1. Adding a Slide
In your WP Admin Panel, go to => Appearance => Customize => Homepage Section Settings => Slider Settings
Here are all the options to manage your Slider. We have also added a Repeater control to make adding slides faster. Following a brief description of all options.
Enable Slider – Hide/Show the slider using this option.
Slider Variation Type – Select the slide variation type from the Theme Slider and Post Slider options.
If you select the Theme Slider type,
- Slider Content – You can add as many slides as you want. Each slide can have the following information:
- Title: Add here the title for your slide.
- Description: Add here the description of your slide.
- Button Text: Add an optional button to your slide (for example for a Call to Action).
- Link: You can only add a limited amount of information about the specific slide on the homepage, so if you need to include more information, you can create a dedicated page and link it here.
- Open link in new tab: You can choose to have the custom link open in a new web tab or in the current one.
- Slide Format: Choose one of the 5 formats available for the slides (Standard, Aside, Quote, Status, Video).
- Image: Upload the full-size image for the slide.
If you select the Post Slider type,
- Enter Shortcode – Enter the shortcode of the Spice Slider plugin that you used to create the slider.
Note: To create a slider and get the shortcode, you can get help from our help article.
2. Choosing a different Slide formats
There are five slide formats you can choose from: Standard, Aside, Quote, Status, Video. You can choose which one you want to use in the “Slide Format” dropdown.
2.1 The Standard Format
2.2 The Aside Format
2.3 The Quote Format
2.4 The Status Format
2.5 The Video Format
You can add your video URL inside the Video Url field, as shown below.
3. Setting up the Slider
In your WP Admin Panel, go to Appearance => Customize => Homepage Section Settings => Slider Settings
Here you have all the options to manage your Slider. Here is a brief description of there options:
- Enable slider image overlay: Use this setting to display/hide a color overlay on the slider image.
- Slider image overlay color: Use this to set the color and the transparency of the slider image overlay.
- Animation: Here you can choose between two types of animation: slide and fade.
- Animation speed: Set here the speed of the slider’s animation, in seconds.
4. Disabling the Slider on the Homepage
In your WP Admin Panel, go to => Appearance => Customize => Homepage Section Settings => Slider Settings
At Enable Slider, choose OFF
5. Enable to display slider on any specific page
You can enable to display the slider on any page. A meta box option is given in the edit page from where you can check the box to enable the option to display slider on that page. Refer to the below screenshot: