Like many areas in the United States, Seattle has recently been hit with layoffs and downsizing in our industry. So it’s quite timely that Steve McConnell’s company Construx, in the Seattle area, is offering free training for laid-off software workers:
After listening to doom and gloom economic reports for the past few months, we decided we would try to do something to brighten our little corner of the world. Here’s our official press release about it:
Construx Software has designated 25% of its public seminar seats free of charge to software workers who have been laid off. Construx seminars help software professionals improve their technical and managerial skills. Seminar attendees will be more effective when they reenter the workforce. Construx hopes this program will help laid-off software workers reenter the workforce more quickly.
Please read the full article for more details.
I’m very pleased to report that this program will include my next U.S. Effective Concurrency seminar which will be held in Bellevue, WA on July 27-30, 2009. I’ll blog about that seminar again as we get closer, but it’s on the Construx calendar now.
I hope that this will be helpful to some people, and I look forward to seeing some of you in Bellevue.
Aside: Please Be Professional
One problem with offering things for free is that people don’t always value them. I was surprised to learn that a surprising number of people who’ve asked for and received this free admission at Construx have been no-shows.
The following should go without saying, but here it is: As a courtesy to Construx and to other attendees, please don’t sign up unless you intend to come, and if something comes up that prevents you from attending please notify Construx. Otherwise, you may be taking the place of someone who would have liked to attend in your place (seating is limited), and Construx is out the cost of food (they provide breakfast and lunch) and printed color binders and such that go to waste.
Other Free Materials
Most of you know that virtually all the articles and columns I’ve ever written have always been available for free on my own website or via magazine websites (modulo some link rot, sigh). These include all the Effective Concurrency articles, and my C++-focused “Guru of the Week” and magazine articles.
The only things I’ve written that aren’t legally freely available are the final texts of my books, including translations, to which the publishing company owns the copyright; but the books are based on the same freely-available English articles, and Addison-Wesley/Pearson has never had any issue with those staying available, so the basic material is all there.
But there’s news on the “final book contents” front, too, at least in English: Once my current book(s) on Effective Concurrency is done, Jim Hyslop and I plan to compile a book of the C++ Conversations articles we coauthored in C++ Report and C/C++ Users Journal (thanks again for your patience, Jim!) and I also plain to write a second edition of Exceptional C++ – and both books will be updated for C++0x, which is now feature-complete and undergoing its first round of international review. It’s quite interesting just how often using C++0x language and library features (from lambdas to shared_ptrs and concurrency) really help solve the old problems in even more elegant and robust ways… and I’m sure we’ll throw in a couple of new problems and solutions too. My goal is to post these books’ draft Items, perhaps in the form of blog entries, as we write them. But I’m also working with the publisher to see if perhaps we could even post the very final Items in that format with their permission. I’ll post more news about that as there’s something to say.