Book Reviews by Ivan Lavrentjev
Diplomaatia, 2018
Two books on Russia have been published in Estonian and are reviewed here: Arkadi Ostrovski. Vene... more Two books on Russia have been published in Estonian and are reviewed here: Arkadi Ostrovski. Venemaa loomine. Inglise keelest tõlkinud Krista Eek. Tänapäev, 2017. 391 lk.; Mihhail Zõgar. Kõik Kremli mehed. Vene keelest tõlkinud Ülar Lauk. Tänapäev, 2017. 432 lk.
Diplomaatia, 2017
Raamatuarvustus: Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire by Agnia Grigas. Yale University Press 201... more Raamatuarvustus: Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire by Agnia Grigas. Yale University Press 2016. 352 Lk. ISBN 9780300214505. Diplomaatia nr 9/169 (2017).
Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte, 2018
Vladimir Iushkin: Dnevnik sovetnika prem’er-ministra [Diary of the
advisor to the Prime Minister]... more Vladimir Iushkin: Dnevnik sovetnika prem’er-ministra [Diary of the
advisor to the Prime Minister]. Varrak. Tallinn 2016. 552 pp. ISBN
9789985338315. In Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte - Bd. 13 (2018).
Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte, Jun 2017
Die Besprechung über Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire von Agnia Grigas. Yale University Pres... more Die Besprechung über Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire von Agnia Grigas. Yale University Press 2016. 352 S. ISBN 9780300214505. In Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte - Bd. 12 (2017).
Conference Presentations by Ivan Lavrentjev
Käesoleva ettekande objektiks on 1993. aasta juulis Narva linnas peetud autonoomia referendum. Ee... more Käesoleva ettekande objektiks on 1993. aasta juulis Narva linnas peetud autonoomia referendum. Eesmärgiks on selgitada välja sündmuse tagamaad, referendumi korraldus, sellele eelnenud ning järgnenud arengud.
Papers by Ivan Lavrentjev
Vikerkaar, 2018
Artiklis analüüsitakse Narvale tähelepanu pöörumist riigi keskvõimude poolt, mis võib erineval vi... more Artiklis analüüsitakse Narvale tähelepanu pöörumist riigi keskvõimude poolt, mis võib erineval viisil väljendada, kuid kindlalt aktiviseerub ühes pingete või kriisiga kohapeal ning seejärel pigem vaibub. Vaatluse all on kaks näidet: 1993. aasta autonoomia referendum ning 2015. aastal alanud arutelu Narva kui võimaliku Vene Föderatsiooni sihtmärgi ja kohalike lojaalsuse ja identiteedi osas.
Narva Muuseumi Toimetised, 2018
Artikli fookuses on Narva autonoomia referendumi kajastuse vaibumine selle toimumise järgsetel aa... more Artikli fookuses on Narva autonoomia referendumi kajastuse vaibumine selle toimumise järgsetel aastatel ning uue meenutamise laine tõus alates 2013. aastast. Artikkel analüüsib, kuidas ajapikku muutus referendumi teemaline avalik diskursus ning kuidas see transformeerus ühiskondlikus mälus uudiste objektist lähiajaloo sündmuseks, mis leiab oma koha muuseumiruumides ja mälestusteraamatutes.

(The thesis itself is in Estonian) In the beginning of the 1990s, the adoption of several importa... more (The thesis itself is in Estonian) In the beginning of the 1990s, the adoption of several important laws led to broad dissatisfaction amongst Estonia’s Russian-speaking population, as these laws narrowed the possibilities of the group to participate in policy making, and led to the vast majority of them becoming stateless persons. Driven by this, the local council of Narva, a city located by the Russian border, came to an understanding that there is a need for autonomy – which, according to the city council, should be reflected in being able to veto legal acts issued by Estonian authorities. The referendum on the autonomy of Narva, held in 1993, is a special event in Estonian history. For the Estonian state, which had regained its independence in 1991, this was a great challenge, as the situation was competely new and unexpected. Despite active involvement of representatives of Russia in the proccess and almost 100% support for autonomy by Narva residents, the Supreme Court of Estonia declared the results of the referendum illegal and there were no attempts of the same scale to campaign for autonomy in the following years. The referendum served as an effective tool to attract attention to the problems of the Russian-speaking population, and attract attention away from Narva’s problems with coping with increased administrative burden in the case of real autonomy.
The presentation of a superficial concept for Narva’s autonomy following the court decision meant that the leaders of the autonomy movement had no clear vision of an autonomous Narva, i.e. the whole event had been nothing but a farce from the very beginning.
Books by Ivan Lavrentjev
Okupatsioonide Muuseumis peetud näituse kataloogis kirjutavad Narva minevikust ning lähikümnendit... more Okupatsioonide Muuseumis peetud näituse kataloogis kirjutavad Narva minevikust ning lähikümnenditel Eestis tegutsenud etniliste vähemuste erakondadest Ivan Lavrentjev, David Vseviov, Tõnis Saarts, toimetaja Karsten Brüggemann. Kataloog on eesti, inglise ja vene keeles.
Book Reviews by Ivan Lavrentjev
advisor to the Prime Minister]. Varrak. Tallinn 2016. 552 pp. ISBN
9789985338315. In Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte - Bd. 13 (2018).
Conference Presentations by Ivan Lavrentjev
Papers by Ivan Lavrentjev
The presentation of a superficial concept for Narva’s autonomy following the court decision meant that the leaders of the autonomy movement had no clear vision of an autonomous Narva, i.e. the whole event had been nothing but a farce from the very beginning.
Books by Ivan Lavrentjev
advisor to the Prime Minister]. Varrak. Tallinn 2016. 552 pp. ISBN
9789985338315. In Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte - Bd. 13 (2018).
The presentation of a superficial concept for Narva’s autonomy following the court decision meant that the leaders of the autonomy movement had no clear vision of an autonomous Narva, i.e. the whole event had been nothing but a farce from the very beginning.