Papers by Martti Koskenniemi
Nordic Journal of International Law, Feb 10, 2004
for their assistance in the preparation of this report. My special thanks go to Thomas Meerpohl w... more for their assistance in the preparation of this report. My special thanks go to Thomas Meerpohl who helped me with the final editing.
T.M.C. Asser Press cop., 2019
his signifi cant contributions to the development of public and private international law. Th e A... more his signifi cant contributions to the development of public and private international law. Th e Annual Lecture builds on his vision and mission, it invites distinguished international scholars to take inspiration from Asser's idea of cultivating trust and respect through law and legal institutions, and to examine what it could mean in their area of expertise today. It is the T.M.C. Asser Instituut's fl agship lecture and its date commemorates the foundation of the Institute in December 1965. Th e T.M.C. Asser Instituut is grateful for the support of the Municipality of Th e Hague.
Comparative Legal History
European Journal of International Law, 1998

Nosotros los europeos modernos, ciudadanos de la Union Europea, el paraiso, como los americanos i... more Nosotros los europeos modernos, ciudadanos de la Union Europea, el paraiso, como los americanos ironicamente lo llaman, compartimos una intuicion acerca de como el mundo —el mundo internacional— es y como sera en el futuro. Pensamos que sera como nosotros somos. Estamos familiarizados con nuestros gobiernos nacionales, nuestras relaciones de vecindad, la Comision en Bruselas, el Tribunal de Derechos Humanos de Estrasburgo. Romano Prodi se nos presenta como un lider serio de una impresionante burocracia super-moderna. Todo esto resulta familiar, domestico, domesticado. Y no necesitamos viajar lejos —solo hay que cruzar una frontera— para llegar a Ginebra para encontrarnos con lo que parece un ambiente bastante similar: edificios de oficinas acristalados con sus denominaciones en las fachadas: WTO, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), WHO (World Health Organization), UNHCR, Alto Comisionado para los DereAnuario de Derechos Humanos. Nueva Epoca. Vol. 7. T. 1. 2006 (437-458)

The Roots of International Law / Les fondements du droit international, 2014
Among the many texts by Peter Haggenmacher that throw light on some often neglected aspect of Gro... more Among the many texts by Peter Haggenmacher that throw light on some often neglected aspect of Grotius is the 1997 article on Droits subjectifs et système juridique chez Grotius. 1 Not that the importance of subjective rights in Grotius would have been wholly ignored. In fact, the turn to subjective rights in early modern natural law has been commented upon by many historians of political thought. 2 What is particularly useful in Haggenmacher's long essay, however, is the stress made there on the linkage between subjective rights and what Grotius in De jure belli ac pacis chose to call "expletive justice", justice in inter-individual relations. The distinction made by Grotius between expletive and allocative justice resembles the more familiar Aristotelian juxtaposition of justice in commutative (horizontal) relations between individuals and justice in distributive (vertical) relations between individuals and the community. Throughout his oeuvre, Grotius privileges the former to the latter, in De jure belli ac pacis (1625) throwing doubt on the legal character of distributive justice tout court. It is, he suggests, best seen as a set of non-legal maxims of charity, or obligations of conscience. Only relations of expletive justice are "hard law" that ground universally valid rights. Any violation of them, wherever it occurs, is liable for punishment by the political community, or if the violation takes place outside the boundaries of political community, by the right-holders themselves. By this means, Grotius sketched a system of global exercise of power by public and private actors in the name of enforcing natural rights. In this essay I will situate this achievement within the worldwide emergence of new types of economic relationship that have sometimes been abbreviated as the
En reunissant des specialistes de quelques "cas" de chaos, il s'agit de saisir si l... more En reunissant des specialistes de quelques "cas" de chaos, il s'agit de saisir si les problemes poses s'articulent ou pas aux mythes d'origine de nos cultures et aux philosophies qui, de Democrite a Hermann Cohen et a Gilles Deleuze, ont pense la rationalite, non pas comme un ordre inscrit dans ce qui est, masi comme une facon d'ordonner le chaotique. En choisissant ce theme, il s'agit de confronter nos savoirs et nos pratiques en comprenant mieux ce qui limite mais aussi qui fonde leur valeur, le chaos etant un bon theme puisqu'il oppose chacuen de nos entreprises a ce qui releve, pour elle-meme, d'un paradoxe. Cela a rendu possible d'etrangers es passionantes rencontres

Reference Reviews, 2013
Machine generated contents note: Introduction James Crawford and Martti Koskenniemi; Part I. The ... more Machine generated contents note: Introduction James Crawford and Martti Koskenniemi; Part I. The Contexts of International Law: 1. International law in diplomatic history Gerry Simpson; 2. International law in the world of ideas Martti Koskenniemi; 3. International law as 'law' Frederic Me;gret; Part II. International Law and the State: 4. Statehood - territory, people, government Karen Knop; 5. Uses of 'sovereignty' in the law James Crawford; 6. Exercise and limits of jurisdiction Bruno Simma and Andreas Muller; 7. Lawfare and warfare David Kennedy; Part III. Techniques and Arenas: 8. Law-making and sources - the argumentative basis Hilary Charlesworth; 9. Judicial settlement and arbitration - the invisible centre of international law Benedict Kingsbury; 10. International institutions Jan Klabbers; 11. Policing and sanctions Dino Kritsiotis; Part IV. Projects of International Law: 12. Constituting order Anne Orford; 13. Legitimating the rule of law B. S. Chimni; 14. Human rights in disastrous times Susan Marks; 15. Attacking evil Sarah Nouwen; 16. Regulating trade and investment Helene Ruiz-Fabri; 17. The role of international law in reproducing massive poverty Thomas Pogge; 18. Conserving resources Sundhuya Pahuja.
History of the Present, 2018
Histories of international law rarely engage with what experts-teachers and practitioners-feel as... more Histories of international law rarely engage with what experts-teachers and practitioners-feel as the existential insecurity of the field. Is there such a thing as "international law"? What sort of thing is it? Engaging with the "deniers" is a traditional textbook topos and every international lawyer knows half-dozen ways to defend the existence or relevance of the field, as well as some rejoinders to those responses. But so far no debate has been triggered on what the subject-matter of "history of international law" might be. True, chronological problems are sometimes raised: is it possible to speak of "international law" with respect 37 I have discussed this in "Empire and International Law: The Real Spanish Contribution", 61
Let's talk about books. Which did you read during your holidays? Well, this question puts a burde... more Let's talk about books. Which did you read during your holidays? Well, this question puts a burden on the truthfulness of everyone. Did you realize that anyone asked this question will be concerned as to which kind of profile they will be putting forward based on what they say they have read? Do you mean people won't talk frankly about what they have read and their impressions? Would that be such a surprise-the kinds of human beings we are? … Let's give it a shot: Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, I was nine weeks in the country. I also have a study there and as a professor I can always bring my books and computer with me-which is what I did. But I have to say that nine weeks in the country is enough. And which books did you pack? A huge number. Mostly books from the 18 th century political and legal sphere. I
European Journal of International Law, 2022
Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History, 2021

Esta e uma sintese preliminar do estruturalismo abordado em meu livro From Apology to Utopia: The... more Esta e uma sintese preliminar do estruturalismo abordado em meu livro From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument [“Da apologia a utopia: a estrutura do argumento juridico internacional”] (Helsinki, 1989). O texto foi publicado no primeiro numero do European Journal of International Law, em 1990, e serve de base para a leitura de todo o meu trabalho posterior. O artigo e inspirado em escritos ligados a tradicao dos Estudos Criticos do Direito (Critical Legal Studies) nos Estados Unidos, sobretudo os do professor David Kennedy (Faculdade de Direito de Harvard). Contudo, remete tambem a linguistica estruturalista (Saussure), a teoria da argumentacao (Perelman) e ao misto de hermeneutica analitica e teoria critica que constituiu a ortodoxia da teoria finlandesa do direito nos anos 1980. O objetivo central aqui e mostrar de que modo a indeterminacao opera no âmbito da argumentacao juridica internacional. O texto encaminha-se a uma critica imanente do direito in...

Linear complexions are defect states that have been recently discovered along dislocations in bod... more Linear complexions are defect states that have been recently discovered along dislocations in body centered cubic Fe-based alloys. In this work, we use atomistic simulations to extend this concept and explore segregation-driven structural transitions at dislocations in face centered cubic alloys. We identify a variety of stable, nanoscale-size structural and chemical states, which are confined near dislocations and can be classified as linear complexions. Depending on the alloy system and thermodynamic conditions, such new states can preserve, partially modify, or completely replace the original defects they were born at. By considering different temperatures and compositions, we construct linear complexion diagrams that are similar to bulk phase diagrams, defining the important conditions for complexion formation while also specifying an expected complexion size and type. Several notable new complexion types were predicted here: (1) nanoparticle arrays comprised of L12 phases in Ni-Fe, Ni-Al, and Al-Zr, (2) replacement of stacking faults with layered complexions comprised of (111) planes from the Cu5Zr intermetallic phase in Cu-Zr, (3) platelet arrays comprised of two-dimensional Guinier-Preston zones in Al-Cu, and finally (4) coexistence of multiple linear complexions containing both Guinier-Preston zones and L12 phases in ternary Al-Cu-Zr. All of these new complexion states are expected to alter material properties and affect the stability of the dislocations themselves, offering a unique opportunity for future materials design.
Papers by Martti Koskenniemi