Papers by igwe kingsley ogazi
... and influencing factors, effect of subsidies and facilities which promote entrepreneurship an... more ... and influencing factors, effect of subsidies and facilities which promote entrepreneurship andsmall business, effect of training ... evidence suggest that people with University degrees are not necessarily prone to take risks and venture into the ... Journal of Business Venturing 8, pp. ...

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research, 2020
This study assesses the maintenance practices on instructional technologies in Department of Busi... more This study assesses the maintenance practices on instructional technologies in Department of Business Education in tertiary Institutions in Ebonyi State. Two research questions and two research hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 315 students and 37 Business Educators from the four tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State. Through stratified random sampling, 132 respondents were selected for the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. Test of reliability of the questionnaire was done using the Cronbach Alpha reliability method which gave a reliability index of 0.75. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed that preventive maintenance practices and corrective maintenance practices are used in maintaining instructional technologies in Department of Business Education. Hypotheses tested shows that there is no significant difference in the mean rating of lectures and students on preventive maintenance practices for instructional technologies in Department of Business Education, there is no significant difference in the mean rating of lecturers and students on the corrective maintenance practices for instructional technologies in Department of Business Education. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that: preventive, as well as corrective maintenance should be constantly done on those equipment and facilities by school management to prevent damages and complete breakdown of those facilities and equipment in tertiary Institutions, Ebonyi State, Management of in tertiary Institutions, Ebonyi State should employ qualified computer laboratory attendant, computer technician, model office attendant to carry out basic maintenance and repairs on the instructional technologies. Head of Department should ensure that imprest be used on at least minor repairs in the Business Education Department.

Open Journal of Business and Management, 2020
This study examined the influence of financial records management practices on financialperforman... more This study examined the influence of financial records management practices on financialperformance of food and beverage business organizations in Abakaliki metropolisin Ebonyi state Nigeria. It is a descriptive survey research design. The population ofthe study was 100 operators of such business which were all used for the study as asample respondent. Three research questions were formulated and answered througha modified four (4) point likert structured questionnaire by the respondents. The datagathered were analyzed using statistics mean. The findings were that poor financialrecording management which includes poor record of business transaction, analyzingbusiness transactions, financial statement has negatively influence the return on equityof food and beverage business organization in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.Based on the findings, the study recommended that business organizations shouldobserve correct and accurate recording of business transactions, sort them appropria...

This study examined the perceived effect of technostress on job performance of secretaries in bus... more This study examined the perceived effect of technostress on job performance of secretaries in business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The population of the study was 47 secretaries in business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. There was no sampling since the population was manageable. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed that the techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty were technostressors experience by secretaries in business organizations. The study also revealed that the effect of technostress include low productivity, job dissatisfaction, lack of commitment, cardiac arrest, migraine headaches, hypertension, persistent negative think...

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research, 2020
This study assesses the maintenance practices on instructional technologies in Department of Busi... more This study assesses the maintenance practices on instructional technologies in Department of Business Education in tertiary Institutions in Ebonyi State. Two research questions and two research hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 315 students and 37 Business Educators from the four tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State. Through stratified random sampling, 132 respondents were selected for the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. Test of reliability of the questionnaire was done using the Cronbach Alpha reliability method which gave a reliability index of 0.75. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed that preventive maintenance practices and corrective maintenance practices are used in maintaining instructional technologies in Department of Business Education. Hypotheses tested shows that there is no significant difference in the mean rating of lectures and students on preventive maintenance practices for instructional technologies in Department of Business Education, there is no significant difference in the mean rating of lecturers and students on the corrective maintenance practices for instructional technologies in Department of Business Education. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that: preventive, as well as corrective maintenance should be constantly done on those equipment and facilities by school management to prevent damages and complete breakdown of those facilities and equipment in tertiary Institutions, Ebonyi State, Management of in tertiary Institutions, Ebonyi State should employ qualified computer laboratory attendant, computer technician, model office attendant to carry out basic maintenance and repairs on the instructional technologies. Head of Department should ensure that imprest be used on at least minor repairs in the Business Education Department.

Tryaksh International Journal of Business & Management, 2021
This study examined utilization of digital technologies in teaching Business Education students f... more This study examined utilization of digital technologies in teaching Business Education students for improved office skill acquisition in tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study is 229 which of comprised 31 Business Education lecturers and 198 final year students of Business Education from tertiary institutions in Ebonyi state. There was no sample since the populations was manageable. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by two experts in business education department. The instrument had a reliability coefficient of 0.74 using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient method. Mean and standard deviation statistics was used to analyze the data collected while t-test was used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that multimedia projectors and interactive whiteboard were utilized in very low extent teaching Business Education students in tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State. Business Educator's often utilize web based technology in teaching business education students for improved office skill acquisition in tertiary institutions. The results also showed that business education lecturer and students do not differ significantly in their mean responses on the extent of utilizing digital technologies in teaching Business Education students for improved office skill acquisition in tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that: administrator of business education should sensitized business education lecturers on the importance of utilizing digital instructional technology in order to improved students skills acquisition of office skills.

This study examined the influence of financial records management practices on financial performa... more This study examined the influence of financial records management practices on financial performance of food and beverage business organizations in Abakaliki metropolis in Ebonyi state Nigeria. It is a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was 100 operators of such business which were all used for the study as a sample respondent. Three research questions were formulated and answered through a modified four (4) point likert structured questionnaire by the respondents. The data gathered were analyzed using statistics mean. The findings were that poor financial recording management which includes poor record of business transaction, analyzing business transactions, financial statement has negatively influence the return on equity of food and beverage business organization in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Based on the findings, the study recommended that business organizations should observe correct and accurate recording of business transactions, sort them appropriately for preparing financial statements. This will make the statements to be reliable, comparable and uniform.

This study examined the perceived effect of technostress on job performance of secretaries in bus... more This study examined the perceived effect of technostress on job performance of secretaries in business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The population of the study was 47 secretaries in business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. There was no sampling since the population was manageable. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed that the techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty were technostressors experience by secretaries in business organizations. The study also revealed that the effect of technostress include low productivity, job dissatisfaction, lack of commitment, cardiac arrest, migraine headaches, hypertension, persistent negative thinking, momentary confusion, inability to concentrate, mental fatigue depression, anxiety, irritability and impatience. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of male and female secretaries regarding the effect of techno-stress on the job performance of secretaries in business organizations. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that: secretaries should continually engage in information and communication technology (ICT) training in a proactive manner to be abreast with the current trend globally, as to reduce unnecessary anxiety associated with techno-stress; managements should introduce tools that are user-friendly as this will make work easier and more interesting; secretaries should be made to adapt freely to their environment to enhance efficiency and effectiveness and in-turn will lead to productivity.

This study examined the influence of financial records management practices on financial performa... more This study examined the influence of financial records management practices on financial performance of food and beverage business organizations in Abakaliki metropolis in Ebonyi state Nigeria. It is a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was 100 operators of such business which were all used for the study as a sample respondent. Three research questions were formulated and answered through a modified four (4) point likert structured questionnaire by the respondents. The data gathered were analyzed using statistics mean. The findings were that poor financial recording management which includes poor record of business transaction, analyzing business transactions, financial statement has negatively influence the return on equity of food and beverage business organization in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Based on the findings, the study recommended that business organizations should observe correct and accurate recording of business transactions, sort them appropriately for preparing financial statements. This will make the statements to be reliable, comparable and uniform.

This paper is on towards ensuring ethical and social responsibilities for sustainable entrepreneu... more This paper is on towards ensuring ethical and social responsibilities for sustainable entrepreneurial development and operations in Nigeria. It uncovers ways of ensuring ethical and social responsibilities for sustainable entrepreneurial development and operations in Nigeria. The paper observes some of unethical business practices in Nigeria. It also observes effects of unethical practices against the growth and development of sustainable entrepreneurial development. The paper posits that as Nigeria makes renewed attempts at encouraging the growth of entrepreneurship due to global economic uncertainties, it has become imperative on Nigerian entrepreneurs to take ethical practices and social responsibilities more seriously in an emerging dispensation of global moral order. The paper concludes by identifying critical business ethical issues that Nigerian entrepreneurs must imbibe for sustainable entrepreneurial development and operation. Based on this the paper recommended that federal government should embark on massive sensitization campaign of the public on the dangers of unethical business practices in Nigeria, business regulatory bodies and agencies of government should ensure that the rights of producers over the consumers are strictly protected likewise, the right of consumers over the producers are also protected and government should provide adequate laws with stiffer penalties on violations of business ethics and code of conduct should be strengthened.
This study revolve around the socio-economic structure of entrepreneurship, factors affecting the... more This study revolve around the socio-economic structure of entrepreneurship, factors affecting the growth and development of enterprises and problems faced by them. For the purpose of data collection a sample of fifty small scale units was taken and a common schedule of structure questionnaire containing questions of various aspect of entrepreneurship was administered personally to the owner/managing director of each of the units as the case may be.
Thesis Chapters by igwe kingsley ogazi

The study aimed at examining the contributions of izzi local government towards rural de... more ABSTRACT
The study aimed at examining the contributions of izzi local government towards rural development in rural areas. Asserting the extent to which Izzi local government has contributed towards human capital development and the extent the local government has reduced the level of poverty in the area. Structural functional theory propounded by Gabriel Hammod and James coleman in 1960 was adopted to guide the study. A descriptive survey design was also adopted to study the population 234, 074 which was reduced to a sample size of 399 using Taro Yameni’s statistical formular and stratified sampling and random sampling techniques was used. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources, structured questionnaire instrument were used for data collected and frequency distribution table with simple percentage method were also used to analyze the data collection whereas statistical chi-square (X2) was applied in the empirical testing of the hypothese that guided the study. The study revealed the following findings: that the contributions of Izzi local government area towards rural development is significantly high considering their strides in the provision of social amenities, education etc. and another findings is that Izzi local government has contributed in reducing the level of poverty and as well as help towards human capital development. Finally the researcher recommends that the federal government should improve on statutory allocation to local government to assist them undertake capital project that will enhance rural development, and the statutory allocation of the local government should be paid directly into the local government account rather than state joint local account in order to reduce excessive control of the state government

The study sought to evaluate the effects of tax planning, evasion and avoidance on gover... more ABSTRACT
The study sought to evaluate the effects of tax planning, evasion and avoidance on government revenue in Enugu State. Proffering solutions to the menace of these tax irregularities. A survey design was used in the study. The researcher administered 155 questionnaires and it was duly returned. The data were analyzed using some statistical instruments such as frequency table, the hypotheses were tested using chi-square, (X2) was used to test the hypothesis at 0.005 level of significant. It was found that high tax rate and complex filling procedure are the most crucial factors affecting tax in the state. Other factors such as multiple taxation and lack of proper enlightenment campaign affects tax compliance among tax payers. The implication of the above is that it affects the growth of the economy of the state, it also affects the implementation and realization of projects and the state revenue might be affected if urgent measures are not put in place to tackling the problem. Therefore, it is recommended that they should introduce adequate information communication (ICT) to educate and inform the tax payer, tax incentives should also be increased by government to those potential viable tax payers

This study investigated the relationship between population growth and economic growth ... more ABSTRACT
This study investigated the relationship between population growth and economic growth in Nigeria for the period between 1981 and 2014 employing various techniques of econometric analysis. The study objectives are to determine the impact of population growth on economic growth in Nigeria; to empirically investigate if there is a long-run relationship between population and economic growth and to verify whether causal relationship exists between population growth and economic growth in Nigeria within the period under review. The study adopted the multiple regression analysis based on ordinary least square (OLS) using secondary data on gross domestic product (GDP), total population (POP), unemployment rate (UMPR), and government expenditure (GEX) sourced mainly from central bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. In the preliminary analysis, data collected were first of all tested for stationarity using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test and the results showed that all the variables are stationary after first difference. Johansen co-integration test was used to test for long run relationship between the specified model and the result showed one cointegrating vector. Vector error correction mechanism was used to determine the speed of adjustment from short run to long run equilibrium, and the estimation shows a significant speed of adjustment approximately 74 percent annually. Findings from the long run estimate of the VECM result show that while population (POP) has a negative and statistically significant relationship with economic growth (GDP), unemployment rate has a positive relationship with economic growth while yet government expenditure equally has a negative relationship with economic growth. The study concluded that the increasing population of Nigeria has not been met with increases in the infrastructural and institutional facilities that would enable the teeming population contribute significantly to the growth of the economy hence the assumption that rapid population growth is a necessary condition to achieve sustained economic growth and development in Nigeria is invalidated by the findings of the study. Based on the findings, the study recommended that: Government should equally initiate programs and policies that will stem the tide of unemployment in order to ensure that the large population contributes more to the growth of the economy, Government should take strategic steps to improve the living conditions by carrying out skill acquisition and other community development programmes.
Conference Presentations by igwe kingsley ogazi

Nigerian Journal of Business Education (NIGJBED) , 2019
This study examined the perceived effect of technostress on job performance of secretaries in
bus... more This study examined the perceived effect of technostress on job performance of secretaries in
business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. Three research questions
and one hypothesis guided the study. The population of the study was 47 secretaries in
business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. There was no sampling
since the population was manageable. The instrument for data collection was a
questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data
collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed
that the techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity and technouncertainty were technostressors experience by secretaries in business organizations. The
study also revealed that the effect of technostress include low productivity, job dissatisfaction,
lack of commitment, cardiac arrest, migraine headaches, hypertension, persistent negative
thinking, momentary confusion, inability to concentrate, mental fatigue depression, anxiety,
irritability and impatience. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of male
and female secretaries regarding the effect of techno-stress on the job performance of
secretaries in business organizations. Based on the findings, the study recommended among
others that: secretaries should continually engage in information and communication
technology (ICT) training in a proactive manner to be abreast with the current trend globally,
as to reduce unnecessary anxiety associated with techno-stress; managements should
introduce tools that are user-friendly as this will make work easier and more interesting;
secretaries should be made to adapt freely to their environment to enhance efficiency and
effectiveness and in-turn will lead to productivity.
Papers by igwe kingsley ogazi
Thesis Chapters by igwe kingsley ogazi
The study aimed at examining the contributions of izzi local government towards rural development in rural areas. Asserting the extent to which Izzi local government has contributed towards human capital development and the extent the local government has reduced the level of poverty in the area. Structural functional theory propounded by Gabriel Hammod and James coleman in 1960 was adopted to guide the study. A descriptive survey design was also adopted to study the population 234, 074 which was reduced to a sample size of 399 using Taro Yameni’s statistical formular and stratified sampling and random sampling techniques was used. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources, structured questionnaire instrument were used for data collected and frequency distribution table with simple percentage method were also used to analyze the data collection whereas statistical chi-square (X2) was applied in the empirical testing of the hypothese that guided the study. The study revealed the following findings: that the contributions of Izzi local government area towards rural development is significantly high considering their strides in the provision of social amenities, education etc. and another findings is that Izzi local government has contributed in reducing the level of poverty and as well as help towards human capital development. Finally the researcher recommends that the federal government should improve on statutory allocation to local government to assist them undertake capital project that will enhance rural development, and the statutory allocation of the local government should be paid directly into the local government account rather than state joint local account in order to reduce excessive control of the state government
The study sought to evaluate the effects of tax planning, evasion and avoidance on government revenue in Enugu State. Proffering solutions to the menace of these tax irregularities. A survey design was used in the study. The researcher administered 155 questionnaires and it was duly returned. The data were analyzed using some statistical instruments such as frequency table, the hypotheses were tested using chi-square, (X2) was used to test the hypothesis at 0.005 level of significant. It was found that high tax rate and complex filling procedure are the most crucial factors affecting tax in the state. Other factors such as multiple taxation and lack of proper enlightenment campaign affects tax compliance among tax payers. The implication of the above is that it affects the growth of the economy of the state, it also affects the implementation and realization of projects and the state revenue might be affected if urgent measures are not put in place to tackling the problem. Therefore, it is recommended that they should introduce adequate information communication (ICT) to educate and inform the tax payer, tax incentives should also be increased by government to those potential viable tax payers
This study investigated the relationship between population growth and economic growth in Nigeria for the period between 1981 and 2014 employing various techniques of econometric analysis. The study objectives are to determine the impact of population growth on economic growth in Nigeria; to empirically investigate if there is a long-run relationship between population and economic growth and to verify whether causal relationship exists between population growth and economic growth in Nigeria within the period under review. The study adopted the multiple regression analysis based on ordinary least square (OLS) using secondary data on gross domestic product (GDP), total population (POP), unemployment rate (UMPR), and government expenditure (GEX) sourced mainly from central bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. In the preliminary analysis, data collected were first of all tested for stationarity using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test and the results showed that all the variables are stationary after first difference. Johansen co-integration test was used to test for long run relationship between the specified model and the result showed one cointegrating vector. Vector error correction mechanism was used to determine the speed of adjustment from short run to long run equilibrium, and the estimation shows a significant speed of adjustment approximately 74 percent annually. Findings from the long run estimate of the VECM result show that while population (POP) has a negative and statistically significant relationship with economic growth (GDP), unemployment rate has a positive relationship with economic growth while yet government expenditure equally has a negative relationship with economic growth. The study concluded that the increasing population of Nigeria has not been met with increases in the infrastructural and institutional facilities that would enable the teeming population contribute significantly to the growth of the economy hence the assumption that rapid population growth is a necessary condition to achieve sustained economic growth and development in Nigeria is invalidated by the findings of the study. Based on the findings, the study recommended that: Government should equally initiate programs and policies that will stem the tide of unemployment in order to ensure that the large population contributes more to the growth of the economy, Government should take strategic steps to improve the living conditions by carrying out skill acquisition and other community development programmes.
Conference Presentations by igwe kingsley ogazi
business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. Three research questions
and one hypothesis guided the study. The population of the study was 47 secretaries in
business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. There was no sampling
since the population was manageable. The instrument for data collection was a
questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data
collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed
that the techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity and technouncertainty were technostressors experience by secretaries in business organizations. The
study also revealed that the effect of technostress include low productivity, job dissatisfaction,
lack of commitment, cardiac arrest, migraine headaches, hypertension, persistent negative
thinking, momentary confusion, inability to concentrate, mental fatigue depression, anxiety,
irritability and impatience. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of male
and female secretaries regarding the effect of techno-stress on the job performance of
secretaries in business organizations. Based on the findings, the study recommended among
others that: secretaries should continually engage in information and communication
technology (ICT) training in a proactive manner to be abreast with the current trend globally,
as to reduce unnecessary anxiety associated with techno-stress; managements should
introduce tools that are user-friendly as this will make work easier and more interesting;
secretaries should be made to adapt freely to their environment to enhance efficiency and
effectiveness and in-turn will lead to productivity.
The study aimed at examining the contributions of izzi local government towards rural development in rural areas. Asserting the extent to which Izzi local government has contributed towards human capital development and the extent the local government has reduced the level of poverty in the area. Structural functional theory propounded by Gabriel Hammod and James coleman in 1960 was adopted to guide the study. A descriptive survey design was also adopted to study the population 234, 074 which was reduced to a sample size of 399 using Taro Yameni’s statistical formular and stratified sampling and random sampling techniques was used. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources, structured questionnaire instrument were used for data collected and frequency distribution table with simple percentage method were also used to analyze the data collection whereas statistical chi-square (X2) was applied in the empirical testing of the hypothese that guided the study. The study revealed the following findings: that the contributions of Izzi local government area towards rural development is significantly high considering their strides in the provision of social amenities, education etc. and another findings is that Izzi local government has contributed in reducing the level of poverty and as well as help towards human capital development. Finally the researcher recommends that the federal government should improve on statutory allocation to local government to assist them undertake capital project that will enhance rural development, and the statutory allocation of the local government should be paid directly into the local government account rather than state joint local account in order to reduce excessive control of the state government
The study sought to evaluate the effects of tax planning, evasion and avoidance on government revenue in Enugu State. Proffering solutions to the menace of these tax irregularities. A survey design was used in the study. The researcher administered 155 questionnaires and it was duly returned. The data were analyzed using some statistical instruments such as frequency table, the hypotheses were tested using chi-square, (X2) was used to test the hypothesis at 0.005 level of significant. It was found that high tax rate and complex filling procedure are the most crucial factors affecting tax in the state. Other factors such as multiple taxation and lack of proper enlightenment campaign affects tax compliance among tax payers. The implication of the above is that it affects the growth of the economy of the state, it also affects the implementation and realization of projects and the state revenue might be affected if urgent measures are not put in place to tackling the problem. Therefore, it is recommended that they should introduce adequate information communication (ICT) to educate and inform the tax payer, tax incentives should also be increased by government to those potential viable tax payers
This study investigated the relationship between population growth and economic growth in Nigeria for the period between 1981 and 2014 employing various techniques of econometric analysis. The study objectives are to determine the impact of population growth on economic growth in Nigeria; to empirically investigate if there is a long-run relationship between population and economic growth and to verify whether causal relationship exists between population growth and economic growth in Nigeria within the period under review. The study adopted the multiple regression analysis based on ordinary least square (OLS) using secondary data on gross domestic product (GDP), total population (POP), unemployment rate (UMPR), and government expenditure (GEX) sourced mainly from central bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. In the preliminary analysis, data collected were first of all tested for stationarity using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test and the results showed that all the variables are stationary after first difference. Johansen co-integration test was used to test for long run relationship between the specified model and the result showed one cointegrating vector. Vector error correction mechanism was used to determine the speed of adjustment from short run to long run equilibrium, and the estimation shows a significant speed of adjustment approximately 74 percent annually. Findings from the long run estimate of the VECM result show that while population (POP) has a negative and statistically significant relationship with economic growth (GDP), unemployment rate has a positive relationship with economic growth while yet government expenditure equally has a negative relationship with economic growth. The study concluded that the increasing population of Nigeria has not been met with increases in the infrastructural and institutional facilities that would enable the teeming population contribute significantly to the growth of the economy hence the assumption that rapid population growth is a necessary condition to achieve sustained economic growth and development in Nigeria is invalidated by the findings of the study. Based on the findings, the study recommended that: Government should equally initiate programs and policies that will stem the tide of unemployment in order to ensure that the large population contributes more to the growth of the economy, Government should take strategic steps to improve the living conditions by carrying out skill acquisition and other community development programmes.
business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. Three research questions
and one hypothesis guided the study. The population of the study was 47 secretaries in
business organizations in Abakaliki Capital Territory, Ebonyi State. There was no sampling
since the population was manageable. The instrument for data collection was a
questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation techniques were used to analyze the data
collected while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Results from the data analyzed showed
that the techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity and technouncertainty were technostressors experience by secretaries in business organizations. The
study also revealed that the effect of technostress include low productivity, job dissatisfaction,
lack of commitment, cardiac arrest, migraine headaches, hypertension, persistent negative
thinking, momentary confusion, inability to concentrate, mental fatigue depression, anxiety,
irritability and impatience. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of male
and female secretaries regarding the effect of techno-stress on the job performance of
secretaries in business organizations. Based on the findings, the study recommended among
others that: secretaries should continually engage in information and communication
technology (ICT) training in a proactive manner to be abreast with the current trend globally,
as to reduce unnecessary anxiety associated with techno-stress; managements should
introduce tools that are user-friendly as this will make work easier and more interesting;
secretaries should be made to adapt freely to their environment to enhance efficiency and
effectiveness and in-turn will lead to productivity.
Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankly once wrote, “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” For most people, feeling happy and finding life meaningful are both important and related goals. But do happiness and meaning always go together? It seems unlikely, given that many of the things that we regularly choose to do, from running marathons to raising children are unlikely to increase our day-to-day happiness. Recent research suggests that while happiness and a sense of meaning often overlap, they also diverge in important and surprising ways.
Roy Baumeister and his colleagues recently published a study in the Journal of Positive Psychology that helps explain some of the key differences between a happy life and a meaningful one. They asked almost 400 American adults to fill out three surveys over a period of weeks. The surveys asked people to answer a series of questions their happiness levels, the degree to which they saw their lives as meaningful, and their general lifestyle and circumstances.
As one might expect, people’s happiness levels were positively correlated with whether they saw their lives as meaningful. However, the two measures were not identical – suggesting that what makes us happy may not always bring more meaning, and vice versa. To probe for differences between the two, the researchers examined the survey items that asked detailed questions about people’s feelings and moods, their relationships with others, and their day-to-day activities. Feeling happy was strongly correlated with seeing life as easy, pleasant, and free from difficult or troubling events. Happiness was also correlated with being in good health and generally feeling well most of the time. However, none of these things were correlated with a greater sense of meaning. Feeling good most of the time might help us feel happier, but it doesn’t necessarily bring a sense of purpose to our lives.
Interestingly, their findings suggest that money, contrary to popular sayings, can indeed buy happiness. Having enough money to buy what one needs in life, as well as what one desires, were also positively correlated with greater levels of happiness. However, having enough money seemed to make little difference in life’s sense of meaning. This same disconnect was recently found in a multi-national study conducted by Shigehiro Oishi and Ed Diener, who show that people from wealthy countries tend to be happier, however, they don’t see their lives as more meaningful. In fact, Oishi and Diener (1995) found that people from poorer countries tend to see their lives as more meaningful. Although the reasons are not totally clear, this might be related to greater religious belief, having more children, and stronger social ties among those living in poorer countries. Perhaps instead of saying that “money doesn’t buy happiness,” we ought to say instead that “money doesn’t buy meaning.”
Not too surprisingly, our relationships with other people are related to both how happy we are as well as how meaningful we see our lives. In Baumeister’s study, feeling more connected to others improved both happiness and meaning. However, the role we adopt in our relationships makes an important difference. Participants in the study who were more likely to agree with the statement, “I am a giver,” reported less happiness than people who were more likely to agree with, “I am a taker.” However, the “givers” reported higher levels of meaning in their lives compared to the “takers.” In addition, spending more time with friends was related to greater happiness but not more meaning. In contrast, spending more time with people one loves was correlated with greater meaning but not with more happiness. The researchers suspect that spending time with loved ones is often more difficult, but ultimately more satisfying, than spending time with friends.
When it comes to thinking about how to be happier, many of us fantasize about taking more vacations or finding ways to avoid mundane tasks. We may dream about skipping housework and instead doing something fun and pleasurable. However, tasks which don’t make us happy can, over time, add up to a meaningful life. Even routine activities talking on the phone, cooking, cleaning, housework, meditating, emailing, praying, waiting on others, and balancing finances appeared to bring more meaning to people’s lives, but not happiness in the moment.