yoshi fargeon
Yoshi Fargeon is a lecturer of Bible at Herzog College and at Bar-Ilan University, and an editor of Megadim: Journal of Biblical studies. He holds a Senior Teacher Diploma and a B.Ed. in Bible Studies and in Jewish Oral Law form Herzog College, an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Bible Studies from Bar Ilan University. His fields of interest are: Biblical Narrative, exegesis (with a focus in Jewish medieval commentators), and theology (with an emphasis on biblical notions about God, and the conflict between Jewish traditional theology and modern bible criticism).
Address: Israel
Address: Israel
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Papers by yoshi fargeon
Books by yoshi fargeon
The first two sections, on the origins of the Torah and of the books of the Prophets and Writings, correspond to the field known as higher, or literary-historical, criticism.
The third section, on the evolution of the text of the Torah, is in dialogue with the field of lower, or textual, criticism.
The fourth section discusses the relationship between Scripture and ancient literature, and corresponds to biblical scholarship pursued against the background of the literature of the ancient Near East.
The first two sections, on the origins of the Torah and of the books of the Prophets and Writings, correspond to the field known as higher, or literary-historical, criticism.
The third section, on the evolution of the text of the Torah, is in dialogue with the field of lower, or textual, criticism.
The fourth section discusses the relationship between Scripture and ancient literature, and corresponds to biblical scholarship pursued against the background of the literature of the ancient Near East.