SpicePress allows you to display your Services both on the Homepage and on the Services page. You can easily configure them with the Repeater control, and also add as many Services as you want.
1. Adding a Service section on your Homepage
In your WP Admin Panel, Go to => Appearance => Customize > Homepage Section Settings => Service Settings
Here you will find all the options to manage your Services section. We have also added a Repeater control to make adding services to your section faster. Following, a brief description of all available options:
Service section settings:
- Enable services on Home Page: Hide/Show your Services section on your Homepage.
- Title: Add here the title for your Services section.
- Description: Add here the description for your Services section.
Service content:
- Title: Title of your Service.
- Description: Brief description of your Service.
- Link: In the section, you can only add a limited amount of information. If you want to add more details about your Service, you can create a dedicated page for it, and link it here
- Open link in new tab: Set target to open link in a new tab.
- Image Type: Select whether you want your service icon to be a Font Awesome icon, an Image, or not to show any.
- Image: If you chose to display an image, upload it, or select it here.
- Icon: If you chose to display an icon from the Font Awesome library, select it here.
- To delete a Service, locate its field and click on “Delete field” in red at the bottom left of the Service field
2. Selecting Service Variations
There are various design styles in the service section. You can choose anyone which suits best on your site.
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
3. Creating a dedicated Services page
In your WP Admin Panel, Go to Pages=> Add New
Follow these steps:
- Create a new page,
- Name your page
- Select Service as a template.
- Choose to show your slider above your Service (optional) by ticking the box on the bottom.
- Publish the Page
- The Service page template by default includes 3 sections: Services, Testimonials, and Clients
4. Removing the Testimonials and/or Clients sections from the Service page
In your WP Admin Panel, Go to Appearance => Customize => Template Settings => Service Page settings
In this panel, you will have the opportunity to toggle ON/OFF all three sections.