Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Homepage Section Settings >> Slider Settings
Adding a Video in the Slider
To add a video in the slider background, you need to select the Video option from the dropdown and then upload the video or enter the video URL to add.
Adding a Slide with Image
Here you can add slides in the Slider. A repeater control feature enables you to add slides faster and add as many slides as you want.
Slider Content – Each slide has the following information:
- Title: Add here the title for your slide.
- Description: Add here the description for your slide.
- Button1 Text: Add an optional button to the slide, for example, Learn More.
- Link: You can only add a limited amount of information about the specific slide on the homepage, so if you need to include more information, you can create a dedicated page and link it here.
- Open link in a new tab: You can choose the option to open the link either to a new tab or in the current tab.
- Button2 Text: Add one more button the same as button 1 for example About Us.
- Link: Add a link here in the same way as for button 1.
- Content Alignment: Align the content either in the left, center, or right position from here.
- Image: Upload the full-size image for the slide. The standard ratio of an image is 1920 x 760. While uploading the image select the full-size option from the dropdown.
Adding Widgets on the Slider
- Enable Slider Widgets: Enable this checkbox to show the widgets on the slides.
To add the widgets, Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Homepage Section Settings >> Slider Widgets
Slider Settings
Here are the settings from where you can manage the additional features of a slider. Additional feature settings are as follows:
- Enable/Disable Slider Section: Hide / Show slider section on the homepage from here.
- Enable slider image overlay: Use this setting to enable and disable a color overlay on the slider image.
- Slider image overlay color: Use this to set the color and the transparency of the slider image overlay.
- Navigation Style: Select the navigation style for the slider. You can select either bullets, navigation, or both.
- Animation: Here you can choose between two types of animation: slide and fade.
- Animation Speed: Set the animation speed of the slide’s in seconds.
- Smooth Speed: Set the speed of the smoothness of the slides.
- Enable/Disable Slider Autoplay: You can enable and disable the autoplay of moving slides from here.
- Enable/Disable Loop: You can enable and disable the loop from here. If you disable the loop, the sliding will stop after reaching the last slide. And if you want to add the video through URL in the video widget you have to disable this setting.
- Enable/Disable Rewind: You can enable and disable the rewind from here.