? ?
29 September 2012 @ 03:55 pm
1-45 Teen Wolf


Everyone wants power.Collapse )

comments are love ♥
credit [info]miss_hale or [info]heureux_hasard or ROTSCHWARZE if you take anything.
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Subject: Stiles Stilinski
Title: The beast howls in my veins
Notes: AU (werewolf!Stiles)

the moon is rising and I’ll never be aloneCollapse )

comments are love ♥
do not direct/hot link. do not claim as yours.

Fandom: Teen Wolf
Subject: Derek/Stiles
Title: You're everything a big bad wolf could want

hey there Little Red Riding HoodCollapse )

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27 February 2012 @ 12:04 am
1-20 Sherlock BBC (sherlock20in20; John Watson)
+ 10 alternates


Bachelor John Watson.Collapse )

+ comments are love ♥
+ credit [info]miss_hale or [info]heureux_hasard or ROTSCHWARZE if you take anything.
+ textless icons are not bases.
+ do not direct/hot link. do not claim as yours.
17 January 2012 @ 04:17 pm
1-80 Sherlock BBC (s2 - SPOILERS! The Reichenbach Fall)


Keep your eyes fixed on me..Collapse )

+ comments are love ♥
+ credit [info]miss_hale or [info]heureux_hasard or ROTSCHWARZE if you take anything.
+ textless icons are not bases.
+ do not direct/hot link. do not claim as yours.
1-45 Sherlock BBC (sherlock20in20; s2 - SPOILERS!)
46-65 The crimson petal and the white


I like your funny hat.Collapse )

+ comments are love ♥
+ credit [info]miss_hale or [info]heureux_hasard or ROTSCHWARZE if you take anything.
+ textless icons are not bases.
+ do not direct/hot link. do not claim as yours.
09 January 2012 @ 11:36 pm
1-50 Sherlock BBC (s2 - SPOILERS! The Hounds of Baskerville)


I don't have friends.Collapse )

+ comments are love ♥
+ credit [info]miss_hale or [info]heureux_hasard or ROTSCHWARZE if you take anything.
+ textless icons are not bases.
+ do not direct/hot link. do not claim as yours.