Papers by Munyaradzi Moyo

AGENDA 2063 is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerho... more AGENDA 2063 is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. It is the continent’s strategic framework that aims to deliver on its goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance. The genesis of Agenda 2063 was the realisation by African leaders that there was a need to refocus and reprioritise Africa’s agenda from the struggle against apartheid and the attainment of political independence for the continent which had been the focus of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the precursor of the African Union; and instead to prioritise inclusive social and economic development, continental and regional integration, democratic governance and peace and security amongst other issues aimed at repositioning Africa to becoming a dominant player in the global arena.
Munyaradzi Moyo, 2024
Compensation and rehabilitation of victims should be incorporated into plans for post-conflict re... more Compensation and rehabilitation of victims should be incorporated into plans for post-conflict reconstruction and economic revitalization. Measures that have a reparative impact have been implemented in many different contexts, from the early examples of Argentina, Chile or even South Africa to the more recent transitions in Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste, Morocco, Peru and Nepal. All of these countries have tried to respond to the unique needs of specific groups of victims, such as the families of the disappeared, or have offered benefits across several categories of victims, such as compensation for torture, killing, or sexual violence.

Every government when it takes over the reins of power, the military is expected to respect the d... more Every government when it takes over the reins of power, the military is expected to respect the democratic choice of the people which is formed through a social contract. This is supposed to be the norm in any democracy. However because of political differences, contradicting ideologies, personal reasons, the military especially in developing countries have taken the stance to willingly over through governments. This has been prevalent in Africa over the past decade in Zimbabwe, Mali, Egypt, Burkina Faso. The continuous overthrow of governments has continued into the contemporary politics and for Africa this has become a "norm" postindependence even though the call for democracy has been loud throughout the continent. Lack of democratic means to challenge sitting governments has meant that force has been made an option by opposing groups. The lack of proper means to disarm, promote reconciliation and equal development has pushed coups from decade to decade. There is need to understand the different dimension which the military can use to be involved in politics, this can be through military rule usually in the form of a coup, as a military government where the administrative agency is managed by the armed forces and charged with the responsibility of exercising state power on behalf of the whole social classes in a given polity. It is therefore an institution of governance that is derived unconstitutionally. The concept of military intervention appears to be clearer when compared to military rule, military government and military regime. Military intervention in politics, in this context involves the exertion of influence on the political system either through direct or indirect participation in political issues
The art of Strategic NonViolent Resistance in Peace and Conflict Management is an Approach focuse... more The art of Strategic NonViolent Resistance in Peace and Conflict Management is an Approach focused on the peaceful nonviolent resistance as a strategy. It is a long term process chich gives hope for a peaceful future where nonviolent is used to settle conflicts. It uses strategic approaches such as boycotts, sit-in, non compliance, and disobedience to oppressive political oppressive laws. It is also associated with religion with reference to Ghandi and Martin Luther Jrn to mention a few and use mediation, dialogue , conlfict management as means to achieving long term Peace.

International organisations play a central part in the international system as in most cases of w... more International organisations play a central part in the international system as in most cases of we find international organisations in one form or another at the heart of all most all of the political and economic challenges of the 21 st century. The presence of these international organisations has shaped the international relations between different actors both state and non state actors. Their presence is vital as they are often the vessel through which states interact and exert their interest with the international system. These different organisations all so set the rules within the international system and how states are supposed to behave within the international system. International organisations can be understood from two points as intergovernmental organisation such as the UN and also as international non governmental organisation such as Amnesty international. Hurd (2014) is of the view that international organisations are constituted by international law as being independent entities which are separate from states. They also have legal standing with certain rights and obligations and can sue and also be sued in a court of justice. Thus their behavior is also regulated by the international law. International organisations are also composed of states which have voluntarily come up together and formed an organisation consisting of three or more countries. The importance of international organisations can be understood from analyzing three theories which are idealism, realism and institutionalists point of view. Institutionalisms understands international organisations as completely rational. On the other hand realist believe that since power of international organisations are limited, it is impossible for any international organisation to be able to change the anarchical structure of the international system as states can easily withdraw their membership if their interest are threatened. On the contrary the the proponents of idealism understand international organisations as a representative of commonly accepted values by the different states and no state actors within the international system and believe that cooperation leads to an order in the international system. International relations can e understood as the interactions of states and non state actors within the international system for the common good through diplomacy under the regulation of international law.
The natural environment is ever at risk of threatening human life and livelihood through natural ... more The natural environment is ever at risk of threatening human life and livelihood through natural disasters such as earth quakes, tsunamis and floods. These natural occurrences have greater threat to human life through destruction of infrastructure, tourism sites and farming lands which hinders the economic development at worst it can create an international crisis as noted in Haiti.
Children are the most vulnerable to changes and are easily affected by the surrounding environmen... more Children are the most vulnerable to changes and are easily affected by the surrounding environment .Thus interaction with the external world if not properly handled can create a problem to children as they do not necessarily have the skills to cope up. Child hood experiences such as abuse, loneliness can create trauma in children. Hence if no corrected through counseling the child will be affected in life in the long run .Thus counseling is there to provide comfort and support to the child through techniques such as drawing ,playing storytelling and also interview counseling. Counseling of children involves the use of various theories which include psychological which are cognitive theory, behaviorist theory, humanist and psychoanalytic theory.Hence the essay will elaborate frther in detail.
habermas theory in the 21 st century
Drafts by Munyaradzi Moyo
In the international system of states, there is a common belief among IR scholars that the main a... more In the international system of states, there is a common belief among IR scholars that the main aim of states is survival and achievement of national interests. To neo- realists, the global political system is anarchic wherein there is no overall authority and hence other states should be treated as potential ‘Cains’.
Since the late 1990s China has become part of global race to exploit Africa’s energy resources an... more Since the late 1990s China has become part of global race to exploit Africa’s energy resources and mineral wealth in order to augment its economic boom. China’s political stability depends largely on the continued economic growth which is fuelled by affordable natural resources. China’s sudden involvement can be best described as monolithic dragon scrambling for natural resources to service its own growing capitalist economy. Dependency theory also explains the hegemonic relations in Africa. China’ hegemonic which is North-South relation engagement with resource rich countries like Mozambique and Zambia, Angola and Zimbabwe and then however it applies various strategies in order to counter these charges using the South-South cooperation model. Below is the ongoing debate on the China’s hegemony in relations to trade with Africa
The new constitution has greatly improved from the Lancaster house constitution which did not add... more The new constitution has greatly improved from the Lancaster house constitution which did not address the issue of sign language as an official for those with speech and hearing disabilities. This has now been rectified through the new constitution which includes sign language as one of the official languages of Zimbabwe. In addition, this constitution mandates the development of communication suitable for persons with physical or mental disabilities. Mandipa (2013) is of the view that by making provisions for the recognition of sign language as an official language the new constitution will go a long way in addressing the communication barriers vulnerable people with speech and hearing disabilities have been facing in Zimbabwe.

Non governmental organisation have long been regarded as vehicles of change brought about to addr... more Non governmental organisation have long been regarded as vehicles of change brought about to address an issues through understanding the area of operation and the help needed. This can be achieved through targeting a certain group but focusing on a particular issues mainly guided by a time frame. It may demand that they at times work along with other organisation or support the already available structures through financial support. However everything they do or provide is time bound it mainly targeted at benefiting the targeted population. Thus the essay will look in detail at the assumptions of the theory of change. Connel 1998 is of the view that the theory of change has been influenced by The Community Builders' Approach to Theory Development' that were developed by Anderson (2005) as part of the Aspen Institute's 1990s initiative that involved evaluators and community development programmers in applying programme theory concepts to the evaluation of complex community initiatives. Theory of change has been described as a product or an outcome of a series of critical thinking that provides a comprehensive picture of the early and intermediate long term changes in a given community. These changes are needed as a mechanism to reach the long term goals articulated by a given community. Rick (2001) is of the view that a theory of change is the articulation of underlying beliefs and assumptions that guide a service delivery strategy and are critical in producing change and improvement. The theory also articulates what is needed by the target population and what strategies will enable them to meet those needs. Reeler (2007) Argues that the theory of change comes from both evaluation and social change traditions hence it is being used by development agencies and organizations for program guide and guide implementation. The assumptions of the theory of change include what the NGO is going to do the identification of the targeted population, there should be an area of interest, and it seeks to bring about immediate and long term goals and solutions to the perceived problem. A plausible theory of change helps organizations understand how their work and their relationships are contributing to complex, long term social change. The theory of changes assumes that the NGOs know what they are striving to achieve. Thus there must be clear goals on what is intended to be achieved at a certain period. Problem identification can be done through surveys or information from data collection. Nesta argues that the identified goals should not be more than three and they should be measurable. For instance the Christian Aid has embarked on eradicating poverty in Zimbabwe through provision of
Conference Presentations by Munyaradzi Moyo
Munyaradzi Moyo, 2022
The introduction of amnesties to the aftermath of violence, rebellion and violation of human righ... more The introduction of amnesties to the aftermath of violence, rebellion and violation of human rights to the justice systems carried both negative and positive effects. There are different types of amnesties as some are conditional and others are just general. Their effectiveness has been doubted as they create a culture of impunity, it bases on forget rather than forgive, does not follow the procedures of the transitional justice process and also lacks involvement of victims. However, amnesties in promoting transitional justice are effective as they can be used as method to end conflict, also lead to beginning of various methods of truth, healing and reconciliation. This discussion seeks to measure the extent to which amnesties are effective in the transitional justice process.

After the end of the Cold it ushered in a new era where human security was adopted in relation to... more After the end of the Cold it ushered in a new era where human security was adopted in relation to the safe guarding of well being of individuals. The whole process was born out of idealism where countries believed that there is more to gain from cooperating and regulating international
justice. This was a shift from the use of ad hoc tribunals which were temporary such as the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunal. In a shift of victor justice associated with punishment or reparations and amnesties, the ICC was adopted as a mechanism to hold perpetrators of crimes
against humanity accountable for their actions. This was due to legal problems as member states had no legal jurisdiction to persecute war criminals from another country. The ICC is intended to complement existing judicial systems through investigations and referrals. This saw the formation of the ICC through the Rome Statute which entered into force on 1 July 2002. As of June 2016 the ICC had 123 state parties. Humanity is understood as a virtue associated with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. Transitional justice can be understood as encompassing a full range of processes and the use of mechanisms associated with a societies attempt to come to term with the legacy of large scale past abuses in order to serve justice(Annan
2004). Human security relates to the protection of an individuals personal safety from direct or indirect threats of violence. It is associated with the idealistic approach to addressing perceived threats.

The need to consolidate power has opened up for the struggle for power at all levels within socie... more The need to consolidate power has opened up for the struggle for power at all levels within society even outside elections. The presence of opposition groups which do not share the same ideology with those in the military has forced at times the military to act as custodians of the society and countries security as noted in Egypt. In developing countries, the lack of democratic means of changing governments has meant that military force has been made an alternative as noted in Gambia. Ideologies such as Marxism are relevant to understand how the military acts as gate keepers to defend the liberation movements in Southern Africa through open political support and ideological requirements for one to hold the highest office in government as noted in Zimbabwe. Onder (2010) identified five theories of military intervention in politics which are socioeconomic development theory, political development theory, the centrality of military theory, the conflict theory and regional differences theory. There is need to understand the different dimension which the military can use to be involved in politics, this can be through military rule usually in the form of a coup, as a military government where the administrative agency is managed by the armed forces and charged with the responsibility of exercising state power on behalf of the whole social classes in a given polity. It is therefore an institution of governance that is derived unconstitutionally, The concept of military intervention appears to be clearer when compared to military rule, military government and military regime. Military intervention in politics, in this context involves the exertion of influence on the political system either through direct or indirect participation in political issues. Moreover it can be seen as the unconstitutional takeover of political power from the civilians by the armed forces by brute force. Armed forces here include the army, the navy, the air force, the secret police and other sabotaging law enforcement agencies (acemoglu et al, 2010). Kunle (1986) posits that while there cannot be military rule without military intervention, there can be military intervention without military rule. This implies that a dissatisfied military might intervene to correct a societal anomie and install a new government not necessarily controlled by them. This is when the military intervenes in politics only to stabilise the political system by returning the rule of law as can be noted by the ouster of Jammeh in Gambia by ECOWAS. Lahm (1993) understands military intervention as the conscious act of displacing and supplanting an existing political order, a government, by soldiers with the objective either of governing or influencing the political affairs of the country
Papers by Munyaradzi Moyo
Drafts by Munyaradzi Moyo
Conference Presentations by Munyaradzi Moyo
justice. This was a shift from the use of ad hoc tribunals which were temporary such as the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunal. In a shift of victor justice associated with punishment or reparations and amnesties, the ICC was adopted as a mechanism to hold perpetrators of crimes
against humanity accountable for their actions. This was due to legal problems as member states had no legal jurisdiction to persecute war criminals from another country. The ICC is intended to complement existing judicial systems through investigations and referrals. This saw the formation of the ICC through the Rome Statute which entered into force on 1 July 2002. As of June 2016 the ICC had 123 state parties. Humanity is understood as a virtue associated with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. Transitional justice can be understood as encompassing a full range of processes and the use of mechanisms associated with a societies attempt to come to term with the legacy of large scale past abuses in order to serve justice(Annan
2004). Human security relates to the protection of an individuals personal safety from direct or indirect threats of violence. It is associated with the idealistic approach to addressing perceived threats.
justice. This was a shift from the use of ad hoc tribunals which were temporary such as the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunal. In a shift of victor justice associated with punishment or reparations and amnesties, the ICC was adopted as a mechanism to hold perpetrators of crimes
against humanity accountable for their actions. This was due to legal problems as member states had no legal jurisdiction to persecute war criminals from another country. The ICC is intended to complement existing judicial systems through investigations and referrals. This saw the formation of the ICC through the Rome Statute which entered into force on 1 July 2002. As of June 2016 the ICC had 123 state parties. Humanity is understood as a virtue associated with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. Transitional justice can be understood as encompassing a full range of processes and the use of mechanisms associated with a societies attempt to come to term with the legacy of large scale past abuses in order to serve justice(Annan
2004). Human security relates to the protection of an individuals personal safety from direct or indirect threats of violence. It is associated with the idealistic approach to addressing perceived threats.