' +
+      nonce +
+      '" opaque="' +
+      opaque +
+      '"';
+    var authenticate_md5sess =
+      'Digest realm="secret", domain="/",  qop=auth,' +
+      'algorithm=MD5, nonce="' +
+      nonce +
+      '" opaque="' +
+      opaque +
+      '"';
+    if (test_name == "digest_md5") {
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_md5, false);
+    } else if (test_name == "digest_md5sess") {
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_md5sess, false);
+    }
+    response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 401, "Unauthorized");
+  }
   response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
+function authDigestMD5(metadata, response) {
+  authDigestMD5_helper(metadata, response, "digest_md5");
+function authDigestMD5sess(metadata, response) {
+  authDigestMD5_helper(metadata, response, "digest_md5sess");
+function authDigestSHA256_helper(metadata, response, test_name) {
+  var nonce = "6f93719059cf8d568005727f3250e798";
+  var opaque = "1234opaque1234";
+  var body;
+  var send_401 = 0;
+  // check creds if we have them
+  if (metadata.hasHeader("Authorization")) {
+    var cnonceRE = /cnonce="(\w+)"/;
+    var responseRE = /response="(\w+)"/;
+    var usernameRE = /username="(\w+)"/;
+    var algorithmRE = /algorithm=([\w-]+)/;
+    var auth = metadata.getHeader("Authorization");
+    var cnonce = auth.match(cnonceRE)[1];
+    var clientDigest = auth.match(responseRE)[1];
+    var username = auth.match(usernameRE)[1];
+    var algorithm = auth.match(algorithmRE)[1];
+    var nc = "00000001";
+    if (username != "guest") {
+      response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 400, "bad request");
+      body = "should never get here";
+    } else if (algorithm != "SHA-256" && algorithm != "SHA-256-sess") {
+      response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 400, "bad request");
+      body = "Algorithm must be same as provided in WWW-Authenticate header";
+    } else {
+      // see RFC7616 for the description of this calculation
+      var A1 = "guest:secret:guest";
+      if (algorithm == "SHA-256-sess") {
+        A1 = [HSHA256(A1), nonce, cnonce].join(":");
+      }
+      var A2 = "GET:/auth/" + test_name;
+      var noncebits = [nonce, nc, cnonce, "auth", HSHA256(A2)].join(":");
+      var digest = HSHA256([HSHA256(A1), noncebits].join(":"));
+      if (clientDigest == digest) {
+        response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK, authorized");
+        body = "success";
+      } else {
+        send_401 = 1;
+        body = "auth failed";
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    // no header, send one
+    send_401 = 1;
+    body = "failed, no header";
+  }
+  if (send_401) {
+    var authenticate_sha256 =
+      'Digest realm="secret", domain="/", qop=auth, ' +
+      'algorithm=SHA-256, nonce="' +
+      nonce +
+      '", opaque="' +
+      opaque +
+      '"';
+    var authenticate_sha256sess =
+      'Digest realm="secret", domain="/", qop=auth, ' +
+      'algorithm=SHA-256-sess, nonce="' +
+      nonce +
+      '", opaque="' +
+      opaque +
+      '"';
+    var authenticate_md5 =
+      'Digest realm="secret", domain="/", qop=auth, ' +
+      'algorithm=MD5, nonce="' +
+      nonce +
+      '", opaque="' +
+      opaque +
+      '"';
+    if (test_name == "digest_sha256") {
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_sha256, false);
+    } else if (test_name == "digest_sha256sess") {
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_sha256sess, false);
+    } else if (test_name == "digest_md5_sha256") {
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_md5, false);
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_sha256, true);
+    } else if (test_name == "digest_md5_sha256_oneline") {
+      response.setHeader(
+        "WWW-Authenticate",
+        authenticate_md5 + " " + authenticate_sha256,
+        false
+      );
+    } else if (test_name == "digest_sha256_md5") {
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_sha256, false);
+      response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticate_md5, true);
+    }
+    response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 401, "Unauthorized");
+  }
+  response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
+function authDigestSHA256(metadata, response) {
+  authDigestSHA256_helper(metadata, response, "digest_sha256");
+function authDigestSHA256sess(metadata, response) {
+  authDigestSHA256_helper(metadata, response, "digest_sha256sess");
+function authDigestSHA256_MD5(metadata, response) {
+  authDigestSHA256_helper(metadata, response, "digest_sha256_md5");
+function authDigestMD5_SHA256(metadata, response) {
+  authDigestSHA256_helper(metadata, response, "digest_md5_sha256");
+function authDigestMD5_SHA256_oneline(metadata, response) {
+  authDigestSHA256_helper(metadata, response, "digest_md5_sha256_oneline");
 function authShortDigest(metadata, response) {
   // no header, send one
   response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 401, "Unauthorized");
   response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Digest", false);
 let buildLargePayload = (function() {
   let size = 33 * 1024;