A few hours ago I sat down to give a short teaser for my webcast talk this Friday.
Here it is. Feel free to forward.
(I don’t think they believed me when I said I could keep it to under two minutes.)
A few hours ago I sat down to give a short teaser for my webcast talk this Friday.
Here it is. Feel free to forward.
(I don’t think they believed me when I said I could keep it to under two minutes.)
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Initializer list isn’t in STL for the CTP, but full support should be there for the final release, according to the talk.
Herb, are you going to update stl in vs2012 to support init. list for std::vector, etc. ?
@Ivan: We have found water in C++, signs of an ancient civilization AND past lives! Did you mean like that? ;)
me too, Herb better not announce something lame like arsenic life forms :P or ppl gonna be disappointed.
Joking aside, all this build up… it announcement is lame ppl wont be happy.
Now I’m *really* curious ^_^