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Health of Fancy Mice

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Another litter! [Jan. 22nd, 2011|12:32 pm]
Health of Fancy Mice

So I've changed the aims of my little breeding project I've had going for a while. Before I was focusing on both chocolate tan & black tan banded merles, but as luck would have it I obtained a fluke-colored doe from a friend who had gotten mice from me and bred them. This doe was PEW colored (though I am unsure of her exact genotype) but carried merle genes. I bred her into my black & chocolate mice and next thing I knew, I had both champagne tan and dove tan merles! Anyways, now I am working on those in both banded and unmarked, and this is my very first litter of entirely pink eyed (PE) mice!

There are 3 does and 1 buck. One doe is champagne tan banded merle, another just champagne tan merle, the other a strange silvery color. I am undecided if she is dove, or silver, or some other random color just now popping up. The buck looks to be a dove tan merle.

On to the pictures.Collapse )

x-posted, sorry if you see it a few times.
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Merry Christmas. [Dec. 25th, 2010|11:43 am]
Health of Fancy Mice

Merry Christmas from my current litter of fat, healthy babies.


Hope everyone's mice have been doing great. No one posts here anymore, come on guys. Post some pictures! Or is there a more active community I need to know about....?

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Another litter. [Jul. 5th, 2010|04:03 pm]
Health of Fancy Mice


The top 2 are bucks, the bottom one is a doe. They look to be a black tan merle, chocolate tan overmarked banded merle, black tan OM banded merle (doe). Photo taken 7-5-2010.


edit: removed potentially offensive info
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Merle litter update. [Jun. 20th, 2010|12:59 am]
Health of Fancy Mice

Picture heavy. You've been warned.

They just opened their eyes today, but these pictures are 2 days old.


Annnndddd more babies...Collapse )

This litter's stats were:
-4 male 4 female
-3 black merle fox (1 doe 2 bucks)
-1 chocolate fox merle doe
-2 chocolate fox banded (1 doe 1 buck)
-2 chocolate fox merle banded (1 doe 1 buck)
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New Roommate for Winnie [Apr. 27th, 2010|10:37 pm]
Health of Fancy Mice
Sorry I don't quite know how to use this thing,
But Bonnie, Thanks for the advise on introducing Winnie to a new friend! I did everything you said, and it worked out so well! Winnie didn't even chase or nip her, neither did she to Winnie, mind you she is so much smaller, only 1 1/2 months old. Her name is Anna. She is a squeaker! but so cute! Thanks again!

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Worried about Wendell [Apr. 19th, 2010|09:28 pm]
Health of Fancy Mice
[mood |worriedworried]


I am a new owner to two girls, Winnie and Wendell. I have had them for about 2 months. They are both 4 months old. Yesterday, when I went to clean their cage, I put them both in their clear balls to run around the house and noticed that Wendell was breathing a little heavy and not going off to explore like her sister. After I got their cage cleaned I put her back in and she went right into her tube and was making kind of like a kissing sound constantly. I did see her eat after that, but she seems really inactive, and not quick to run off. Usually she bolts when I open the door or go to pick her up. She just doesn't seem like her normal self. Last night, she had stopped making that kissing noise and was kind of doing off and on. I have been watching her closely, checking up on her, she has no  fluid coming out of her nose or eyes, and her coat is still shiny. I did pick her up after work to make sure that was still the case tonight. Could she just have a cold or maybe be stressed? Please! Any insight would help.


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Merle litter holdbacks. [Apr. 7th, 2010|11:58 am]
Health of Fancy Mice

Hey everyone, these are my 4 bubs I kept from my most recent litter. They are 4 weeks 2 days in these pictures. Enjoy!

Click here for the pictures.Collapse )

x-posted, sorry if you see this more than once!
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Babies. [Jan. 30th, 2010|12:45 pm]
Health of Fancy Mice


A few of his siblings.Collapse )

They just opened their eyes day before yesterday. ^-^

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A litter of.... one??? [Jan. 17th, 2010|12:49 pm]
Health of Fancy Mice

So I bought a doe from a reptile store (saved her from certain death as a feeder) a little over a week ago. She was pregnant when I bought her and yesterday she gave birth to... one baby.

The smallest litter I've ever had before this was 7, and this is really throwing me for a loop. Will one baby stay warm enough when the doe leaves the nest? Will it develop normally socially? Has anyone else had this happen ever???

For now it looks healthy, if anything, it looks a bit more developed than a newborn should look. It was born with a bit of dark pigmentation in the skin and it's body is bigger than a newborn by a good 1/2 cm.

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Preggers. [Nov. 10th, 2009|02:20 pm]
Health of Fancy Mice

...My longhair mouse Jambi is about to explode with babies so I took some pictures of her cute fatness.

I think it's hella cute, anyways ^-^.Collapse )
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