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Hey man. Love the game but I have one problem. I cant get it to go back to full screen. The option to apply settings is not showing up after I select full screen so i am stuck playing the game in a small box. Do you have any solutions?

how to get clean because i cant continue the the first chapter without to be clean

I enjoyed the game, but this new update came. It's nice, but I couldn't see the new character. I did most of the missions, but 2 missions are not completed. Why new? When the update comes, will it be done again? we will start the game

Am I starting over?

No, you don't need to start over. You probably need to unlock the new girl first. The introduction event for Jessica will become available after successfully completing the story chapter “The Visit” with Hannah. The next day at noon, a green exclamation mark should appear in the kitchen area where you can start the introduction scene.


how do i open the lock


Go to the kitchen and take the fork ;)


do i need to make a new file for the new content? cuz when i checked the quests menu on my old game there wasnt any new options 

You probably need to unlock the new girl first. The introduction event for Jessica will become available after successfully completing the story chapter “The Visit” with Hannah. The next day at noon, a green exclamation mark should appear in the kitchen area where you can start the introduction scene.

I cant change graphics settings , my graphic start to speed up until 100%, it goes to 100 fps, but i can reduce nor activate the fps cap. 

Is there any intention to take this game to VR?

If support one day reaches a certain level that allows me the time resources for it, I will certainly get to work on that.

This game is wonderful, you can see it in the photos but there is something that doesn't fit because when I open the game it freezes on the loading screen and then it closes I don't know if they are the requirements of the game and my PC

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i am trying to open the game on mac but it keeps saying this application can not be opened 

This has probably to do with the Mac safety restrictions. The app has to be "allowed" to run on your OS.

Please try the following:


3rd party App allows:

sudo spctl --master-enable

sudo spctl --master-disable - this one

sudo spctl --status


Allow an exact App to run:

sudo chmod -R 755 App

"space after 755 + drag the app from Mac folder"

I hope this helps you. If the game still doesn't work on your end, feel free to jump into my Discord and I'll try to help there.

ok i got it working but the motion blur is making it hard to play is their any way to turn it off?

When First talking to Hannah, after asking the three questions, she asks "Anything else you want to know?" and there are no options for another question or an obvious way to end the interaction. There is the white box where the questions were before selecting but nothing to click on.

Hm... bizarre! On what OS do you play the game, Win or Mac?

is there a point to lvling the stats above 10? as i havent played since 0.7.0 where i go my stats up to 20 an nothing changed, think the only stat i didnt have was dex as i never figured out how to lvl that.

No, there is currently no stat that needs to be higher than 10. Dex is currently not used and is hidden in newer versions. However, it will be used in future versions of the game and can then also be raised

Above you have link for downloading he MacOS version but it does not wor

(2 edits)

This has probably to do with the Mac safety restrictions. The app has to be "allowed" to run on your OS.

Please try the following:


3rd party App allows:

sudo spctl --master-enable

sudo spctl --master-disable - this one

sudo spctl --status


Allow an exact App to run:

sudo chmod -R 755 App

"space after 755 + drag the app from Mac folder"

I hope this helps you. If the game still doesn't work on your end, feel free to jump into my Discord and I'll try to help there.

(2 edits)

Really enjoying this game i cant even describe how much of an amazing game and experience this game is. 

I think the only thing i wish it had is a firepit for night time dates in the garden behind the garage. simple quest to take one of them for a relaxing date by the fire under the stars and maybe a radio that could be turned on and off in the house.


Great, I'm glad you like the game so much!

Thank you, these are wonderful ideas! A firepit could be used as a really good element for romantic events with a great ambience and provides a great way to play with realtime light in the scene. And a radio could create a very nice atmosphere and increase immersion.

very nice to see that you keep searching for inspiration from your fans. Cant wait for the Fireplace now :D

please provide more opions to give players more choices that make everyone's computer could fit this game.Maybe you are right,andriod couldn't provide good game experience,but my computer couldn't work it good too.thank you for improve it.i hope this game will become better soon.

bear my poor english.

In the latest version, I have added advanced graphics settings in which you can set the resolution and the maximum frame rate, for example. Maybe the game will run better for you with that version then.

And don't worry, I understand every word you write ;)

Deleted post

Thank you!

It's always nice to read words like that when I'm done with my daily work on the game and stop by here again.

Great that your laptop could handle the game! That means that my work on the optimization did make a difference after all...

I would definitely be happy to welcome you as a supporter one day and provide you with the latest supporter edition of the game ;)


can you provide android?

i love this game but my computer can not 

provide good game  experience.

at last,please stand my poor english😂

Great to read that you like the game!

This is certainly something to think about. Altough I doubt that an Android device offers the necessary performance to make the game look as good as on PC or Mac.