(this is an echo of what I also just posted on isocpp.org)
I wanted to add a few more things to my meeting trip report. I updated the trip report in-place, but for those who want to see the “diffs” I’ll also post just the new parts here as a standalone post:
There were 106 experts at this meeting, officially representing 7 nations. This meeting saw a recent-record number of papers, including over 120 in the pre-meeting mailing.
In addition to the other things I mentioned, we also approved several other interesting changes, including the following highlights:
- Adopted N4230, which allows nested namespace definitions like namespace A::B::C { } as a convenient shorthand for namespace A { namespace B { namespace C { } } }.
- Adopted N3922, which fixes the most common pitfall with auto and {}, so that auto x{y}; now deduces the sane and expected thing, namely the type of y. Before this, it deduced initializer_list which was unfortunate and surprising. So, fixed.
- Adopted N4086, which removes trigraphs. Yes, we removed something from C++… and something that was inherited from C! But wait, there’s more…
- Adopted N4190, and actually removed (not just deprecated) several archaic things from the C++ standard library, including auto_ptr, bind1st/bind2nd, ptr_fun/mem_fun/mem_fun_ref, random_shuffle, and a few more. Those are now all removed from the draft C++17 standard library and will not be part of future portable C++.
We also did work and made progress on a lot of other proposals, including modules. See the pre-meeting mailing for details about papers considered at this meeting.