Dissertation (PhD, Monograph): Bear Ceremonialism by Vesa Matteo Piludu

The Forestland’s Guests: Mythical Landscapes, Personhood, and Gender in the Finno-Karelian Bear Ceremonialism, 2019
The goal of the thesis is to provide new approaches for the interpretation of the elaborate Finni... more The goal of the thesis is to provide new approaches for the interpretation of the elaborate Finnish and Karelian bear ceremonial’s songs, which were intensively collected in the 19th Century and in the early 20th Century. The study aims to furnish a better understanding of the meanings of the ceremonial taking in consideration the context of folk beliefs at the time. The chapters will cover all the ritual phases, adapting the classic Hallowell’s typology to the Finno-Karelian case. However, each chapter aims to provide some answers to the main research questions. Why did the bear hunt require such a complex ritualized reciprocity? How were the passages of borders between the village and the forest ritualized? How and why were the forest, its spirits and the bruin personalized? Why do many Bear Songs contain references to wedding songs? How did the Christian faith and the rich cattle holders’ beliefs communicate with the hunter’s rituals, forming a historically stratified tradition? The study reveals that the vernacular definitions of the bear’s personhood changed often in the ritual phases: it was the offspring of the forest spirits or a hunter’s relative; a bride or a groom; a boy or a respected elder. On a general level, the bear had a shifting double identity: it was strictly bounded to the family of the forest spirits, but at the same time the hunter emphasized its human features to make the ritual communication easier and to transform the bruin into the guest of honor of the village feast, in which the bear meat was consumed. The hunter’s self could also change in the ritual: in the songs, he presented himself as a mighty man protected by mythic iron belts and shirts; as a handsome and mimetic seducer of female forest spirits, or as a humble orphan who needed their guidance. During the feast, the roles of the women toward the bear also varied: the mistress warmly welcomed the bruin as a guest or groom, but the women were also guided to protect the cattle. The landscapes acquired mythic features and they could be presented as welcoming or dangerous. These apparently kaleidoscopic changes followed a precise ritual logic: they were elaborate rhetorical devices to make the 'guests' – the bruin and the forest spirits – behave or react in certain ways in different ritual phases and to influence their perception of the hunters’ actions.
Edited books: Kalevala, Bear Rituals, Shamanism by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Piludu, Vesa Matteo & Frog (a cura di, 2015): Kalevala: Epica, Mito, Arte e Musica., 2015
Copertina della prima edizione solo italiana (2015) dell'antologia Piludu, Vesa Matteo & Frog (a ... more Copertina della prima edizione solo italiana (2015) dell'antologia Piludu, Vesa Matteo & Frog (a cura di): Kalevala: Epica, Mito, Arte e Musica. Viterbo: Edizioni Fuori Scena. Prima edizione bilingue italiana e inglese: 2014.
Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala: Epic, Music, Art and Music, 2014
Cover of the bilingual version of the anthology "Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala... more Cover of the bilingual version of the anthology "Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala: Epic, Music, Art and Music" (ed. by Vesa Matteo Piludu & Frog, 2014. Viterbo: EdizioniFuoriScena).
New Pubblications by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Articles and Chapters: Bear Ceremonialism by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Uomini e Orsi: Morfologia del Selvahggio (a cura di Comba, Enrico & Ormezzano, , 2015
Articles and Chapters: Kalevala in Italy by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Original article in English (2014) published in the bilingual anthology Kalevala: Epica, Magia, A... more Original article in English (2014) published in the bilingual anthology Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala: Epic, Magic, Art and Music (ed. by Piludu and Frog, 2014, VociFuoriscena-Viterbo). Proceeding of the bilingual scientific seminar "Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala: Epic, Magic, Art and Music" (2012, Bottenicco di Moimacco & Cividale del Friuli, Udine) organized by Kalevalaseura (Kalevala Society), Associazione Sergio Gaggia and many other Finnish and Italian institution to celebrate the centenary of Kalevalaseura.
Kalevala. Epica, magia, arte e musica a cura di Vesa Matteo Piludu, in collaborazione con Frog, 2021
Nuova versione riveduta e corretta dell'articolo pubblicato nel 2014 (versione bilingue) e 2015 (... more Nuova versione riveduta e corretta dell'articolo pubblicato nel 2014 (versione bilingue) e 2015 (versione italiana). La nuova versione del 2021 è pressoché identica nei contenuti, ma ci sono delle piccole variazioni, per esempio alcune correzioni e nuove note editoriali.
Articles and Chapters - Contemporary Music & Dance by Vesa Matteo Piludu

Lexia Rivista di Semiotica 05/06, 2010
The present article is focused on the detailed analysis of how Stravinsky, Nijinsky and other art... more The present article is focused on the detailed analysis of how Stravinsky, Nijinsky and other artists of the Ballets Russes' company reinterpreted Russian folklore elements in order to create two famous ballets: Le Sacre du Printemps and Petroushka. Puppet theatre, folk and popular tunes, rituals and myths of a fantastic Russian paganism were used by the company not to revitalize a nostalgic idea of the past, but to forge an innovative avant-garde art and to shatter the most oppressive classic ballets' stereotypes and clichés. Their project had an impressive outcome, in spite of the initial scandals and the painful conflicts among the egocentric company's members. Stravinsky's and Fokine's ideas were fundamental for the formation of modern and contemporary dance's aesthetics. Choreographers of different nationalities and backgrounds had build up more than five hundred Sacre's versions, and most of them are quite different from the original. Nowadays being faithful to Stravinsky means to follow the iconoclastic spirit of this cosmopolitan composer. In the first years of the new millennium the Finnish choreographer and dancer Tero Saarinen created innovative and quite surprising versions of the two Stravinski's ballets: using video-art and presenting introspective performances, the dancing bodies expressed existential problems and a touching protest against our voluntary self-sacrifice to technocracy and sadistic competition. Some reflections of well known musicologists and experts of dance history, and in particular some relevant concepts of semiotics of culture-as Juri Lotman's ideas about the dynamic adaptation of archaic symbols to the cultural context's changes-can help us to analyze challenging phases in the creation of substantial philosophical fundaments of modern and contemporary dance.
Articles and Chapters - Tamang Bombos (Shamans) by Vesa Matteo Piludu
In Memoriam by Vesa Matteo Piludu
La ricerca folklorica | Grafo Contributi allo studio della cultura delle classi popolari
Il buon uso sociale dell'antropologia medica. Un'antropologia per capire, per agire, per impegnarsi
Finnish Mythology and Arts by Vesa Matteo Piludu

Trascending Signs, 2023
Abstract: The tragic stories of the hero Kullervo are some of the most represented mythical narra... more Abstract: The tragic stories of the hero Kullervo are some of the most represented mythical narratives in all the Finnish arts. The brutal violence of the narrative and Kullervo’s disturbed mind have been too problematic to be represented by artistic means, and the hero has been defined as the popular but troubled child of Finnish literature, theatre, music, dance and visual arts. Working on Kullervo, Finnish artists offered deep reflections on the social, cultural, personal or psychological origins of violence. Kullervo has been interpreted as a hero or an antihero, the natural result of a violent society or family, a tragic warrior or a sorcerer using the power of spell and sound, as a nationalist model for Finnish revolt against russification, as metaphor for artists’ necessity of breaking norms, or as a complex character that choose to be violent, even if he has better alternatives. This article aims to reveal how the interpretations of the myth and personality of Kullervo had radically changed due to the changes in the historical, cultural and artistic contexts and in the semiosphere. In the last paragraph, I shall reflect on how this fascinating and problematic research topic deals with: a) Juri Lotman’s theories about the relation between symbols, myths and different cultural context, and b) Eero Tarasti’s recent reflections and writings on existential semiotics and semiotics of transcendence.
Original language
Title of host publication
Transcending Signs : Essays in Existential Semiotics
Eero Tarasti
Number of pages
de Gruyter
Publication date
20 Mar 2023
ISBN (Print)
ISBN (Electronic)
Publication status
Published - 20 Mar 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Mar 6, 2023
Introductions (Books Edited by the Author) by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Sulle Tracce della Renna del Cielo: Scritti sullo Sciamanesimo nordico di Juha Pentikäinen e Anna-Leena Siikala (ed. by Piludu, Vesa Matteo 2007. Rome: Bulzoni Editore), 2007
Kalevala. Epica, magia, arte e musica, 2021
Nuova versione riveduta e corretta (con alcune modifiche linguistiche e alcune note a piè di pagi... more Nuova versione riveduta e corretta (con alcune modifiche linguistiche e alcune note a piè di pagina) dell'Introduzione (2021, Piludu, Vesa Matteo & Frog) all'antologia "Kalevala. Epica, magia, arte e musica" a cura di Vesa Matteo Piludu, in collaborazione con Frog. Prima edizione bilingue (italiano e inglese): 2014. Seconda edizione italiana: 2015. L'antologia pubblica articoli di 11 studiosi e artisti finlandesi che approfondiscono gli interventi del convegno "Kalevala. Epica, magia, arte e musica" (2011, organizzato dalla Società del Kalevala (Kalevalaseura) a Bottenicco di Moimacco & Cividale del Friuli per celebrare il suo centenario, con la collaborazione dell'Associazione Musicale Sergio Gaggia e molti altri enti locali e finlandesi.
Articles and Chapters: Sámi and Italian Travelers by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Le Grand Tour: Du reste de l'Europe jusqu'à la Laponie - et retour, 2011
Article in French Language about the writing of Italian travelers and explorers (Piero Querino, S... more Article in French Language about the writing of Italian travelers and explorers (Piero Querino, Sebastiano Caboto, Francesco Negri, Giuseppe Acerbi, Filippo Parlatore, Ivo Pannaggi) in Lapland and Samiland about the Sámi people. Published in Lähteenmäki, Maria & Ferrand, Joël 2011: Le Grand Tour: Du reste de l'Europe jusqu'à la Laponie - et retour, Helsinki 2011).
Exhibitions - Reprovesi and Mantyharju by Vesa Matteo Piludu

Elettiin täällä ennenkin - Näyttely. Mäntyharjun museossa Iso-Pappila (2008)
Tervarummun kylän elämää 1900-luvun alkupuolella kuvaava näyttely Repovesi – Elettiin täällä enne... more Tervarummun kylän elämää 1900-luvun alkupuolella kuvaava näyttely Repovesi – Elettiin täällä ennenkin… oli esillä Mäntyharjun museossa Iso-Pappilassa kesällä 2008. Nyt verkkonäyttelyksi muunnettu näyttely toimii esimerkkinä tavallisesta elämästä mäntyharjulaisessa kylässä vajaa sata vuotta sitten. Kertojina ovat Tervarummun korpikylän entiset asukkaat:
Tervarummussa koettiin suuri elämänmuutos 1950-luvulla, kun valtio lunasti kyläläisten maat Puolustusvoimien harjoitusalueeksi. Ei tiedetty, mitä tulevaisuus toisi tullessaan, ja minne jouduttaisiin muuttamaan.
Vanhoille ihmisille se oli vaikeampaa. He ymmärsivät, minkälaiset tunteet oli sodanjälkeisillä siirtolaisilla jouduttuaan lähtemään tutuilta kotikunnailta aivan tuntemattomaan ja arvaamattomaan ympäristöön. Se oli ankeaa aikaa. (Jaakko Outinen)
Laitettiin lehmät naruun ja lähettiin tallamaan, kuvasi Sirkka Kääpä lähtöään kotikylästä 5.9.1956.
Nykyään Tervarumpu sijaitsee Pahkajärven ampuma-alueen yleisöltä suljetetulla suoja-alueella, josta osa kuuluu vuonna 2003 perustettuun Repoveden kansallispuistoon. Näyttelyn materiaali tässä. Kiitokset
Tämä näyttely on toteutunut seuraavien kertojien avulla: Silja Asikainen, Väinö Halinen, Hilja Jauhianen, Sirkka Kääpä, Jaakko Outinen, Juhani Outinen, Oiva Pyy, Reino Pyy, Toivo Pyy, Veikko Pyy.
Taloudellista tukea työryhmä on saanut Niilo Helanderin Säätiöltä sekä Mäntyharjun 400-vuotisjuhlarahastolta.
Näyttelyn haastattelut, kuvien keräys ja suunnittelu:
Anna Partanen ja Vesa Matteo Piludu
Graafinen suunnittelu ja toteutus: Leila Arrankoski
Verkkonäyttelyn toteutus: Susanna Helminen
Lisätietoja Repoveden alueen perinteestä, historiasta ja arkeologisista kohteista:
Mika Lavento & Antti Lahelma (toim.) Sama maisema, eri kulkijat – Repoveden kansallispuisto kivikaudelta 1900-luvulle. Metsähallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja, Sarja A 165. Helsinki 2007.
Exhibitions - Shamanhood & Bear Ceremonialism by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Seminars & Conferences (Organization and Papers) by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Dove l'orso fu generato, Zampa-di-Miele svezzato? , 2013
Conferenza alla Sala Consiliare del Municipio di Susa "Dove l'orso fu generato, Zampa-di-Miele sv... more Conferenza alla Sala Consiliare del Municipio di Susa "Dove l'orso fu generato, Zampa-di-Miele svezzato? Miti e riti sulla caccia all'orso nel Kalevala e nella tradizione finnica e nordica"

LIBERIAMO L'ORSO: I carnevali europei tra addomesticamento e selvaticità, 2013
L'incontro degli orsi del Piemonte e della Finlandia Seminario (7 febbraio 2013) LIBERIAMO L'ORSO... more L'incontro degli orsi del Piemonte e della Finlandia Seminario (7 febbraio 2013) LIBERIAMO L'ORSO I carnevali europei tra addomesticamento e selvaticità. Tratto comune delle culture con forti radici contadine di tutta Europa sono le manifestazioni di teatralità popolare che si svolgono durante le "feste" che segnano e sottolineano il ritmo della natura e il tempo della vita individuale e sociale. Frammenti di identità perduti nella complessità contemporanea (Grimaldi e Nattino, 2007), sono momenti fondamentali che consentono di ritrovare radici familiari, ricostruire comunità, produrre socialità, ricollegando i fili di tradizioni tramontate, facendo riemergere senso di appartenenza, di partecipazione, impegno incondizionato, poesia. La rinascita della festa che sta avvenendo in questi anni, sia nei luoghi canonici delle sue radici (campagna e montagne) sia nelle stesse aree urbane, consente così all'uomo contemporaneo di sfuggire agli esiti della globalizzazione ormai estesa a tutte le latitudini e di riappropriarsi di quei tratti del passato fatti di relazioni affettive e comunitarie, di ritmi e di spazi inediti. L'incontro del 7 febbraio che fa dialogare "gli "orsi" e i "selvatici" della cultura popolare della Finlandia (dove è tutt'ora possibile incontrare realmente l'orso in natura) e del Piemonte (dove se ne è conservata la memoria nelle feste di alcune comunità). Si tratta di "figure simboliche che pervengono da tempi e spazi lontani per narrare le nostre origini, … che rappresentano teatralmente il limite tra la natura e la cultura, tra l'animalità e la faticosa costruzione dell'umanità; un processo, un conflitto ancora non risolto …" (Grimaldi e Nattino, 2007). Il seminario è, inoltre, un'occasione per riproporre al pubblico la mostra "DEI SELVATICI. I carnevali tradizionali del Piemonte" già allestita in Museo nel 2007 e nel 2012.
Papers by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Religions around the Arctic: Source Criticism and Comparisons, Mar 29, 2022
Dissertation (PhD, Monograph): Bear Ceremonialism by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Edited books: Kalevala, Bear Rituals, Shamanism by Vesa Matteo Piludu
New Pubblications by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Articles and Chapters: Bear Ceremonialism by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Articles and Chapters: Kalevala in Italy by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Articles and Chapters - Contemporary Music & Dance by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Articles and Chapters - Tamang Bombos (Shamans) by Vesa Matteo Piludu
In Memoriam by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Finnish Mythology and Arts by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Original language
Title of host publication
Transcending Signs : Essays in Existential Semiotics
Eero Tarasti
Number of pages
de Gruyter
Publication date
20 Mar 2023
ISBN (Print)
ISBN (Electronic)
Publication status
Published - 20 Mar 2023
Introductions (Books Edited by the Author) by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Articles and Chapters: Sámi and Italian Travelers by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Exhibitions - Reprovesi and Mantyharju by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Tervarummussa koettiin suuri elämänmuutos 1950-luvulla, kun valtio lunasti kyläläisten maat Puolustusvoimien harjoitusalueeksi. Ei tiedetty, mitä tulevaisuus toisi tullessaan, ja minne jouduttaisiin muuttamaan.
Vanhoille ihmisille se oli vaikeampaa. He ymmärsivät, minkälaiset tunteet oli sodanjälkeisillä siirtolaisilla jouduttuaan lähtemään tutuilta kotikunnailta aivan tuntemattomaan ja arvaamattomaan ympäristöön. Se oli ankeaa aikaa. (Jaakko Outinen)
Laitettiin lehmät naruun ja lähettiin tallamaan, kuvasi Sirkka Kääpä lähtöään kotikylästä 5.9.1956.
Nykyään Tervarumpu sijaitsee Pahkajärven ampuma-alueen yleisöltä suljetetulla suoja-alueella, josta osa kuuluu vuonna 2003 perustettuun Repoveden kansallispuistoon. Näyttelyn materiaali tässä. Kiitokset
Tämä näyttely on toteutunut seuraavien kertojien avulla: Silja Asikainen, Väinö Halinen, Hilja Jauhianen, Sirkka Kääpä, Jaakko Outinen, Juhani Outinen, Oiva Pyy, Reino Pyy, Toivo Pyy, Veikko Pyy.
Taloudellista tukea työryhmä on saanut Niilo Helanderin Säätiöltä sekä Mäntyharjun 400-vuotisjuhlarahastolta.
Näyttelyn haastattelut, kuvien keräys ja suunnittelu:
Anna Partanen ja Vesa Matteo Piludu
Graafinen suunnittelu ja toteutus: Leila Arrankoski
Verkkonäyttelyn toteutus: Susanna Helminen
Lisätietoja Repoveden alueen perinteestä, historiasta ja arkeologisista kohteista:
Mika Lavento & Antti Lahelma (toim.) Sama maisema, eri kulkijat – Repoveden kansallispuisto kivikaudelta 1900-luvulle. Metsähallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja, Sarja A 165. Helsinki 2007.
Exhibitions - Shamanhood & Bear Ceremonialism by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Seminars & Conferences (Organization and Papers) by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Papers by Vesa Matteo Piludu
Original language
Title of host publication
Transcending Signs : Essays in Existential Semiotics
Eero Tarasti
Number of pages
de Gruyter
Publication date
20 Mar 2023
ISBN (Print)
ISBN (Electronic)
Publication status
Published - 20 Mar 2023
Tervarummussa koettiin suuri elämänmuutos 1950-luvulla, kun valtio lunasti kyläläisten maat Puolustusvoimien harjoitusalueeksi. Ei tiedetty, mitä tulevaisuus toisi tullessaan, ja minne jouduttaisiin muuttamaan.
Vanhoille ihmisille se oli vaikeampaa. He ymmärsivät, minkälaiset tunteet oli sodanjälkeisillä siirtolaisilla jouduttuaan lähtemään tutuilta kotikunnailta aivan tuntemattomaan ja arvaamattomaan ympäristöön. Se oli ankeaa aikaa. (Jaakko Outinen)
Laitettiin lehmät naruun ja lähettiin tallamaan, kuvasi Sirkka Kääpä lähtöään kotikylästä 5.9.1956.
Nykyään Tervarumpu sijaitsee Pahkajärven ampuma-alueen yleisöltä suljetetulla suoja-alueella, josta osa kuuluu vuonna 2003 perustettuun Repoveden kansallispuistoon. Näyttelyn materiaali tässä. Kiitokset
Tämä näyttely on toteutunut seuraavien kertojien avulla: Silja Asikainen, Väinö Halinen, Hilja Jauhianen, Sirkka Kääpä, Jaakko Outinen, Juhani Outinen, Oiva Pyy, Reino Pyy, Toivo Pyy, Veikko Pyy.
Taloudellista tukea työryhmä on saanut Niilo Helanderin Säätiöltä sekä Mäntyharjun 400-vuotisjuhlarahastolta.
Näyttelyn haastattelut, kuvien keräys ja suunnittelu:
Anna Partanen ja Vesa Matteo Piludu
Graafinen suunnittelu ja toteutus: Leila Arrankoski
Verkkonäyttelyn toteutus: Susanna Helminen
Lisätietoja Repoveden alueen perinteestä, historiasta ja arkeologisista kohteista:
Mika Lavento & Antti Lahelma (toim.) Sama maisema, eri kulkijat – Repoveden kansallispuisto kivikaudelta 1900-luvulle. Metsähallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja, Sarja A 165. Helsinki 2007.