Hey guys! Long time, not see!!
I just wanted to give to give the community a heads up that I've lifted the moderation restriction on posting for this community. We don't get much traffic as it is, and the reason we started moderating in the first place was because of some really bad spam a few YEARS ago. As it stands, I still follow and watch this community so if I see an influx of spam I'll put everything back under moderation, but in the mean time we're going back to being an unmoderated community. No more waiting for me to check my emails to see your posts appear! :D
EDIT 6/11/16: NEVERMIND! I just had to delete a nice spam post so I guess the coast still isn't clear. Sorry guys, moderation is back on. :\

Hello Hey Arnold! fandom! Welcome to Shortaki Week 2016, which will run from July 2, 2016 to July 9, 2016! The purpose of this week-long event is to celebrate the timeless pairing that is Helga/Arnold through the creation of new fanworks!
So how does this work? It’s super easy! A theme/prompt has been designated for each day between the 2nd and 9th of July. Participants choose however many prompts they want! On your prompt’s designated day(s) you post the work to tumblr using the tag #shortakiweek (must be in the first 5 tags!), either in its entirety or as a crosspost, and we reblog it to the community!
- Day 1 - Growing Pains
- Day 2 - Correspondence
- Day 3 - Magic
- Day 4 - First Time
- Day 5 - Travelling
- Day 6 - Family
- Day 7 - Regret / Creator’s Choice
We encourage everyone who’s interested to participate and will be accepting a wide range of fanworks (i.e., fics, art, amv’s, cosplays, graphics, podfics, music, crafts, etc) so no one feels excluded! Not the creative sort? No worries! We still need moderators!
Let's breathe some life back into our wonderful fandom and have fun doing it!

7 more here.
And for anyone who might be interested, I made another batch ages ago - imageshack has randomly deleted a couple of icons, but there's still more Phoebe!

My daughter's friend actually drew these for me. How excited am I to wear them? I had to share here so you all could appriciate them.

Hey, guys!!
Hope you all are still keeping the faith for TJM, and beyond!! We, the fans at Facebook/DeviantArt (and Craig) are still going strong, and we are soo almost there, I can feel it! ^.^
SO... I emailed Craig... and he answered a bunch of my questions! ^o^ He's so awesome!! (I met him recently when some of us went to the Hey Arnold! SoCal event thingie.) These are just some questions that I've seen be asked around quite frequently, and ones that I was wondering too.
Here's the questions/his answers! *o* (Some are kind of surprising, if you ask me.)

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Tendra91. Back in 2009, Funnybones021 and I created a project called the "Hey Arnold!" 6th Season (HA6S) Project. This is a collaborative project where multiple fans came together to produce sixth season episodes of Hey Arnold! in comic form. We have had moderate success in the past, with multiple story outlines produced, several scripts written, and many pieces of beautiful artwork created. We were put in hiatus in 2012, and we would like to change that! The HA6S project is coming out of hiatus, and we need your support! Please spread the word around, and visit our new intro website http://ha6s.weebly.com for more info. You can join as a staff team member there and join us at our forums at http://ha6s.forumotion.com. Hope to see you there!

Pic is over here at my journal!

Happy Valentine's Day! Interested in some new Hey Arnold friends? Whether you participate in fandom or just enjoy watching the show, you are invited to join in and tell us a little about yourself! Then go ahead and add people with similar interests.
( Codes are below the cut!Collapse )

Still open and still ready for your prompts/fills! :D
Second, even further back there was just a general anon meme that you should also check out!
Last, if you're an HA! fan who'd like to get involved in saving the series/jungle movie I urge you to check out Operation: Ruthless - a website dedicated to getting HA! back in the limelight.

Here's a new video from me! Recently became re-inspired after watching the episodes again, and by all of this good news about TJM and Craig! :) The video is about how Arnold feels about Helga. ;)
P.S.- If you haven't heard the recent Craig Bartlett interview (posted 10-7-2012), check it out here!

The last new posts I remember seeing from that point on were from late 2009/early 2010, which is also the last time anyone made use of the old Hey Arnold! chatroom.
I should probably introduce myself since I don't see any names I know anymore. I'm part of the older generation of fans, and you may have heard or have been a member of my HA! site called Arnold's Room back on MSN Groups (I'd give a link via The Wayback Machine but it is not working). It was there from 2002-2009, and it was eventually moved to Multiply when MSN closed and I have more or less stepped back from the fandom after being involved in it heavily for several years. If you did follow my site and re-apply for membership back when it went to Multiply, you should still be getting notification e-mails when I or others post messages, and I realize now that out of the slim 66 members I have (down from the 800 I used to have) some don't get the messages anymore, some do. My posting rate is about 0-5 per year, as once in a while something noteworthy comes along in the fandom or about the show to post about.
That's why I'm here. To drum up interest for a chat, in the old "Cocoa Hut" chatroom, for what would have been my website's 10th birthday. While you can chat about the show, I'm interested in interacting with people I used to know and talk about pretty much anything. It is a last call I guess, as I found out Multiply will be getting rid of their social networking in December 2012, so my site is possibly toast for good. The old Java URL for getting to the chatroom is no longer active, so you need a chat client.
Instead of retyping everything I'll post the link to the details of the chat, and the Jungle Movie storyboards that recently surfaced.
If you haven't been getting e-mail notifications from my site and are a member, check out the past journals (not too many since 2009) to make sure you haven't missed anything.
Try and spread the word about the chat (hopefully a date I can keep), the storyboards, and that the last scraps of what was a very good website and important to the HA! fandom may be all gone by the end of 2012.
PS: You should also get notifications as a member when anyone posts videos. You can find several HA! related videos that were axed off Youtube that I saved before they were: http://arnoldsroom.multiply.com/video
So we're moderated, but not really because I'm obviously not going to stop HA-related posts from getting through. I check LJ and my email periodically throughout the day so hopefully you shouldn't have to sit too long waiting to see your post appear...
Again, so sorry for the inconvenience!

[27] Hey Arnold!: Arnold Visits Arnie

The rest are here at my icon journal

I'm signing out early for an internet-less weekend, but anyone is free to use the Cheese Festival tag throughout the end of the day. Also note that the Anonymous Fic Meme is STILL GOING and we would like it to KEEP GOING. This is the first HA Anon Fic Meme as far as I know, so grab this opportunity to leave requests, fill requests, spread a little bit of football-headed love.

Here is a little masterlist of Completed Fills so far:
Black Coffee, Brainy/Helga, coffee shop
Walking, one-sided Gerald/Sid, friendship Sid/Stinky, rejection and aftermath
Ready, Man, Arnold-centric daydreaming
A Chance I Have to Take, Mulder!Arnold and Scully!Phoebe
Singing in the Moonlight, Arnold/Helga, Little Mermaid AU
All Wrong Arnold/Rhonda, onesided Arnold/Helga, A/R wedding, angsty Helga
No Reservations, Gerald/Phoebe, where they might get caught, Phoebe instigating (warning: NC-17)
Family For Me, Helga/Arnold/Gerald, ménage à trois, meatballs
The most updated list will always be found at this thread (the first thread on the Meme).
If you do read something you like, please leave a quick comment to keep the love circulating. And there are promotional banners if you think you can get any of your HA friends to join in.
To everyone who has participated in any way: thank you! *group hug*
But we all know Helga has a softer side. Usually it manifests in secret, in alleys and closets, with soliloquies and twirling and only minimal punching. But on rare occasions it makes itself known in very grand, altruistic gestures. Here is a wordy picspam to capture some of the very best of those beautiful, mostly nonviolent, non-verbally-abusive moments!

( 5 Times PicspamCollapse )
- There are 16 quotes below the cut. There are 38 season one Hey Arnold episodes listed at the bottom of this page. Each quote was taken from one of those episodes.
- To participate, you only need to match SIX quotes with which episodes you think they belong to. Each quote has a number. You can list SIX matches only, so you must get every guess correct to win. If you try to guess more than six, your comment will be screened and invalid. Do not edit your comment; that will also result in screening and invalidation.
- The FIRST LJ user to guesses six correctly wins 250 LJ Tokens!
- If you are anonymous, you can still play for fun, but please note that you cannot win the prize. If you happen to win first, you'll still be the "offical" winner, but the LJ token prize will be withheld until an LJ user guesses correctly.
- If you have won a past game, you are not eligible to win this one.
Here's another Hey Arnold fan-made live-action video from the magical land of Youtube. This one is a full-length production of the episode, "Stoop Kid"! :D
It was a college project made with limited resources, so you have to forgive some things, but you have to give them credit for all the effort they put into it! They even try to reproduce the jazzy soundtrack! Stoop Kid himself was particularly good, imo. And the guy who plays Arnold really does have that Nice Guy vibe about him. And Harold is... well, you have to see for yourself, lol.
- There are 22 screencap thumbnails below the cut. There are 38 season one Hey Arnold episodes listed at the bottom of this page. Each screencap was taken from one of those episodes.
- To participate, you only need to match SIX caps with which episodes you think they belong to. Each cap has a number. You can list SIX matches only, so you must get every guess correct to win. If you try to guess more than six, your comment will be screened and invalid. Do not edit your comment, that will also result in screening and invalidation.
- The FIRST LJ user to guesses six correctly wins 250 LJ tokens!
- With 250 LJ tokens you could buy a userhead, a v-gift for a friend, or use it toward something bigger like icons space, account upgrades, and more. More deets here.
- If you are anonymous, you can still play for fun, but please note that you cannot win the prize. If you happen to win first, you'll still be the "offical" winner, but the LJ token prize will be withheld until an LJ user guesses correctly. I've already paid for these LJ tokens, so I've got to give them to somebody! ;)
I thought of this when I remembered my friend's brilliant HA!/Community crossover comic: