Integration with Bookon CRM by Binotel
With Binotel's Bookon CRM, you can automate booking and reception applications from customers in the areas of service provision. This can be convenient, for example, for booking customers to a beauty salon, car service, music lessons, etc. Bookon CRM allows you to receive requests 24/7 online, manage your customer appointments, monitor the service delivery process, and receive information about the workload of your team members.
Important: This option is only available for sites with paid subscriptions.
Tip: Weblium also has an integration to add a widget of Binotel's virtual PBX to have calls with your clients. And an integration to add the BinotelChat widget to the site.
Log in to your Binotel account using the link.
Tip: If you don't have an account yet, please contact the Binotel's support to get one. It can be done through a chat widget on the vendor's website.
Go to the BookOn (1), choose the dropdown menu Settings and click the Branches (2). Press the button Add branch:

Enter the information in the pop-up window and click Save:

After you have created a Branch, you can go to widget settings. To do this, select from the Settings drop-down list, the item Online appointment and, on the page that opens, click Add widget:

On this page you can add settings for your widget: name, logo, language, recording step and company information. Also you can choose the color of the widget that matches the style of your site.

By scrolling below you can see an example of how the widget will look on the site. Finish configuring the widget and click Create Widget:

After that, the page will refresh and you will see a window where you can copy the code for integration with the site:

In the website settings on Weblium, go to the Integrations tab, next to BookOn CRM (by Binotel) click Connect:

Add the code copied earlier and press Connect Binotel Bookon:

Note: The key will be unique for each account. The screenshot above is just an example of what it should look like.
The widget has already been added to the site, now you need to return to the BookOn account and complete the necessary settings for this integration to work. From the Settings drop-down list, select Services. First you need to create a Category, so click Add Category:

Fill out the form and click Save:

Next, you need to click on the Add service button:

Set the description and parameters of Service and click Save:

The next step is to add Positions. Click Add a job title:

Fill out the form and click Save:

From the Settings drop-down list, select Specialists. Here you need to create the list of specialists by clicking the Add a specialist button:

Fill out the form and click Save:

The last stage of the settings is to add the Schedules of specialists in the corresponding item Settings. By simply clicking on any time slot from the schedule of a particular specialist, a pop-up window will open where you can set all the parameters of the work schedule of this employee. When finished, press Save:

Now you can go back to your Weblium site editor and publish your site. Done, the widget is working on your site.
This is how the widget will look on the website in a closed form:

And this is how the widget looks in opened form:

Important: This option is only available for sites with paid subscriptions.
Tip: Weblium also has an integration to add a widget of Binotel's virtual PBX to have calls with your clients. And an integration to add the BinotelChat widget to the site.
Creating a widget in your Bookon account.
Log in to your Binotel account using the link.
Tip: If you don't have an account yet, please contact the Binotel's support to get one. It can be done through a chat widget on the vendor's website.
Go to the BookOn (1), choose the dropdown menu Settings and click the Branches (2). Press the button Add branch:

Enter the information in the pop-up window and click Save:

After you have created a Branch, you can go to widget settings. To do this, select from the Settings drop-down list, the item Online appointment and, on the page that opens, click Add widget:

On this page you can add settings for your widget: name, logo, language, recording step and company information. Also you can choose the color of the widget that matches the style of your site.

By scrolling below you can see an example of how the widget will look on the site. Finish configuring the widget and click Create Widget:

After that, the page will refresh and you will see a window where you can copy the code for integration with the site:

In the website settings on Weblium, go to the Integrations tab, next to BookOn CRM (by Binotel) click Connect:

Add the code copied earlier and press Connect Binotel Bookon:

Note: The key will be unique for each account. The screenshot above is just an example of what it should look like.
The widget has already been added to the site, now you need to return to the BookOn account and complete the necessary settings for this integration to work. From the Settings drop-down list, select Services. First you need to create a Category, so click Add Category:

Fill out the form and click Save:

Next, you need to click on the Add service button:

Set the description and parameters of Service and click Save:

The next step is to add Positions. Click Add a job title:

Fill out the form and click Save:

From the Settings drop-down list, select Specialists. Here you need to create the list of specialists by clicking the Add a specialist button:

Fill out the form and click Save:

The last stage of the settings is to add the Schedules of specialists in the corresponding item Settings. By simply clicking on any time slot from the schedule of a particular specialist, a pop-up window will open where you can set all the parameters of the work schedule of this employee. When finished, press Save:

Now you can go back to your Weblium site editor and publish your site. Done, the widget is working on your site.
This is how the widget will look on the website in a closed form:

And this is how the widget looks in opened form:

Updated on: 12/07/2023
Thank you!