In the premium version, you can show your Homepage sections on another page very easily with the help of shortcodes.

Here are the following Shortcodes:

  • CTA 1: [wpkites_cta1]
  • Service: [wpkites_service]
  • Portfolio: [wpkites_portfolio]
  • CTA 2: [wpkites_cta2]
  • About: [wpkites_about]
  • Team: [wpkites_team]
  • Funfact: [wpkites_funfact]
  • Testimonial: [wpkites_testimonial]
  • Client: [wpkites_client]
  • Contact: [wpkites_contact]

How to add the Shortcodes:

  1. Create a new page
  2. Assign the Shortcode Page template
  3. Add the shortcode block from the list of blocks in the editor

There are various attributes used with these shortcodes like setting the design style of the section style attribute, setting the columns col attribute is used, and more.

1. Service Section

With the service section, there are two attributes: style and col

[wpkites_service style=3 col=3]

  • style: Set the design style for the service section from 1 to 4.
  • col: Set the no. of columns from 2 to 4.

2. Portfolio Section

With the portfolio section, there are six attributes: filter, col, sidebar, margin, pagination, and projects_per_pages

[wpkites_portfolio filter=on  col=3 sidebar=right margin=off pagination=on projects_per_page=5] 

  • filter: To show the filters or not, set on to show and off to hide.
  • col: Set the no. of columns from 2 to 4.

  • sidebar: Choose the sidebar with portfolio either right or left.

  • margin: Set the margin between the projects or not.

  • pagination: To show the pagination set on and off to hide.
  • projects_per_page: Set the no. of projects you want to show on one page.

3. Testimonial Section

With the testimonial section, there are three attributes: style, format, col/items

[wpkites_testimonial style=2 format=slide items=1]

  • style: Set the design style for the testimonial section from 1 to 4.
  • format: Set the format either slide or grid.
  • col: Set the no. of columns from 1 to 3 with a grid format.

  • items: Set the no. of items to show from 1 to 3 with a slide format.

4. Team Section

With the team section, there are three attributes: style, format, col/items

[wpkites_team style=2 format=slide items=3]

  • style: Set the design style for the testimonial section from 1 to 4.
  • format: Set the format either slide or grid.
  • items: Set the no. of items to show from 1 to 4 with a slide format.

  • col: Set the no. of columns from 1 to 4 with a grid format.

5. Funfact Section

With the funfact section, there is one attribute: col

[wpkites_funfact col=4]

  • col: Set the no. of columns from 1 to 4.

6. Client Section

With the client section, there is one attribute: items

[wpkites_client items=5]

  • items: Set the no. of items to show at once from 1 to 5.

7. Contact Section

With the contact section, there is one attribute: style


  • style: Set the design style from 1 to 4.