To add a funfact in the Funfact section, Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Homepage Section Settings >> Funfact Settings
Here you can see all the settings related to setup the Funfact section. A repeater control feature enables you to add funfacts faster and add as many funfacts as you want.
Funfact Content:
- Enable Funfact on Homepage: Hide/Show Funfact section on the Homepage.
- Title: Add a title for the Funfact section.
- Title: Add here the title for your funfact.
- Description: Add here the description for your funfact.
- Icon: Add icon from here with the help of the Font Awesome library.
- To delete a Funfact, click on the red written text “Delete field” at the bottom left.
Funfact Settings:
- Background Image: Add here the background image for your funfact.
- Funfact Image Overlay: Add here the funfact image overlay color.