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Journal created:
on 27 July 2009 (#21319785)
on 10 May 2013
Alis Volat Propriis
Posting Access:
All Members
An alternative support community for young women by young women.
We are a support community by and for young women struggling everywhere. We are tight-knit, here for each other through thick and thin. We want every single young woman who joins our community to feel safe, loved, accepted, and supported despite their imperfections. We want to acknowledge the beauty in every single young woman that is a part of this community.

If you have plans to disrupt our community, start drama, or reek havoc, PLEASE FIND ANOTHER COMMUNITY.

We don't have very many rules to go by- this is a pretty laid-back community, as we don't believe in controlling or forcing anything on our members. The following rules are the only ones we ask you to follow, as they are important and crucial in keeping our community a safe, healthy, supportive place.

Our rules are simple, yet profoundly important:

1. RESPECT and support, support, support your fellow members and they will do so in return. Do not bash, abuse, attack, or harass another female in this community. If you have a problem with somebody, please be civil. If someone does something of this sort to you, then please report it to the Mods immediately!

2. NO POST LEFT BEHIND!- comments and support are what will hold this community together.

3. NO persuading others into dangerous behaviors (i.e. purging, cutting, suicide, drug use, etc.) PLEASE PUT ANYTHING THE SLIGHTEST BIT TRIGGERING BEHIND AN LJ CUT!

4. Kind words go a looonngg way- please be nice!

5. Be open and always be honest. If you’re caught being dishonest with other members, you will be removed from the community.

6. For every entry you post on the community, comment on AT LEAST two others. It's only fair that if you want to be supported, you must support others.

7. If you must leave the community for any length of time, please simply let us know. If you don't feel strong enough to do so, let a Mod know and we can tell the rest of the community if you so wish. We do not want to worry about our members, and your absence can be worrying. Once again, please just keep us informed.

8. If you have questions, suggestions, concerns, or anything else that needs to be brought to the attention of the mods, PLEASE don't hesitate to let us know! We don’t bite, honest!

Welcome to her_0wn_wings, WELCOME HOME! <3
