Effective Concurrency: Writing a Generalized Concurrent Queue

The next Effective Concurrency column, “Writing a Generalized Concurrent Queue”, just went live on DDJ’s site, and also appears in the print magazine.

From the article:

Last month [1], I showed code for a lock-free queue that supported the limited case of exactly two threads—one producer, and one consumer. That’s useful, but maybe not as exciting now that our first rush of lock-free coding glee has worn off. This month, let’s tackle the general problem of supporting multiple producers and multiple consumers with as much concurrency as possible. The code in this article uses four main design techniques: …

I hope you enjoy it. Finally, here are links to previous Effective Concurrency columns (based on the magazine print issue dates):

August 2007: The Pillars of Concurrency

September 2007: How Much Scalability Do You Have or Need?

October 2007: Use Critical Sections (Preferably Locks) to Eliminate Races

November 2007: Apply Critical Sections Consistently

December 2007: Avoid Calling Unknown Code While Inside a Critical Section

January 2007: Use Lock Hierarchies to Avoid Deadlock

February 2008: Break Amdahl’s Law!

March 2008: Going Superlinear

April 2008: Super Linearity and the Bigger Machine

May 2008: Interrupt Politely

June 2008: Maximize Locality, Minimize Contention

July 2008: Choose Concurrency-Friendly Data Structures

August 2008: The Many Faces of Deadlock

September 2008: Lock-Free Code: A False Sense of Security

October 2008: Writing Lock-Free Code: A Corrected Queue

November 2008: Writing a Generalized Concurrent Queue

September 2008 ISO C++ Standards Meeting: The Draft Has Landed, and a New Convener

The ISO C++ committee met in San Francisco, CA, on September 15-20. You can find the minutes here, including the votes to approve papers.

The most important thing the committee accomplished was this:

Complete C++0x draft published for international ballot

The biggest goal entering this meeting was to make C++0x feature-complete and stay on track to publish a complete public draft of C++0x for international review and comment — in ISO-speak, an official Committee Draft or CD. As I predicted in the summer, the committee achieved that at this meeting. Now the world will know the shape of C++0x in good detail. Here’s where to find it: The September C++0x working draft document is essentially the same as the September 2008 CD.

This is “it”, feature-complete C++0x, including the major feature of “concepts” which had its own extensive set of papers for language and library extensions — I’ll stop there, but there are still more concepts papers at the mailing page and some more still to come during the CD phase. (If you get the impression that concepts is a big feature, well, it is indeed easily the biggest addition we made in C++0x.)

What’s next? As I’ve mentioned before, we’re planning to have two rounds of international comment review. The first of two opportunities for national bodies to give their comments is now underway; the second round will probably be this time next year. The only changes expected to be made between that CD and the final International Standard are bug fixes and clarifications. It’s helpful to think of a CD as a feature-complete beta, and we’re on track to ship one more beta before the full release.

And a new convener

On a personal note, I’m very happy to see this accomplished at the last meeting during my convenership. I’ve now served as secretary and then convener (chair) of the ISO C++ committee for over 10 years, and my second three-year term as convener ended one week after the San Francisco meeting. A decade is enough; I decided not to volunteer for another term as chair.

As of a few weeks ago, P. J. Plauger is the new convener of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 (C++). Many of you will know P.J. (or Bill, as he’s known within the committee) from his long service to the C and C++ communities, including that he has been a past convener of the ISO C standards committee, past editor of the C/C++ Users Journal, the principal author of the Dinkumware implementation of the C++ standard library, and recipient of the 2004 Dr Dobb’s Journal Excellence in Programming Award, among various other qualifications and honors. He has been a regular participant at ISO C++ meetings for about as long as they’ve been held, and his long experience with both the technology and the ISO standards world will serve WG21 well.

I’m very happy to have been able to chair the committee during the development of C++0x. Now as we move from “develop mode” into “ship mode” it will be great to have his experienced hand guiding the committee through the final ISO process. Thanks for volunteering, Bill!

Stroustrup & Sutter on C++ 2008, Second Showing: October 30-31, 2008, in Boston, MA, USA

Bjarne and Herb for S&S This spring at SD West in Santa Clara, Bjarne and I did a fresh-and-updated S&S event with lots of new material.

We don’t usually repeat the same material, but this time there’s been such demand that we agreed to do a repeat… four weeks from today, in Boston. More information and talk descriptions follow.


Again, usually our S&S events feature mostly new material, but this one is almost identical to the material we did in spring 2008 in Santa Clara. Bjarne is substituting one talk, and will present “C++ in Safety-Critical Systems” instead of his talk on C++’s design and evolution; and we’ll both be updating to the material to reflect the current state of the draft ISO C++0x standard. But otherwise it’ll be identical.


  • If you missed our event this spring, here’s your second chance! It was our highest-rated S&S ever, and in the post-conference survey we asked the question “Would you recommend this course to a colleague?” and 100% said yes.
  • If you already attended this spring and came to all our sessions, you’ve seen nearly all this material already, but feel free to encourage a friend or colleague to attend who you think would benefit from the material.

The Talks

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

C++0x Overview (Bjarne Stroustrup)

Safe Locking: Best Practices to Eliminate Race Conditions (Herb Sutter)

How to Design Good Interfaces (Bjarne Stroustrup)

Lock-Free Programming in C++—or How to Juggle Razor Blades (Herb Sutter)

Grill the Experts: Ask Us Anything! (Bjarne Stroustrup & Herb Sutter)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

[“Best of Stroustrup & Sutter”] Update of talk voted “Most Informative” at S&S 2007: Concepts and Generic Programming in C++0x (Bjarne Stroustrup)

What Not to Code: Avoiding Bad Design Choices and Worse Implementations (Herb Sutter)

C++ in Safety-Critical Systems (Bjarne Stroustrup)

How to Migrate C++ Code to the Manycore “Free Lunch” (Herb Sutter)

Discussion on Questions Raised During the Seminar (Herb Sutter & Bjarne Stroustrup)


This two-day seminar is getting billing on two different conferences that are running at the same time in the Hynes Convention Center: SD Best Practices and the Embedded Systems Conference. S&S is technically part of both conferences, which means you can attend S&S via either one… either

and both ways will include options that include our two-day seminar.

I look forward to seeing many of you in Boston! Best wishes,
