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Brian Garrett claims, in defence of Gaunilo’s Perfect Island and contra Plantinga, that ‘Properly understood, the great-making qualities of an island are maximal’. This article demonstrates that they are not, thus ‘the greatest... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyAnselm of CanterburySt. Anselm
How are we to understand the doctrine of general resurrection in the 21st century? Paul proclaims the centrality of general resurrection in language which is no less logical than it is uncompromising (1 Corinthians 15:12-19). The Catholic... more
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      EmbodimentPersonal IdentityBodily ResurrectionResurrection
The word 'transhumanism' was first used in 1957 by Julian Huxley who saw it as 'man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realising new possibilities of and for his human nature.' Huxley was an advocate of eugenics, seeing it as... more
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      Philosophy of MindPersonhoodTranshumanism
Various attempts have been made to save Gaunilo's ‘ideal’ island by proposing different criteria for its maximal greatness or perfection. This paper addresses a recent proposal that ‘an ideal island is conceivable if it's defined as any... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionOntological Argument
Dawkins’ position that the idea of God is only a meme that humans can and should rebel against suffers from numerous conceptual, evidential, epistemological and other difficulties as discussed above. The proposal seems to be chiefly based... more
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    • Memes
Negative theology and ‘unbelief’ play a crucial role in reminding us that what we deny about God is no less important, and perhaps more appropriate, than what we affirm about God. The roots of the Judeo-Christian tradition, e.g. Exodus... more
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      Negative TheologyPseudo-DionysiusMystical Theology
In this paper I propose that atheists are not rationally required to revise their convictions just because there are reasonable theists. However, they should be theoretically open to such revision particularly because ‘we all live out our... more
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      AtheismTheismPeer Disagreement
Philosophical consideration of divine power in monotheistic context has traditionally focused on the coherence or otherwise of the concept of omnipotence and increasingly elaborate attempts to define and delineate what God can and cannot... more
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      Christian TheologyOmnipotenceTheism
Christian discipleship is centred on the inner personal transformation to which the disciples of the incarnate Lord are called and virtue ethics with its primary focus on the persons rather than rules or consequences is a fitting ethical... more
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      Virtue EthicsChristian EthicsUtilitarianismDeontology
Judgment of conscience, at least formed and informed conscience, is compelling inter alia precisely because it is perceived by the subject as binding search for objective truth. It is not a capricious fancy, with no basis in anything... more
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      EthicsMoral TheologyConscienceChristian Ethics
Despite the good intentions, the need to reduce inhumanity of humans to each other, and overall improvement, at least in some parts of the world, in respect for human life and dignity, the human rights discourse suffers from serious... more
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      TheologyHuman RightsChristian EthicsHuman nature
I propose some principles for a Christian ethical and political engagement in contemporary Western societies guided by Luke 9:25, while appreciating the difficulties facing such engagement. These difficulties should be taken seriously by... more
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      TheologyContemporary ChristianitySecularizationChristian Ethics
In Euthyphro Socrates succeeds in demonstrating Euthyphro’s lack of knowledge and understanding of the central to the dialogue concept of piety (εὐσέβεια) by showing his inability to satisfactorily define what is piety, but whether he... more
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      EthicsPlatoSocratesGreek Religion
I propose that reading 2 and 3 Proslogion as advancing exclusively philosophical arguments and virtually ignoring the context of both the book and its author is untenable. I agree with Smart who identifies a radical misunderstanding of... more
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      TheologyAnselm of CanterburySt. AnselmOntological Argument
In other words, is there only one universally or widely accepted philosophical concept of consciousness? Is ‘univocal concept of consciousness’ a coherent concept itself and if so what hinges on its formulation? If we fail to arrive at... more
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      Philosophy of MindTheory of MindConsciousnessColin McGinn
The type identity theory ('IT') is the proposition that mental states are brain states, the claim primarily attributed to Smart, Feigl and Place, which was further advanced in particular by Armstrong who proposed that all mental states... more
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      Philosophy of MindTheory of MindPhysicalismReductionism
The public discourse on this subject is polarised into the so-called 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' camps, particularly in the West. Morality or otherwise of abortion is a challenging question that is often a victim of ignorance, hidden... more
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      TheologyBioethicsChristian EthicsAbortion
In Contra Gentes Athanasius dealt with heathen idolatry and philosophical pantheism before postulating creation as revelation of the one true God through the Word, and concluded by anticipating the treatment of the Incarnation in De... more
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From the very beginning of the church her administration was based on the pre-existing administrative divisions, first of the Roman empire, and later of the other states where the Gospel was preached. In this short paper I argue that... more
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      TheologyEcclesiologyChurch History
Should the Roman Catholic Church abolish the compulsory requirement of clerical celibacy or maintain that discipline as it has done for many centuries? I attempt to answer this difficult question by discussing some of the arguments for... more
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      TheologyCatholic TheologyEcclesiologySacramental Theology