If you are using a Premium version and looking for adding slider there then click HERE.

Here you can find the settings related to a slider. You can add only one slide here. If you want to add more slides to the slider, you need to buy our Pro version.

Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Homepage Section Settings >> Slider Settings

  • Enable Slider Section: Enable/disable the slider section on the homepage from here.

Slider Background Type: You can add video or image in the slider background. Select the option from the dropdown you want to add to the slide.

  • Video: Upload the video or add the Youtube video URL here.

  • Image: Upload the full-size image for the slide here.

  • Enable slider image overlay: Use this setting to enable and disable a color overlay on the slider image.
  • Slider image overlay color: Use this to set the color and the transparency of the slide image overlay.
  • Slider Content Alignment: You can align the content of the slide to leftcenter, and right.
  • Sub TitleAdd here the subtitle for your slide.
  • TitleAdd here the title for your slide.
  • Description: Add here the description for your slide.
  • Button Text: Add an optional button to the slide, for example, Read More.
  • Link: You can only add a limited amount of information about the specific slide on the homepage, so if you need to include more information, you can create a dedicated page and link it here.
  • Open link in a new tab: You can choose the option to open the link either to a new tab or in the current tab.
  • Button2 Text: Add one more button the same as button 1 for example About Us.
  • Link: Add a link here in the same way as for button 1.

You can add only one slide here. If you want to add more slides in the slider, you need to Upgrade to Pro. You can see the help article of Premium version slider HERE. After set up a slider section, you can go for set up a Services section.