Papers by Kimmo Vehkalahti

Language, Interaction and Acquisition. Langage, Interaction et Acquisition
The purpose of the present study was to examine some of the motivations and longitudinal conseque... more The purpose of the present study was to examine some of the motivations and longitudinal consequences of military service in L2 Swedish for L1 Finnish conscripts in Finland’s only Swedish language garrison. Cross-sectional data (N = 42), analyzed with Bayesian path analysis, indicates that promotional instrumentality enhanced participants’ L2 ideal selves, but integrative orientation did not. The L2 ideal self predicts L2 learning intentions in the army, but only among learners with low L2 proficiency at the beginning of military service. Longitudinal data (N = 17), analyzed with a Bayesian model selection procedure, shows that after six months in the army, participants reported higher levels of L2 proficiency, lower levels of L2 use anxiety and more positive attitudes towards L2 speakers than at the beginning of military service.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Jul 17, 2002
The effects of emulsion structure and composition of the matrix on the release of linalool (nonpo... more The effects of emulsion structure and composition of the matrix on the release of linalool (nonpolar) and diacetyl (polar) were studied using sensory evaluation, static headspace gas chromatography, and an electronic nose. The matrices used were water, rapeseed oil, and eight oil-in-water emulsions differing in oil volume fraction (0.05/0.5), emulsifier type (sucrose stearate/modified potato starch), and homogenization pressure (100/300 bar). Fat content strongly affected the release of linalool, but it was not as critical a factor in the release of the more polar compound, diacetyl. A slight effect of the emulsifier type on the release of aromas was observed with sensory and gas chromatographic methods. The reduced droplet size, resulting from higher homogenization pressure, enhanced the release of linalool but had no effect on diacetyl. Sensory and gas chromatographic methods detected aroma changes quite similarly. The electronic nose was capable of detecting only the effect of fat on linalool.
Tieteessa Tapahtuu, Nov 19, 2014
KATSAUKSIA Kirjoittaessani katsausta esimiesvuosistani pian sata vuotta täyttävän Suomen Tilastos... more KATSAUKSIA Kirjoittaessani katsausta esimiesvuosistani pian sata vuotta täyttävän Suomen Tilastoseuran vuosikirjaan tulin tutkineeksi Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunnan (TSV) verkkosivuja. Jäsenseurojen tiedot löytyvät sivulta, jossa seuroja voi listata aakkosellisesti tai hakea tarkempia tietoja esim. seuran nimen tai sen edustaman tieteenalan perusteella. Sivuilta selvisi eräitä keskeisiä tietoja, kuten se, että jäsenseuroja oli 265 ja niihin kuului noin 250 000 henkilöjäsentä. Kokonaisuutta oli kuitenkin mahdoton hahmottaa. Kiinnostukseni heräsi-sekä sisällöllisesti että teknisestija niinpä hain tietoja myös muualta verkosta muodostaakseni kokonaiskuvan.
Sosiaalilaaketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, Jan 8, 2015
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2008
The prevalence of sleep disturbances in 52 children with Asperger syndrome (AS) as compared with ... more The prevalence of sleep disturbances in 52 children with Asperger syndrome (AS) as compared with 61 healthy controls (all subjects aged 5-17 years) was investigated. Problems with sleep onset and maintenance, sleep-related fears, negative attitudes toward sleeping, and daytime somnolence were more frequent among children with AS than among controls. Short sleep duration (<9 h) was almost twofold (59% vs. 32%), and the risk for sleep onset problems more than fivefold (53% vs. 10%) more common in the AS group than in the control group. Child-reported sleeping problems were also more prevalent in the AS group than in controls (58% vs. 7%). The results suggest that sleep disturbances should be routinely evaluated in children with AS.
The paper examines the quality of vessel operation as a governance problem. It applies correspond... more The paper examines the quality of vessel operation as a governance problem. It applies correspondence analysis to explore patterns in vessel operation quality among four groups of vessels in the Baltic Sea using port State control inspection data. It criticises the technical focus in policy-making by demonstrating how nontechnical parameters can influence vessel operation quality. The governance implications of varying patterns in vessel operation quality are illustrated on the example of Clean Ship approach. The paper concludes that in the context of globalized markets no 'one size fits all'-approach can be used to address shipping externalities and suggests designing policy measures specifically aiming at groups of maritime actors associated with different segments of shipping market.
Roininen, K., Heiniö, R.-L. & Vehkalahti. K. (2005). V Kuvailevat menetelmät. Teoksessa: Elintarv... more Roininen, K., Heiniö, R.-L. & Vehkalahti. K. (2005). V Kuvailevat menetelmät. Teoksessa: Elintarvikkeiden aistinvaraiset tutkimusmenetelmät. Yliopistopaino, Helsinki, 2005, s. 93-105.

Fisheries Research, 2005
Finland has 1100 km coast line with relatively strong environmental gradients. Finland has also g... more Finland has 1100 km coast line with relatively strong environmental gradients. Finland has also gathered exceptionally comprehensive data on commercial catches of several fish species along the coast in relatively small units. Multidimensional scaling was applied to these data to test the hypothesis that the effects of the environmental gradients to the abundance and species composition of fish can be seen in the catches. This analysis divided the species into three groups: marine species, salmonid species and coastal species groups, the reproduction biology being the connecting factor between the species in each group. This implies that the reproduction success in a given environment is the main factor affecting the productivity and distribution of species along the coast of Finland. The commercial catch data proved informative in regard to the ecological similarity of the species.

Appetite, 2001
The Health and Taste Attitude Scales (HTAS) developed by Roininen, LaÈ hteenmaÈ ki and Tuorila in... more The Health and Taste Attitude Scales (HTAS) developed by Roininen, LaÈ hteenmaÈ ki and Tuorila in 1999 measure the importance of health and taste aspects of foods in the food choice process. These multi-item scales consist of sets of statements, ranging from``strongly disagree'' to``strongly agree'', which further divide into three Health (General health interest, Light product interest and Natural product interest) and three Taste (Craving for sweet foods, Using food as a reward and Pleasure) sub-scales. Finnish (N 467), Dutch (N 477), and British (N 361) respondents completed a questionnaire which contained four components: the HTAS, a separate``paper and pencil task'' of choosing a food for a snack; pleasantness, healthiness and frequency of consumption of eight foods; and the Restraint Eating Scale of the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ). The latter three components were included in order to validate various aspects of the HTAS. The factor structure of HTAS was found to be equal in all three countries. However, there were some minor differences in factor loadings among countries, e.g. the Natural product interest and Pleasure sub-scale items had lower factor loadings in the UK than in Finland and The Netherlands. Finnish respondents had the most positive attitude towards light products. Dutch and British respondents scored higher on all Taste sub-scales than their Finnish counterparts. Respondents' health-related attitudes were good predictors of their``healthy food choices'' in the snack task and self-reported consumption. Two of the Taste sub-scales (Craving for sweet foods and Using food as a reward) predicted well respondents' self-reported consumption of, for example, full-fat chocolate bars. All the Health and two of the Taste sub-scales proved to be useful tools for characterizing consumer attitudes within and between countries.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2002
The effects of emulsion structure and composition of the matrix on the release of linalool (nonpo... more The effects of emulsion structure and composition of the matrix on the release of linalool (nonpolar) and diacetyl (polar) were studied using sensory evaluation, static headspace gas chromatography, and an electronic nose. The matrices used were water, rapeseed oil, and eight oil-in-water emulsions differing in oil volume fraction (0.05/0.5), emulsifier type (sucrose stearate/modified potato starch), and homogenization pressure (100/300 bar). Fat content strongly affected the release of linalool, but it was not as critical a factor in the release of the more polar compound, diacetyl. A slight effect of the emulsifier type on the release of aromas was observed with sensory and gas chromatographic methods. The reduced droplet size, resulting from higher homogenization pressure, enhanced the release of linalool but had no effect on diacetyl. Sensory and gas chromatographic methods detected aroma changes quite similarly. The electronic nose was capable of detecting only the effect of fat on linalool.

Association of apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele with peripheral quantitative computed tomography... more Association of apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele with peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) bone traits at the distal and shaft sites of the radius and tibia was evaluated in the Young Finns Cohort (n = 1777). We also analyzed the interactions of the APOE promoter polymorphisms (−219G/T rs405509 and + 113G/C rs440446) and bone traits within the APOE ε3/ε3 genotype (n = 1025 and n = 1013, respectively), and investigated the gene-environment interactions on bone traits with longitudinal saturated fatty acids (SAFA) intake. Differences between the ε4 allele carriers and noncarriers were modest and mostly nonsignificant. Within the APOE promoter −219G/T polymorphism, cortical strength index (CSI) and compressive bone strength index (BSI) at the distal radius (linear, P = 0.003 and P = 0.05, respectively) and tibia (linear, P = 0.01 and P = 0.03, respectively), and CSI at the tibial shaft (linear, P = 0.04) decreased towards the −219T/T genotype in women. In men, total cross-sectional areas at the radial site and stress-strain index (SSI) at the radial shaft (linear, P = 0.03 and P = 0.04 and P = 0.05, respectively) increased, and conversely cortical bone density and CSI at the radial shaft (linear, P = 0.005 and P = 0.05, respectively) and CSI at the tibial shaft (linear, P = 0.03) decreased towards the −219T/T genotype. In the highest SAFA tertile, women with the −219T/T genotype had the smallest total area and SSI at the radial shaft (P = 0.01 and P = 0.02, respectively). Subjects with the APOE + 113C/C genotype shared similar bone traits as subjects with the APOE −219T/T genotype. In conclusion, APOE genotypes −219T/T and + 113C/C could be genetic markers for cortical bone strength. Furthermore, high longitudinal SAFA intake seems to be more detrimental to bone in women with the −219T/T and + 133C/C genotypes than others.
Helsingin yliopisto, …, 1997
Moniste sisältää Helsingin yliopiston tilastotieteen laitoksen (www. valt. helsinki. fi/til) opin... more Moniste sisältää Helsingin yliopiston tilastotieteen laitoksen (www. valt. helsinki. fi/til) opintojaksoon Data-analyysi I kuuluvan Survo-kurssin harjoitustehtävät. Kurssiin kuuluu luentojen lisäksi 30 tuntia ohjattua harjoittelua atk-luokassa. Kaikkia tehtäviä ei ehditä ...

… of agricultural and …, 2002
The effects of emulsion structure and composition of the matrix on the release of linalool (nonpo... more The effects of emulsion structure and composition of the matrix on the release of linalool (nonpolar) and diacetyl (polar) were studied using sensory evaluation, static headspace gas chromatography, and an electronic nose. The matrices used were water, rapeseed oil, and eight oil-in-water emulsions differing in oil volume fraction (0.05/0.5), emulsifier type (sucrose stearate/modified potato starch), and homogenization pressure (100/300 bar). Fat content strongly affected the release of linalool, but it was not as critical a factor in the release of the more polar compound, diacetyl. A slight effect of the emulsifier type on the release of aromas was observed with sensory and gas chromatographic methods. The reduced droplet size, resulting from higher homogenization pressure, enhanced the release of linalool but had no effect on diacetyl. Sensory and gas chromatographic methods detected aroma changes quite similarly. The electronic nose was capable of detecting only the effect of fat on linalool.
We study the estimation of the reliability of measurement scales. The subject has been partially ... more We study the estimation of the reliability of measurement scales. The subject has been partially obscured because of poor estimators, such as Cronbach's alpha, which is the most widely applied estimator of reliability. We show that a recently proposed estimator that we are calling Tarkkonen's rho, provides a general method for the task. Examining the assumptions behind these estimators we prove that Cronbach's alpha is a special case of Tarkkonen's rho under certain one-dimensional measurement models. In practice, the conditions required for Cronbach's alpha to be a valid estimator of reliability are difficult to encounter, whereas Tarkkonen's rho is well suited for more general measurement settings. Our conclusion is that Tarkkonen's rho is a better alternative for Cronbach's alpha.

Our aim is to construct a general measurement framework for analyzing the effects of measurement ... more Our aim is to construct a general measurement framework for analyzing the effects of measurement errors in multivariate measurement scales. We define a measurement model, which forms the core of the framework. The measurement scales in turn are often produced by methods of multivariate statistical analysis. As a central element of the framework, we introduce a new, general method of estimating the reliability of measurement scales. It is more appropriate than the classical procedures, especially in the context of multivariate analyses. The framework provides methods for various topics related to the quality of measurement, such as assessing the structural validity of the measurement model, estimating the standard errors of measurement, and correcting the predictive validity of a measurement scale for attenuation. A proper estimate of reliability is a requisite in each task. We illustrate the idea of the measurement framework with an example based on real data.
Papers by Kimmo Vehkalahti