Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Homepage Section Settings >> Latest News Settings
Latest News Settings
- Enable/Disable Latest News Section: Hide/Show News section on the Homepage.
- Title: Add a title for the Latest news section.
- Sub Title: Add a subtitle for the Latest news section.
- Read More Text: You can change the label of the read more link from here.
- Enable/Disable Post Meta: Hide/show meta details on the post.
- Navigation Style: Select the navigation style for the news section. You can select either bullets, navigation, or both.
- Animation Speed: Set the animation speed of the latest news section.
- Smooth Speed: Set the speed of the smoothness of the latest news section.
Latest News Section Variations
There are various design styles in the latest news section. You can choose anyone which suits best on your site. Also, you can select the columns and number of posts to show in the news section.