? ?
Journal created:
on 11 January 2009 (#18002714)
on 31 May 2010
Heroes Vortex
Posting Access:
All Members

Vortex Beginnings

The story so far: It's near the end of Season 1 in a Heroes-verse very similar to, but not exactly like the one we've seen on TV. The major point of divergence is that in this universe, Peter ran across Canfield just prior to his incarceration in Level 5 and absorbed his vortex creating power prior to meeting up with Ted. When he does meet Ted that first time, he goes haywire and spawns a bazillion little vortexes that rip though space/time (thanks Hiro). These vortexes catch people at all different points and times from other Heroes universes and deposit them at random places and times throughout NYC.

This universe's Peter is swept away, along with Bennet, Matt, Ted and Claire. Kirby Plaza doesn't happen. Sylar doesn't gain radioactivity. Thompson doesn't die in the Mexican standoff. Nikki and DL succeed in rescuing Micah but don't succeed in killing Linderman.

Instead of facing a nuclear disaster as was supposed to, this universe has to deal with an influx of duplicate people, many who have powers, others who just don't fit in and all the consequences attached. Can the company remain hidden under the government's radar? Will they be able to find a way to repair the timeline and put people back in their respective universes? Can any universe withstand being swamped with multiple Sylars...or multiple Peters for that matter?

Join and find out! :D

Basic Information and Rules Post <--- Read this, we're a little different from other RPs :)
Character List

Important Note - We'll approve membership when your character gets approved. Cuts back on confusion.
angela will cut you, au-ness, awesome things, being a petrelli, bennet, bob-finger, bobhinder forever, cheerleaders, claire's wig, claude is watching you, crack, daphne, disregarding canon, elle, father's research, gabriel, heroes, how things tick, humor, linderman is badass, matt parkman, micah upgraded your ram, mohinder, momologues, omg-turtle, peter is fail, petrelli, radiation therapy, slash, slashing everything that moves, steampunk, sylar, the company in flames, therapy, where's molly
