Papers by Emmi E K Koskinen
British Journal of Social Psychology, 2024
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which... more This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Frontiers in Sociology, 2024
In the current paper we aim to combine the theoretical ideas of recognition theory to conversatio... more In the current paper we aim to combine the theoretical ideas of recognition theory to conversation analytical, empirical observations. We ask what recognition theories can give to conversation analysis, and vice versa. We operate on a model of recognition that consists of three different modes: respect, esteem, and love/care, and which distinguishes the levels of conversational actions and the attitudes of recognition manifested in such actions. In this study we examine data examples from various conversational settings (institutional, quasi-experimental, family interaction) and activities (decision-making, storytelling), focusing on the more complex cases of (mis)recognition. We show how recognition can appear both explicitly and implicitly in conversational sequences, and demonstrate how the levels of conversational actions and recognition can be either congruent or incongruent with each other. At the end of the article, we discuss the implications of this view for the interface of conversation analysis and sociological theory, arguing that it can inform and promote the development of interactionally based social and societal critique.
Intersubjectivity in Action

Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 2021
Objective: In storytelling environments, recipients’ questions have mainly been described as non-... more Objective: In storytelling environments, recipients’ questions have mainly been described as non-affiliative. This article examines how the topicality of story-responsive questions relates to the recipients’ displays of affiliation. Furthermore, we investigate whether there are differences between the practices of neurotypical participants (NT) and participants diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS) in this regard. While aiming to uncover the practices of story-responsive questions in general, we also seek to shed light on the specific interactional features associated with AS. Method: Our method is qualitative conversation analysis. Drawing on a dataset of Finnish quasi-natural conversations, we compare the interactional consequences of story-responsive questions asked by NT- and AS-participants. Results: We show how the NT-participants in our data use a specific set of practices to manage the topical relevance of their questions, while the AS-participants’ production of otherwise v...

Social Psychology Quarterly, 2021
Erving Goffman has argued that the threat of losing one's face is an omnirelevant concern tha... more Erving Goffman has argued that the threat of losing one's face is an omnirelevant concern that penetrates all actions in encounters. However, studies have shown that compared with neurotypical individuals, persons diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder can be less preoccupied with how others perceive them and thus possibly less concerned of face in interaction. Drawing on a data set of Finnish quasinatural conversations, we use the means of conversation analysis to compare the practices of facework in storytelling sequences involving neurotypical (NT) participants and participants diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (AS). We found differences in the ways in which the AS and NT participants in our data managed face threats in interaction, where they spontaneously assumed the roles of both storytellers and story recipients. We discuss our findings in relation to theories of self in interaction, with an aim to illuminate both typical and atypical interactional practices of face...

Autismikirjon henkiloiden tarinankerrontaa on tutkittu seka kokeellisin menetelmin etta keskustel... more Autismikirjon henkiloiden tarinankerrontaa on tutkittu seka kokeellisin menetelmin etta keskustelunanalyyttisesti, mutta tarinan vastaanottoon liittyvien kaytanteiden erittely on jaanyt vahemmalle. Tassa tutkimuksessa paikataan tata tutkimuksellista aukkoa keskittymalla erityisesti autismikirjon henkiloiden tarinan vastaanottoon ja affiliaatioon. Aineistona on kymmenen videoitua keskustelua kahden mieshenkilon valilla, joista toisella on todettu Aspergerin oireyhtyma (AS) ja toinen on neurotyypillinen. Esittelemme keskustelunanalyyttisen tapaustutkimuksen avulla, miten kolme autismikirjon hairioon ja sen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvaa erityispiirretta (saantokeskeisyys, paikallissuuntautuneisuus ja egosentrisyys) heijastuvat AS-henkiloiden tapoihin ottaa vastaan vuorovaikutuskumppaninsa kertomia tarinoita ja millaisilta nama tavat nayttavat affiliaation nakokulmasta. Lisaantynyt ymmarrys vuorovaikutuksen kaytanteiden merkityksesta osallistujien toiminnan ja heidan valisensa suhteen ra...
Frontiers in Communication, 2021
Dyads with a depressed and a non-depressed participant (N = 15) and two non-depressed participant... more Dyads with a depressed and a non-depressed participant (N = 15) and two non-depressed participants (N = 15) discussed a moral dilemma, during which the participants’ gaze direction and skin conductance (SC) were measured. Partner gazing occurred most frequently when a speaker took a strong stance toward saving a person in the dilemma, depressed participants however looking at their co-participants less often than non-depressed participants. The participants’ SC response rates were higher during responsive utterances expressing disagreement (vs. agreement) with co-participant ideas or suggesting that a person be sacrificed (vs. saved). We argue that a better understanding of the affective corollaries of human social interaction necessitates a balanced consideration of both contents of talk and behavioral patterns.

SAGE Open, 2022
We used a novel interdisciplinary experimental paradigm where two types of dyads—15 dyads with on... more We used a novel interdisciplinary experimental paradigm where two types of dyads—15 dyads with one depressed and one non-depressed participant and 15 dyads with two non-depressed participants—engaged in a series of food-decision-making tasks. We examined how different communicative events during the decision-making process were reflected in the affective responses of the interacting participants, as indicated in their skin conductance (SC) response rates. The participants’ SC response rates were found to be higher during the emergence of the final decision, compared to the other segments during the process. Furthermore, relinquishing one’s initially expressed preferences was associated with SC response rates higher than the baseline. However, during the relinquishment segments, there was a negative interaction between depression diagnosis and SC response rates, which suggests that, compared to their non-depressed comparisons, it is affectively less arousing for the participants with...

SAGE Open, 2022
We used a novel interdisciplinary experimental paradigm where two types of dyads-15 dyads with on... more We used a novel interdisciplinary experimental paradigm where two types of dyads-15 dyads with one depressed and one non-depressed participant and 15 dyads with two non-depressed participants-engaged in a series of food-decision-making tasks. We examined how different communicative events during the decision-making process were reflected in the affective responses of the interacting participants, as indicated in their skin conductance (SC) response rates. The participants' SC response rates were found to be higher during the emergence of the final decision, compared to the other segments during the process. Furthermore, relinquishing one's initially expressed preferences was associated with SC response rates higher than the baseline. However, during the relinquishment segments, there was a negative interaction between depression diagnosis and SC response rates, which suggests that, compared to their non-depressed comparisons, it is affectively less arousing for the participants with depression to give up their previously expressed preferences.

We examined the emotional and psychophysiological underpinnings of social interaction in the cont... more We examined the emotional and psychophysiological underpinnings of social interaction in the context of autism spectrum disorder, more specifically, involving participants diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS). We recorded participants' autonomic nervous system (ANS) activation (electrodermal activity, heart rate, and heart rate variability) and facial muscle activation during conversations in two different types of male dyads: (1) ten dyads where one participant has been diagnosed with AS (AS/NT dyads) and (2) nine dyads where both participants are neurotypical (NT/NT dyads). Afterwards, three independent raters assessed continuously each participant's affiliative and dominant behaviors during the first and last 10 minutes of the conversations. The relationship between the assessed data and ANS responses was examined. We found that, in the NT/NT dyads, a high level of affiliation displayed by the conversational partner calms down the participant when they are actively dominating the interaction. In contrast, when the participants themselves expressed affiliation, their psychophysiological responses indicated increase in arousal, which suggests that the giving of affiliation is physiologically "hard work." The affiliation-related ANS responses were similar in those NT participants whose conversational partner had AS, while some differences in facial muscle activation did occur in comparison to NT/NT dyads. In the AS participants, in contrast, a high level of affiliation provided by the conversational partner was associated with increase in arousal, suggesting heightened alertness and stress. As for their own affiliative behavior, the AS participants exhibited similar indicators of alertness and stress as the NT participants, but only when their own level of dominance was low. Our results increase understanding of how individuals with AS experience social interaction at the physiological level, and how this experience differs from that in NT individuals. Moreover, our results confirm and further specify our earlier results, where we proposed that affiliation involves the type of "sharing of the burden" that also reverberates in the participants' bodies.

Puhe ja kieli, 2021
Autismikirjon henkilöiden tarinankerrontaa on tutkittu sekä kokeellisin
menetelmin että keskustel... more Autismikirjon henkilöiden tarinankerrontaa on tutkittu sekä kokeellisin
menetelmin että keskustelunanalyyttisesti, mutta tarinan vastaanottoon
liittyvien käytänteiden erittely on jäänyt vähemmälle. Tässä tutkimuksessa paikataan tätä tutkimuksellista aukkoa keskittymällä erityisesti autismikirjon henkilöiden tarinan vastaanottoon ja affiliaatioon. Aineistona on kymmenen videoitua keskustelua kahden mieshenkilön välillä, joista toisella on todettu Aspergerin oireyhtymä (AS) ja toinen on neurotyypillinen. Esittelemme keskustelunanalyyttisen tapaustutkimuksen avulla, miten kolme autismikirjon häiriöön ja sen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvää erityispiirrettä (sääntökeskeisyys, paikallissuuntautuneisuus ja egosentrisyys) heijastuvat AS-henkilöiden tapoihin ottaa vastaan vuorovaikutuskumppaninsa kertomia tarinoita ja millaisilta nämä tavat näyttävät affiliaation näkökulmasta. Lisääntynyt ymmärrys vuorovaikutuksen käytänteiden merkityksestä osallistujien toiminnan ja heidän välisensä suhteen rakentumiselle voi auttaa autismikirjoon liittyvien vuorovaikutuksen erityispiirteiden kuvaamisessa, sekä rakentaa ymmärrystä erilaisten ihmisten ja vuorovaikutustyylien välille.

Social Psychology Quarterly, 2021
Erving Goffman has argued that the threat of losing one's face is an omnirelevant concern that pe... more Erving Goffman has argued that the threat of losing one's face is an omnirelevant concern that penetrates all actions in encounters. However, studies have shown that compared with neuro-typical individuals, persons diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder can be less preoccupied with how others perceive them and thus possibly less concerned of face in interaction. Drawing on a data set of Finnish quasinatural conversations, we use the means of conversation analysis to compare the practices of facework in storytelling sequences involving neurotypical (NT) participants and participants diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (AS). We found differences in the ways in which the AS and NT participants in our data managed face threats in interaction, where they spontaneously assumed the roles of both storytellers and story recipients. We discuss our findings in relation to theories of self in interaction, with an aim to illuminate both typical and atypical interactional practices of facework.
Frontiers in Communication, 2021
Dyads with a depressed and a non-depressed participant (N 15) and two non-depressed participants ... more Dyads with a depressed and a non-depressed participant (N 15) and two non-depressed participants (N 15) discussed a moral dilemma, during which the participants' gaze direction and skin conductance (SC) were measured. Partner gazing occurred most frequently when a speaker took a strong stance toward saving a person in the dilemma, depressed participants however looking at their co-participants less often than non-depressed participants. The participants' SC response rates were higher during responsive utterances expressing disagreement (vs. agreement) with co-participant ideas or suggesting that a person be sacrificed (vs. saved). We argue that a better understanding of the affective corollaries of human social interaction necessitates a balanced consideration of both contents of talk and behavioral patterns.
Papers by Emmi E K Koskinen
menetelmin että keskustelunanalyyttisesti, mutta tarinan vastaanottoon
liittyvien käytänteiden erittely on jäänyt vähemmälle. Tässä tutkimuksessa paikataan tätä tutkimuksellista aukkoa keskittymällä erityisesti autismikirjon henkilöiden tarinan vastaanottoon ja affiliaatioon. Aineistona on kymmenen videoitua keskustelua kahden mieshenkilön välillä, joista toisella on todettu Aspergerin oireyhtymä (AS) ja toinen on neurotyypillinen. Esittelemme keskustelunanalyyttisen tapaustutkimuksen avulla, miten kolme autismikirjon häiriöön ja sen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvää erityispiirrettä (sääntökeskeisyys, paikallissuuntautuneisuus ja egosentrisyys) heijastuvat AS-henkilöiden tapoihin ottaa vastaan vuorovaikutuskumppaninsa kertomia tarinoita ja millaisilta nämä tavat näyttävät affiliaation näkökulmasta. Lisääntynyt ymmärrys vuorovaikutuksen käytänteiden merkityksestä osallistujien toiminnan ja heidän välisensä suhteen rakentumiselle voi auttaa autismikirjoon liittyvien vuorovaikutuksen erityispiirteiden kuvaamisessa, sekä rakentaa ymmärrystä erilaisten ihmisten ja vuorovaikutustyylien välille.
menetelmin että keskustelunanalyyttisesti, mutta tarinan vastaanottoon
liittyvien käytänteiden erittely on jäänyt vähemmälle. Tässä tutkimuksessa paikataan tätä tutkimuksellista aukkoa keskittymällä erityisesti autismikirjon henkilöiden tarinan vastaanottoon ja affiliaatioon. Aineistona on kymmenen videoitua keskustelua kahden mieshenkilön välillä, joista toisella on todettu Aspergerin oireyhtymä (AS) ja toinen on neurotyypillinen. Esittelemme keskustelunanalyyttisen tapaustutkimuksen avulla, miten kolme autismikirjon häiriöön ja sen vuorovaikutukseen liittyvää erityispiirrettä (sääntökeskeisyys, paikallissuuntautuneisuus ja egosentrisyys) heijastuvat AS-henkilöiden tapoihin ottaa vastaan vuorovaikutuskumppaninsa kertomia tarinoita ja millaisilta nämä tavat näyttävät affiliaation näkökulmasta. Lisääntynyt ymmärrys vuorovaikutuksen käytänteiden merkityksestä osallistujien toiminnan ja heidän välisensä suhteen rakentumiselle voi auttaa autismikirjoon liittyvien vuorovaikutuksen erityispiirteiden kuvaamisessa, sekä rakentaa ymmärrystä erilaisten ihmisten ja vuorovaikutustyylien välille.