Adding a Testimonial in your Homepage

In your WP Admin Panel, go to => Appearance => Customize > Homepage Section Settings => Testimonial Settings

In your Testimonial section settings, choose your options:

  • Enable testimonial on homepage: Hide/Show your Testimonial section on your Homepage.
  • Background Image: Upload an image to be used as background of your Testimonial section.
  • Enable testimonial image overlay: Add an overlay for your Testimonial background image.
  • Testimonial image overlay color: Select the color for your overlay.
  • Title: Add here the title for your Testimonial section.
  • Description: Add here the description for your Testimonial section.
  • Testimonial Content: Add here your singular Testimonial articles, in the order you prefer.
  • Animation: Select the tipe of animation you desire for your testimonial slider.
  • Animation Speed: Select the speed (in seconds) for the animation of your testimonial slider.

You will have to add each Testimonial in a separate field (Testimonial content):

  • Open your Testimonial Content tab
  • Click on “+ Add New Testimonial”
  • Title: The title for your Testimonial will be the Testimonial’s name.
  • Description: This will be your Testimonial’s quote.
  • Link: You can add a custom link.
  • Open link in new tab: You can choose to have the custom link open in a new web tab or in the current one.
  • Image: Upload your Testimonial’s image.
  • Designation: Use this field to indicate your testimonial’s credentials, titles or other pertinent info.

Selecting Testimonial Variations

There are various design styles in the testimonial section. You can choose anyone which suits best on your site.

Design 1 and Slide item one

Design 2 and Slide items two

Design 3 and Slide items three

Design 4 and Slide items two

Removing a testimonial section from the Homepage

In your WP Admin Panel, go to => Appearance => Customize > Theme Layout Manager

Here you can disable the Testimonial section of the homepage by dragging the section’s icon in the Disable field.