תוסף זה לא נבדק ב-3 הגרסאות הראשיות האחרונות של וורדפרס. ייתכן והתוסף כבר לא מתוחזק או נתמך על ידי יוצריו, וייתכן שיהיו לו בעיות תאימות בגרסות וורדפרס עדכניות יותר.

Print Basic Facts


Time saving diagnostic tool valuable for any investigation. View wp-config, htaccess, file count and total size of the WordPress installation.


Steps to install WordPress – Print Basic Facts plugin:

  1. Download the 'print-basic-facts.zip' file to local computer.
  2. Login as an administrator on a WordPress website.
  3. From the plugins menu, click 'Add New' button, then 'Upload Plugin', after that click 'Choose File'.
  4. From here locate 'print-basic-facts.zip' file and install.
  5. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

Plugin menu is accessible under Dashboard navigation menu item 'Tools' > 'Print Basic Facts'.

שאלות נפוצות

Installation Instructions

Steps to install WordPress – Print Basic Facts plugin:

  1. Download the 'print-basic-facts.zip' file to local computer.
  2. Login as an administrator on a WordPress website.
  3. From the plugins menu, click 'Add New' button, then 'Upload Plugin', after that click 'Choose File'.
  4. From here locate 'print-basic-facts.zip' file and install.
  5. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

Plugin menu is accessible under Dashboard navigation menu item 'Tools' > 'Print Basic Facts'.

Is this compatible on all hosting providers?

Not at this time. What lacks is supporting viewing of web.config files for Windows hosting environments.

Are there any additional functionalities you plan to add?

I have plans to develop features to create replicas of files and database settings on command. This would enable a website technician to more quickly backup important content before making changes.


14 באפריל 2018
This is useful for getting quick information about a WordPress installation such as db info, disk usage, inodes, plugins, php settings… Etc.
קראו את כל הסקירות


"Print Basic Facts" הוא תוסף קוד פתוח. האנשים הבאים תרמו ליצירת התוסף הזה.


ניתן לתרגם את "Print Basic Facts" לשפה שלך.

מעוניינים בפיתוח?

עיינו בקוד, ראו את הקוד ב-SVN repository, או הירשמו ללוג פיתוח באמצעות RSS.



  • Latest update revealed lack of hook check for plugin on other pages.
  • Hook check now added.


  • Moved Basic Facts page to Dashboard > Tools > Print Basic Facts.
  • Shift toward functional programming method.
  • Improvements to code maintainability.
  • Settings API integration development work placed on hold.


  • Added handling of undefined constant errors when certain constants are not used within an installation.
  • Corrected a few more spelling mistakes and adjusted some code to be more readable.


  • Corrected a few spelling mistakes and added additional wordbreak css to help with smaller display text overlap.


  • Original release. Features include:
  • Viewing file contents on hosting environment including file count size and contents of wp-config.php and .htaccess
  • Execute phpinfo() function to compare software requirements with actual settings.
  • Display database specified information to assist with issue diagnosis.
  • Click-to-copy text fields rendered by the plugin.