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In this article, the authors report on an ongoing data life cycle management national project realized in Switzerland, with a major focus on long-term preservation. Based on an extensive document analysis as well as semi-structured... more
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Developing research in different fields is defendable as well as necessary for the development of disciplines and knowledge construction in general. The progress of qualitative and quantitative approaches is based on hard competitiveness... more
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City-Zen is an interactive spatio-temporal knowledge-browsing platform that aims to valorise cultural heritages. Considering the explosive growth of information, data and knowledge sharing can ensure valuable interdisciplinary... more
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Purpose This paper aims to describe an interdisciplinary and innovative research conducted in Switzerland, at the Geneva School of Business Administration HES-SO and supported by the State Archives of Neuchâtel (Office des archives de... more
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      Computer ScienceRecords ManagementLibrary and Information Studies
Gestion des risques informationnels dans les organisations CASTELO, Giselle et BOLLIGER, Monika iii Résumé L'usage de technologies et médias dans les sociétés modernes ont mis sur le devant de la scène les risques techniques,... more
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Some decades ago, interest in studying the archival appraisal function was diversified to deepen theoretical principles (Jenkinson, 1922; Schellenberg, 1956; Samuels, 1992; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Duranti, 1994; Couture, 1999),... more
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    • Archives
Cet article décrit le portrait de la contribution des principes de la fonction d'évaluation des archives, à savoir le principe du respect des fonds, le principe du cycle de vie des documents et la théorie des valeurs des documents. Cette... more
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Introduction Il est établi que la gestion des archives fait bel et bien partie des fonctions managériales qui assure la gestion des ressources informationnelles d’une organisation dont notamment les documents et les archives consignées.... more
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    • Archives
La maturité de la gouvernance de l'information dans les administrations publiques européennes : la perception de la gouvernance de l'information dans l'administration publique genevoise ANDERFUHREN, Sandrine, ROMAGNOLI, Patrizia iii... more
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    • Political Science
Purpose – This paper aims to present a recent study on the definition and measurement of quality dimensions of public electronic records and archives (QADEPs: Qualités des archives et documents électroniques publics). It develops an... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceRecords ManagementLibrary and Information Studies
A coerência dos vários componentes da função avaliação arquivística implica o respeito a três exigências: 1) evidência da teoria e dos conceitos constitutivos e capacidadeespecifica, o que representa o valor dos originais; 2) a capacidade... more
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      Computer ScienceBoom
City-Zen is an interactive temporal knowledge-browsing platform that aims to valorise cultural heritages. While many organizations propose relevant data sets, they are hardly accessed, analysed and reused because of the formats... more
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      VisualizationCultural HeritageValorisation
Comment préserver l'authenticité des documents lors de leur archivage numérique ? C'est un défi permanent pour les archivistes de tous pays. Pour y répondre, l'aide des chercheurs est nécessaire. C'est l'objet du... more
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Le «White Paper for a Swiss Information Provisioning and Processing Infrastructure 2020» a été élaboré au cours de la première année de la période de subventionnement, pour servir de guide de mise en oeuvre du programme CUS P-2. Il décrit... more
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PROBLEM: Key word assignment has been largely used in MEDLINE to provide an indicative "gist" of the content of articles and to help retrieving biomedical articles. Abstracts are also used for this purpose. However with usually more than... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceDigital LibrariesMedical Informatics
There is increasing interest in and need for innovative solutions to medical search. In this paper we present the EU-funded Khresmoi medical search and access system, currently in year 3 of 4 of development across 12 partners. The... more
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Khresmoi is a European Integrated Project developing a multilingual multimodal search and access system for medical and health information and documents. It addresses the challenges of searching through huge amounts of medical data,... more
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