Hello Bois and Girls! This is a lesbian-friendly community. It's a place to come to give/receive advice, flirt, talk, vent, get support, and share interesting photos of an erotic/artsy nature.
This is a women-only community, and while we love people of all kinds, it is for women/individuals who identify as:
Lesbians Butch Lesbians Femme Lesbians Individuals assigned "female" at birth FTMs MTFs Bisexual women Bois/Drag Kings Gender-fucked/Gender-benders
Membership is open to all of the above. Any other questions regarding membership, Please ask via e-mail. This community is moderated by the wonderful dr_strangeluv if you have any questions or suggestions please direct them to the moderator.
- Gay-bashing, racists comments, or any impolite comments of any kind will not be tolerated. Your post will be deleted immediately , and you will be banned if this occurs. - You must be an active member, as in, posting and/or commenting to posts. - Due to some adult content found on this site, you must be 18 or older to join. Please make sure your full birthdate is included in your user info. - Upon joining you must introduce yourself. Please copy and paste form at the bottom.
- If you plan to post photos, please put them behind an lj cut(directions found in help section), as well as resizing the image(s) if they are too large. - Please make sure that your photos are tasteful. Nudity is accepted, but we would like to keep our photos of a more artistic nature, rather than blatant pornography. - You either have to be in the photo(s), be the photographer, or have permission to use them.
Violation of any of these rules, will result in termination of membership.
Thank You, and Welcome!
Application/First Post upon Membership:
Screename: Age: Flavor(this means you...butch, femme, etc.): Relationship Status: Weapon of choice: Finish this sentence: If I had a ________ i would be happy. A little Blah-Blah: