My CppCon keynote yesterday is available on YouTube

Yesterday I gave the opening talk at CppCon 2024 here in Aurora, CO, USA, on “Peering Forward: C++’s Next Decade.” Thanks to the wonderful folks at Bash Films and DigitalMedium pulling out all the stops overnight to edit and post the keynote videos as fast as possible, it’s already up on YouTube right now, below!

Special thanks to Andrei Alexandrescu for being willing to come on-stage for a mini-panel of the two of us talking about reflection examples and experience in various languages! That was a lot of fun, and I hope you will find it informative.

If you’re here in town at CppCon, there are over a dozen Reflection and Safety/Security talks this week that I mention in my talk. In particular, tomorrow (Wednesday) don’t miss Amanda Rousseau’s keynote on Security and in the afternoon Andrei’s own talk on Reflection, and then on Friday afternoon to cap off CppCon 2024 be there for Daveed Vandevoorde’s closing keynote on Reflection.

If you aren’t able to be here at CppCon this week, you can still catch all the keynote videos (and tonight’s Committee Fireside Chat) this week and early next week on YouTube, because they’re being rush-expedited to be available quickly for everyone; just watch the website, where each one will be announced as soon as it’s available. And, as always, all the over 100 session videos will become freely available publicly over the coming months for everyone to enjoy.